Hi Doctor, I thought I would write you a brief on why we have a God and believe people can talk with a God.
You told me you hadn't heard much about theology so I thought I would break down for you why there is a God and we worship a certain God and why we are happy like that.
1. Documentary evidence
2. Historical social military evidence
3. The sayings of Priests, Gurus and Grandmasters
4. The opinion of the World's most important High Priest
Documentary evidence - the Bible, the testimony of the righteous, the experience of the believers
Here we find evidence that there are Gods or a main God in particular, that can be seen to work unusual circumstance in the lives of people who worship it.
I will give you an example of the testimony of the righteous or someone looking to become righteous, my own testimony.
Brief synopsis
I had long since I was a boy asked after the question of if God exists and God did anything. I asked God on numerous occassions when I was boy and most of the time something unusual did occur. I was specifically asking God a Saint's question - will you help me so that I can have the courage to be a saint, or very righteous person.
Now I recall asking God to do a magic trick, specifically to break out of the handcuffs that my brother had. I went and put them on, then I broke out of them. I prayed to God again to show my brother that I could do this, and I caled my brother over the next day to show him the trick, I put the handcuffs on, asked God or reminded God of my prayer, and then the handcuffs opened. There was no trick involved, no spring action side maneuver or anything..
I remember that I wanted to see if it had to do with God, and I went and put on the handcuffs only this time I didn't pray to break free, and I couldn't break out of them. I went and called my brother over and told him to give me the key.
In other occasion of 'righteous' experience, I told God I was sad about the way things were at school, and wanted a day off of school, so I asked God if we could have a snow day soon. Now the next day or two days later (I forgot how long precisely) we had snow fall down in droves and there was a snow day. Now later on the same year I asked God for another snowday, and we had a snowday again. Now I went and asked that question the next year, and had another snowday withing the same two three day period.
In another instance, I was playing a video game and was losing, so I waiting for my brother and his friend to come over and prayed to win the video game, and I recall that a white ghost or something may have appeared in the corner of my eye, and I played the game and won it strait through without losing a life, which was a miracle since before that I was barely making it out alive of the first round.
Army Cadets was the sight of anotehr experience of prayer power possibly. I had prayed for making a good shot on my first shot, I did shoot an almost perfect shot, and was very proud. However I forgot to thank and praise God and glorify God (which is what the bible says to do) and I went around and shot again and didn't do so well this time at all. Nor the next few times, in which I didn't pray for it.
In High School Science class
We were doing basic experiments and I asked God various questions before each experiment. For example I prayed for the measurement of gravity to change, to see if was possible to create a sub space shift in the gravitational field or something, to produce a better athlete for example. Now when I measured the acceleration of gravity after this, there was a significant shift.
Now Later in science class i asked if we could get a chemical reaction to not work, and I prayed if the chemical reaction would fail, it did.
Now later on in science I experimented in changing the measurement of an object's mass thoruhg prayer and got similar results.
Judo competition
One thing I prayed for was being good in judo, often, and I was good, at the top of my class and city finalist in my category.
College forgetfulness - in the environemtn of college, all thsi was sort of forgotten, written off as a scientific error, and I pursued the godless life of what I thought was the general society. This is when my mental illness began.
Return to faith and many signs
Now I returned to the faith in full spirit after my mother passed, I was desperate to see her in heaven if it was possible.... now so I studied religion while working as a translator, as well as history and the history of religious movements around the world as much I could.
It was in this time that I really began to see miraculous signs and wonders.
The first wonder was the appearance of Arabic numbers and words on my eyelids, which I would look up and discover the meaning of, they were all real names and symbols, at the time I was carefully studying Islam. One of my doctors told me this was a sign of schizoaffective disorder but I wasn't sure it was true.
Now once I was accepting that God sent prophets to all the nations, I was going around the history and culture books acquiring culture from different lands. When I accepted that many Chinese worshipped God and praised God, golden lights came out of the ceiling and started talking to me telepathically. At the time my friend was ill and dying, based on my readings I imagined these may be angels, since they are described as appearing as golden lights or yellow flames. So I told the Angels to please go to see my friend in Toronto and heal him from his illness if they could. Two of them left and one of them stayed. Now the one stayed with me for a few days and we talked. The other two came back a few days later and said my friend would be fine. Now it is a fact that he arose from his coma and his deathly cancer was gone shortly after this.
Around this time I began researching for business and Holy Struggle, and I found myself inventing a new design for air power, wind power, which is a sucessful design for areas which don't have wind which I might market in the future. I had asked God to inspire me wiht a proper business idea nad he might have. I talked to an older rich Wise man, who knew about God and science, and he told me that many scientists reported that visions had come to them which inspired them to invent new things.
Now I came to Victoria, intend on struggling to find my health and worship and praise God and learn new things and find a business solution to helping people find their financial help including me.
I learned that I might be looking at some kind of sacred mission, like going against the criminals. So I prayed for signs from God that I could be saved should the criminal try to kill me. Now I went with my friend, and we prayed together and we were observing that I could predict when someone was coming down the road in a car, from around the corner, and that I could predict when someone was coming on their bicycle down the path in the park from beyond eyesight. I took this as a sign that some prediction of things may be possible. Now I went and saw the meteor shower with my friend, and I saw that the white ghost was standing beside me. I had prayed to God to show my child that God existed by predicting the path of meteors for him, now this white ghost which called itself Ouden or Yahweh the Strong appears beside me and I am inspired to predict the path of 3 incoming meteors, telling my friend, 'they will fall like this like this and like this.' tracing the path with my finger, they fell that way shortly afterwards. That is one in trillions and trillions chance according to my Phd friend.
Now I started asking God for more signs, and I asked God if he could do some wonders for me, to inspire me in righteousness, to risk, gettign my whole family hurt or even killed. The most serious price of God's glory was what I was after. I wanted to know there was divine power to save me so. I aksed God if the wind could talk to me, and I walked around and the wind blew around accoridng to my thoughts, I would aks it, 'can you blow here, oh wind' and it would blow the way I asked it to.
Then recalling an ealier incident. The earlier incident.
After college and before rededicating myself to faith , I found myself asking God for signs he existed. Now I read about the names of God, and asked God if Thor (The thunderer) had been a name of God associated to thunder and lightning, a so called power word. (like power word stun the spell which I later cast on Matt Lindner) .. So I went upstairs after asking God if homosexual promiscuity was wrong, would he cast a lightning bolt at the park where the homosexuals congregated down the road. I went upstairs and asked God about that, and felt inspired and electrified, and said loudly, 'THOR' And pointed my finger at the gay park and a lightning bolt fell down on it or in the direction of it. It was hard to tell exactly. Again, a one in a million chance.
Then in that same earlier time, I asked to learn Iron shirt Qi Gong and if I could help people out. . I prayed to cause a spark in the stones when I threw one stone against the other. I threw the marble slab at the stone on the ground and it sparked. To see if that was rare I repeatedly threw the marble slab at the stone over and over again perhaps 50 times to see if i would spark again, it didint. Now I took a peice of metal piping which I could wrap around my arm and prayed for Iron Shirt Qi Gong and practiced the movements. I prayed for Guanyin or Maryam to appear and guide me towards helping some needy people out. I was warned then a few days later by a famale white ghost, which a priest alleges was the Queen of Heaven, that there would be trouble and I would get jumped. I prayed to resist the attack non violently, by absorbing the blows with my Iron Shirt Qigang and not being harmed, then go incredible hulk and start fighting back and drive the enemy off. Now that night I went out, and saw that there were some teenage girls or girls in their early 20s at McDonalds, I asked them if they wanted to read about the Quran and have some fun, and they said yes or maybe. Now some drug pushers, from a rival ethnic group, came up and tried making the girls buy their weed, they wouldn't go away. So I told them, I was taking care of them and they didn't want their weed. Now the boys got angry, and jumped me and I stood there letting them punch me and then a 4th man jumped me, an older man, and I kicked him in the groin with my steel toed shoes, and they all ran away. That was interesting, how the supposed Virgin Mary warned me of the attack before hand and granted my prayer. I was unharmed.
Now back to the future, my continuing adventures in Victoria. I finally started reporting the criminals I thought were very suspicious. Now my preturnatural sense and the golden lights had warned me that they were the criminals indeed. The worst ones. Murderers even.
Now i reported them to police as a notorious gang I thought they were, and due to what seemed like the child abuse of young children goign on among them (I had investigated them for 30 months) I felt they were clearly the criminals I was looking for, the ones who would try to kill my family and fail, the ones who needed to go to jail.
Now what happened soon afterwards was miraculous, I was warned in a dream beforehand of a bomb in Victoria and that my dad I and ran from it, and I prayed, for the bomb not to happen. Now just as I was doing something online, the white ghost Ouden appeared and warned me not to do it, but I felt it was a duty, anyway, so I did it. At that point Ouden hand't helped me enough for me to think he was an Angel or God worth serving. This was Ouden, Yahweh the Strong as he said. Now earlier Ouden had warned me, by calling me up and appearing to me as I was walking down the street, and tellling me 'this man kidnapped a child' and showed me a picture of the man. I saw it was a man, and went and asked Ouden to rescue the child by threatening to 'severely get' the man who did that. Now Ouden left. Later that day I went to a friend's house, and saw that there was a man on tv who looked exactly like the man in the photo Ouden-Yahweh had showed me, who looked exactly like him, who had turned himself into police with a kindapped child.
Now I was firmly convinced that these men I ahd encountered were possibly the evil ones. I felt I had to report them to the police. So I did, though I was still ignorant and confused , I didn'T explain everything to them at the that time. Now I told them, and then when I got out of hospital, and was at home, I felt a terrifying warning that someone was planting a bomb under the house. I went outside and saw Tony Guliermi from Tai Chi working under the house, my dad had just come in and was telling me Tony was working there. I glimpsed at Tony, siad , 'hi I am nick jim's son remember me?" Now I went back inside and felt they were planting the bomb and we should call the police, Jim (my dad) said 'don't call the police nick.' I was like 'what?' so I prayed for the bomb not to go off. Now later that night I woke up in the middle of the night in what felt like a battlefield in Vietnam or something, and I could hear people outside talking, across the street or something, playing with a phone or something. They pressed a button and I suspected that was them trying to detonate the bomb, and they laughed at the fact it didn'T go off. I prayed for seeing the bomber and making him confess to the bomb. Now the next day my dad told me to come with to an Island to go practice martial arts, and I had to go with him. Something secret happened which I won't say but pertained to rescuing something, and then we got to the Island and Yon Tony was there. I prayed to God to make Tony Confess in front of the witnesses if I could maek the right speech went outside, smoked, thought about it, came in an gave a speech to the Tai Chi meeting. Tony immediately confessed, and claimed it was the Persians, then corrected himself and said it was 'george bush'.
My immediately left and went to call the police, but the Island police hung up on me. I went back to Victoria with my dad. I wrote the prime minster about it since hte police didn't want to answer their phone and my dad told me not to call cops. haha
Now we moved, and some shit transpired, there was hit squads. I started asking God if there were Angels in the sky looking out for me who could come to Earth, and if I had entered the Kingdom of Heaven or not, and I would see UFOs in the sky each time I asked God that. I was able to show the UFOs to several people.
Now there were miracles of healing, my schizophrenia seems to have resolved itself into a kind of motivation disorder, I prayed for my dad's eyesight and it recovered to an earlier state. I have been able to see various things.
I have reported crimes I thought were going on, one time I had o much top drinnk to might have had a psychotic episode.
Now it is around thsi time that Jesus, who had already appeared to me, starts hanging out with me in earnest. I ask God for signs in the weather that can prove God is talking to me. I am talking to an Angel now said to be Metatron by the Guru, who is God's voice apparently. I prayed for it and the rain would stop coming down for me to go to the store all year long. Then I got afraid and didn't want to ask for that anymore, and it would rain still.
So God was listening to my prayers, I concluded, and now God wanted to talk to me . So I asked God if I could get an education and struck up my relationship with whom has been called by the High Priests - 'The Teacher' and began my studies anew. I was so sick the only thing I could do was sit with the teacher and learn and write about it.
So this is kind of where things have come to in my personal journey, this is just some of my testimony.
Other believes report healing, miracles in social life, claim to know God exists, but much passes in secret, I am willing to come forward with this documentary work.
2. Historical social military evidence.
1. Repeatedly regimes have come along preaching dedication to God in a marked way, and helping others and makign things right, and repeatedly they have won victories over superior odds. Examples of this are Alexander the Great, Mohammad and his sucessors, Frederick the Great of Prussia. These regimes were victorious over vastly superior odds and are all tied to what are deemed by many wise scholar as 'prophets of their time'. For Example Aristotle was teacher of Alexander and Aristotle was student of the outspoken Servants of 'the God,' Socrates and Plato.
They were all noteworthy for progressive policies and measures to help fight the evils of their times.
This is argued by myself as a historian in my doctoral dissertation to come.
It was widely known that the righteous were better in combat, and still is considered so by 'master martial arts teachers'. This is one reason we have things like pensions, health care and public education, law and order in civilized countries. There are strong views about the superiority of righteousness in combat. At leas there were previously and still to this day discipline and brotherhood in the army is revered and praised.
I gathered the testimony from several believers who faced outstanding odds as well, and they have vanquished in one case, 8 men trying to kidnap them, in another case, 8 men trying to kill them with weapons (wit htheir bare hands) , in another case, that of a soldier, they tried to blow him up 6-7 times but the bombs never blew up. That soldier even became a peace activist after finishign his military service, which is considered very righteous by the Bible source.
In another story from military service, or civilian crypto military service, in this case the coast gaurd a coast gaurd sailor told me that he was warned by voice seeming to be from heaven or God or his ancestors, which told him the ship was in danger and made him want to pray. He prayed for the ship to be saved and then moments later the ship barely survived a wave that nearly capsized it.
In a historical footnote, it is likely we will find that at their height Europeans were emphasizing the Kingdom of God but that they lost the way due to false science and hypocritical people in office.
3. The opinion of Priests, Gurus.
'God exists and wants to see you, to talk to you, to be your partner and Lord and friend, you compadre.' 'Religion can be used to treat mental illness'. 'God is mysterious' 'God is creating in the mind ' (seemed like heretic view to me) ...
4. The view of the world's most senior official High Priest
Pope Francis stated that voices in your head or visions may be of angels. He specified privately that God exists and in Christain tradition he may well be talking to God and Angels and decreeing according to what they tell him to say.
Now I hope this brief endears you to the notion that my vision of Jesus is not a hallucination or a delusion, and that I have earned the stripes to be the company of Jesus and the Prophets and Angels and other Gods now, due to my anti murdere, anti child rapist, anti terrorist efforts.
Now though I am still crippled by motivational disorder God is making me do little things I can do around the house like learn and preach online
Signed sincerely Nicholas Boake on May 28th 2018
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