Tuesday, 29 May 2018

The Blood Gang, infamous gangsters.

I knew a blood named Jersy in Toronto, he was a terrible motherfucker who wore a new jersey devils jacket. 

This bloods guys, in my experience, they will rob you. 

Borrow money and not pay it back, steal stuff from you. 

They typically don't work and are selling drugs and pimping women. 

They may wage war on other gangs, for control of drugs trade and women. 

I don't know their strategy on snitches. 

I would like to know what the police executives in Victoria think, but I don't see anything like a report on Victoria's gangs published by the police department.

They should publish a report on the local gangs for locals to read and study to get a sense of the real reputation of the gangs.

There's an abscence of publically available information, everything you learn, maybe it is the hard learning. 


B'z up.

Go get em boys. 

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