Wednesday, 30 May 2018

a gang which doesn't hurt witnesses and informants, on a messianic mission to control organized crime.

Yes the gang can argue that indeed, it is bad for the gangs rep to torture and rape and murder and otherwise attack police infomrants. 

This is better for the gang's rep. 

Death threats and slavery threats against evil people, is it good for the gangs reps.  Tell them they could go to hell, and that they will be a slave probably, since this is the God's punishment. 

control the drugs, test the drugs to make sure they are clean and good and provide escort services with secret pimping sluts and pay the whores a fair share of the income.

Destroy the rival gangs by talking to the police.

Talk to the police about killing and jailing child abusers.

Gangs?  What isn't this a king's club?

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