Wednesday, 30 May 2018
something I wrote a few years ago, when I was still schizophrenic
Too bad it's only Neo Nazis doing it, why aren't other people protesting Islam? Everyone should be pissed off about Islam and Islamic migration. Islam is a hostile enemy cult that hates us why would we invite them to come live here? Seriously the leaders of the last 50-60 years have been retarded to let them set up shop here like this. Now we have a permanent Islamic community problem in a whole host of countries that used to be Islam free. It actually hurts me to have to say something like "Islam is an enemy cult that has to stay out!" but it's true. I feel an obligation to say that about Islam because it's something people really don't know. Everyone should be educated a bit against Islam as well, so that they will know not to allow themselves to be influenced by Islamic literature, as many people have been in the last few decades or so. The Qu'ran has a way of blinding people to the negative side of Islam, people should be warned before they read it. I think we should actually make Qur'an's come with a warning label about the danger of "Islamic" brainwashing. I like to put the world "Islamic" in quotation marks since "Islam" literally means "making peace" but that is far from what "Islam" does in practice. Make no mistake Islam is a war against "non believers" and "non believers" means anyone who is not Muslim yet. Even during peacetime, "Islam" wages campaigns of rape, murder, intimidation, robbery, gangsterism and piracy. In practice "Islam" is an invasion of all countries and societies who don't belong to it. Islam is in it's basis xenophobic or racist because part of Islam's basis is to take a hostile stance against all Non Muslims. Capitalize the "N". Non Muslims or as the Muslims DARE SAY, "unbelievers" are enemies of all Muslims and Islam commands them to decieve and treat "non Believers" as enemies. All people be warned. Islam is a war against you and your family and your culture, with an aim to you accepting brainwashing of a fascist, racist, sexist, child abusing cult. As long as you refuse the dictatorial, imperialist, racist, sexist, child abusing brainwashing, you are an enemy of every devout "Muslim" in the world. Islam is tyranny. Islam is the most tyrannical religion on the planet by far, at least the most tyrannical one with more than a few million followers it seems. All free and thinking people should avoid Islam it is a sin to be like a Muslim, a tyrannical, terroristic thug on the warpath for his heretical, sinful cult of aggression. The Ideology of ISlam itself is a sin, "Islam" the religion of "Making peace" and it's "peacemakers" waging a war against all other people on the planet to impose a set of rules based on a book, a book that claims it is backed by "clear signs" from the Creator and Lord, or supposed Creator and Lord, of the universe. Islam could be one of the most outrageous things humans have ever done in recorded history, it's almost comical distortion of human values carried to an extreme becomes a horrific tragedy, which plays out every day in fundamentalist Islamic countries and their victims. At the very least, no amount of Muslims should be allowed to be radicalized ever, truly though Islam itself should be dismantled by the collective will of the human race. If we want to preach some kind of republican values like "brotherhood and equality", yes perhaps we want to treat Muslims with a certain amount of respect. Personally I don't call them "rag heads" or "camel fuckers." I do respect the good values of Islam like charity and fraternity (among the believers any way). I respect that Muslims themselves are trying to have a decent life most of the time. I respect that many if not most Muslims refuse to act in the evil ways that the "Islamic" culture promotes from the mouth of both moderate and radical clerics. I can like many Muslims on the basis that they are decent enough human beings. In other words, I can treat Muslims with respect.
I can respect Islam in the sense that I have to logically fear it, it is something that can produce killers and haters on it's behalf. I fear and respect Muslims in the sense that I must be concerned lest they rape or rob myself or any of my family members. Sadly that is something to fear from the Muslim people, so respect that.
What that means is that Islam is not behaving as a decent respectful citizen of the world. Islam is acting like a thug. Yes I do respect certain things about thugs, and I respect more the thugs who are trying their best to act decent. I therefore still can like some Muslims in a certain way. However what I have to conclude is that Islam is a problem similar to the gang problem or similar to Fascism (or both), that Islam is something that no matter how much I like and respect Muslims still has to go away. It still needs the collective human will of this planet Earth to push it back and drive it's control over people's lives away. Islam is creating enemies out of the human race, not friends. How is that "Making Peace" as the Muslim Arabs themselves refer to their religion? Where could such a distortion enter into human history as something perceived as a "good thing?" The fact humans are led to beleive Islam is a good thing shows how stupid and gullible humans are, or perhaps it even hints at their depravity. Indeed Islam does make you fear the depravity of the human animal, for it reminds you that somewhere there is a gang of rapist killers and pedophiles who enslave people and impose a despotic government, who are out to get people who don't respect them and like them. So do you like your abusive would be dictators or not? What do you think of the Islamic variety? It's interesting that those types of people would find an entire civilization cluster looking to "take over the universe" for their "charity and brotherhood" on the one hand, but to a keen observer, for their sexist, rapine child abuse, on the other. Muslims are hence feared and respected in the similar manner to those dangerous criminals who form gangs, with a dose of terror and a lot of respectful resentment. For those who would fear only God or fear nothing, there are the countergroups, it is clear that then we can agree mostly that Islam is a dangerous cult similar to a pirate dictatorship or criminal regime of some sort. It brainwashes people to violate normal standards of conduct and the moral basis of good behavior by forging the Muslim mind into that of an enemy, a sexist rapist, a thief or murderer of Non Muslims.
That truly is a profound challenge for world leaders.
I respect that our world leaders are dealing with a great deal of profound modern issues and the usual historical issues as well. Islam has been around for a long time, but in the recent past communist revolution and nuclear war have been major issues, as well as the looming threat of another total war similar to World War II.
I think however we have to criticize our leadership in the West over it's handling the "Muslim" issue. We seem to have rather bought the deceptive story from the Muslims "that they are here to make peace" all but hook, line and sinker, tragically. The almost complete delusion that our leaders have manifested with their openness to millions of Migrants from the Muslim world in only 2 short years. Let's hope that a greater tragedy isn't taking shape!!
For people sincerely interested in the republican values of brotherhood, peace, equality and liberty, the Islamic Crisis (1) (as you could refer Islam's presence and stance vis and a vis the rest of the world as a long ongoing crisis rather than a period of normal relations and periodic problems - It's been an Islamic crisis since the 7th century) is something gripping our society like never before. We've allowed over 20 million Muslims to take up residence in Western Europe...
This influx of Muslims is an existential danger to European culture, civilization, and people!!! The failure to recognize this is one of the greatest lapses in political and journalistic and academic policy that has ever occurred in Europe's and it's Colonies's history! It is indeed truly profound that a people whose religion menaces our very existence, who are noted for being profoundly devoted to following that religion over the course of history and recent times, are suddenly allowed to move in and granted special protection as a "minority group" including hate speech provisions which limit the criticism of "Islam."
"Peacemaking," as the Arabs call it, is at an all time "high" with more than 50 000 terrorist attacks and more than 20 wars going on the last 20 years in it's name! Really we see how the pious "peacekeepers" (Muslims) are spreading the "Peace Treaty..." (the religion and political system of Islam!) The Peacekeepers are hard at work, "making peace!" .... The perverse logic of Islam is noteable to some individuals more than others perhaps, it does require a certain education to come clear of the cultural biases in favor of Islam. Racist rhetoric on the part of some critics of Islam is a natural by product of the nature of Islam's perversion! Here to spread peace and well-being and human brotherhood again, Mister Muslim? Oh look it's your Cleric - doesn't he have to kill us if we don't "respect" Islam and doesn't he have to kill those people who are members of this evil cult, who attempt to leave it? The answer to both those questions is "YES, according to the long prevailing Islamic Orthodoxy!"
The effort to get us to "support Islam" is really quite atonishing given these and other facts about Islam. Some of the more horrific stuff we don't usually here about Islam everyday, at least not from our mainstream academics, journalists and politicians, is that Islam promotes raping women, both slave women and free non Muslim women. They almost never tell you Islam encourages sex with preteen girls, molesting toddler boys and torturing enemies to find their treasure! In addition Islam promotes stoning women who are raped for the sin of adultery (quiets down the rape reporting of Muslim women quite a bit actually).... There is a little more press of Muslims saying they can simply kill any "non Beleiver" (non Muslim) , which in itself is shocking enough reason to ban Muslims from the country. Finally Islam promotes the ensalvement of and stealing from non Muslims, including through sexual slavery.... Seriously it is amazing that Islam is tolerated everyday and allowed to come into the country and establish itself along the same means as it follows in it's native lands.
It is shocking to me beyond belief that our governments which we democratically elect, and our journalists and academics simply behave as if they EITHER A) agree with the Muslim violence against women, children, and non Muslims) or B) simply don't know of it and protest against "racism" against Muslims out of sheer ignorance!
The fact is SOME of the so called "Non Muslims" in our countries, yes even those who claim to be our own Native European and Caucasian brothers, indeed must support some of the Islamic violence against us! How could that be? They must either be simply traitors of our people and our people's cause, or they are themselves already "secret" converts to Islam!
These secret Muslims, and the treacherous traitors, truly are a cause for concern!
The ignorance about the Muslim issue, and the blind support for the increase of the Islamic presence here is also a huge cause of concern!
What is it that people are simply blinded by the false promise of world peace and brotherhood through migration and multiculturalism promoted by the mainstream and the left? This is a violent movement of heretics here out to get everyone who does not join their groups and submit to their ideology! What is wrong with people?
Undoubtedly most people are ignoring the risks.
Some probably doubt that Islam could ever pose a threat to European society and that of "Transeuropa" (the overseas European ex colonies).... It might seem to many people that Muslims are an insignificant backwater culture that can never threaten Europe.
The fact is there are at least two major ways Islam threatens the European culture and people or can in the future. One is that Islam is demographically growing much faster than native European people, in such a way that by 2100, a majority of people in Western Europe could be Muslim. Secondly Islam has always been a military rival of Europe's. It may seem that Muslim armies are controlled for now, but if Europe becomes majority or heavily Muslim populated, and it is attacked by a coalition of Muslim armies, then it could be that Europe is taken over by Muslims at least in part, if not wholesale in the heavily Muslim parts.
Not to mention the Islamic world could make alliances with other parts of Asia and Africa that are opposed to European people, creating a whole vast anti European coalition stemming from Africa to East Asia.
Europe does indeed have existential threats facing it's future.
I have mentioned quite the list of reasons to oppose Muslim migration and presence in Europe, and take measures to control and warn the population against Islamic infiltration through sympathetic politicians, journalist, business leaders and academic types. Europe must be on guard for it's leaders to protect it's own interest. We must realize that the current situation is shocking. Muslims have been the most bitter foes of Europeans for more than 1000 years. Now while they still promote war and genocide in the name of peace, Muslims are flooding into Europe to the tune of 2-3 million a year. In a few short generations these Muslims, having more than twice the number of children as native Europeans on average, will form a plurality or even majority of the population of some of Europe's most important nations. Even Eastern Europe is threatened by Muslim population growth.
These European Muslims may then side with Muslim invaders in the future. Sadly it is already all too apparent that this is the case, as a vast majority of young Muslims in Europe have been found to agree with or support ISIS and some other radical groups.
Truly we are threat and we must hold our politicians and academics and all the elite fully accountable. The elite for too long has shown undo favor towards Islam, it is time for us to turn it around. We should reject and deny those elites who show favor to Islam, shaming them into adopting a more sensible policy towards this highly dangerous cult - a cult whose extreme violence is one of the very reasons we do not criticize it.
Sincerely from the intellectual front lines - Nicholas Boake.
(could call this article - message from the intellectual front)...
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