Finally after talking to most people around here and getting hammered with them and sharing stories.
It seems to me Canadians must kill hundreds if not thousands of police informants and their kids every year.
They get away with every last one of these murders i allege, or almost.
If anyone is convicted for the murders, probably someone innocent.
Ah shit, Well, Fuck, I thought Quran was lying that Christians and Jews were infidels and people who weren't Muslim were awful beyond belief.
No it's not funny, it's weird. It's hacka weird, hella weird.
You mean you all want to be known as the worst criminals ever?
Seems every White Canadian wants to have the reputation as "THE WORST CRIMINAL" once they get past the simpy corrupt teenage years and early twenties. They would all like to be known as a gangbanging rapist pedophile and murderer nowadays.
Yeah that is what is keeping them "safe" and 'free" in their opinion.
So I suspect Canadian of being the worst criminals.
This is what kind of news? Not good.
Everyone some kind of friend of blood, crips, hell's angels, pro Islamic terrorism.
People who are trying to talk to God are deemed insane, and even the Christian pastor claims that "pedophiles , the bible says to forgive not punish.".
Right the Bible only said fornicators were supposed to be stoned to death, and to let he who has not sinned cast the first stone, and that people who scandalized childrne should be dissappeared.
I guess my black friend was correct in noting that white people were "serial killing pedophiles."
As the Guru and the Anglican Priests taught us "God is unconditional love, God is in your mind."
So Unbelief, Heresy.
Nothing but infidels in Canada, the lowest form of criminal too.
Wow complete criminals, unblievers, heretics, liars, blasphemers, traitors, seditious rebels, rapists, pedophiles, child murderers, serial killers, mass murderers, terrorists.
They make you take cocaine with their sorcery, and then plot to kill you because you not like them, and then try to blow your apartment building up and mass murder your family when you talk to the police.
Wow and it's all "swept under the rug."
After I reported these types of people to the police, the government decreed I was insane, after the doctor gave me adavan which I was allergic to and they threw me in the dungeon for complaining about it.
Then the doctor forces me now on pain of goign back to the hospital, to take a drug which he admits is terrible for people like me who smoke cigarettes and weed.
Deliberate malpractice.
Sure and if i sue, they are going to try to kill my family again. AGAIN!
Canadian are rebels against heaven... Deleterious to mental health as fuck. They aspire to be the big pimp, the big drug dealer.
I've met only one person in Canada who comes even remotely closely to glorifying God, thanking God and praising God.
Canadians say "thank you " to serial killing pedophilia cults everywhere, and their mantra is "snitches get stiches" but really , they do try to kill police infomrants and their parents.
Some of them fear the police, they might as well not even bother. The Canadian government will probably wind up paying you to be a terrorist if you are on it's side and keep being righteous, and blame it on the Muslims, or hte Americans.
Canadians have concocted that their savage gang war is "For the Americans " and "For the Taliban."
They do it anyway.
They are such bitches, little perverts and wannabee murderers.
I am sure things are dozens of times worse than what the government and media say, and thta there's literaly thousands of killers who have gone unpunished these past few years and the government has lied about murder statistics.
Everyone i talk to has had multiple friends murdered.
Muslims by the way won't even share their statisistics wth crime with the international organization responsible for publishing global crime statitistics - too much or too little?
Apparently the government has hoooked everyone on drugs, and pimped out all the girls and many of the boys. Witches and Sorcerers in every neighborhod, poisoners, torturers and rapists in the hospital, corrupt cops who rat you out to these worst criminals as soon as you open your mouth.
There's no where to turn, if you're not willing to be a vigilante and murder snitches you can't get anywhere.
They literaly poison you for talking about crime.
Fucking funny, and they are beyond that.
At this point God says they are the believers, "he better say that." you know what I mena, or these Canadians are going to torture kids more and murder them.
People talk about babies being murdered but you never hear it on the news.
Well that's just great you know, great that we live in such a terminally ill hellhole, about to get nuked by Russia and China and soon.
I tried to help the government out but there's no reward for that, just punishment and hatred.
Yes everyone is a seditious rebel traitor.
Yes they are all proud of having cars, money for weed, food, beer perhaps.
Yes they are so proud of their rich parents who can afford one of the 800000 dollar houses this country charges for housing.
Yes they love their parents, and want to get rich, and kill everyone who gets in their way.
I can see why foreign countries don't always want to buy CAnadian.
Canadian can't even win the war on their own soil, let alone a war overseas. The Taliban now returned to 80 or 100% of Afghanistan.
People will go with their own rapist murderer cult thansk very much, especially one like Islam which says not to rape and murder Muslims.
A woman love a man in Canada? Not unless he has a giant penis and is a rich slave traffickin gangbanger. Women only love the evil men, and only if they have a lot of money.
They stay with some poor men for the sex sometimes.
They are all liars, heretics, adulterers, blasphmers, unbelievers, sorcerers, idolaters, idolizing the worst criminals in fact.
Every single on of them murders the other one with his thoughts, hates them and their family and wishes them death.
The rich CAnadians, from what I remember, see this as "Their project."
"Divide and Conquer" they say, "conquer this land and divide and murder it's people."
It is an invasion, from on high, from down below, from all sides.
Canadian children are the target, being pimped and enslaved and raped and destroye with hard drugs.
All Canadian adults are targeted to be slaves, serfs, dead men walking.
In a climate like this it takes a mighty saint to even produce one act of righteousness.
The Christian already promise you you will die for serving Christ, that all who serve God have died is what they alleged.
The Christian cult promotes this slander, this hersey, these lies.
They uphold the wicked criminals, the apostels and paul , as the best saints ever.
No be wicked, Canadaisn urge, <it's better>. <right>/.
A nation that hates itself, hates it's government. The only people who love the government are the people who get to rape and kill people directly for it, with all that state protection.
Sure some peopel "LOVE" the governemnt, they haven't shot it up yet, but do they "LOVE" The government or not?
Apparently the government gets loved only by some slaves and some wicked people who adore it, and dream of being dictators or elites.
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