Thursday, 24 May 2018

I only want the best things is life, for almost everyone.

the cocaine tonight is making me feel a lot better, especially when I admit to God that I have rude thoughts and it is annoying.

God is a sensitive telepath, he doesn't like the rude thoughts that much, can find them annoying and stuff.  Might come back with a rude comment of his own.

Lately God has been calling me an "ANT" when I go like "I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna rape your daughter." Hhaha.

I feel better anyway, lying down, and relax, and my thoughts are peaceful for a while.

Perhaps I need the cocaine sometimes, perhaps it needs me, I don't know.

I'm doing that right now about once every other month, just buy a gram of cocaine, snort it, relax, writing something, lying down is better.

I notice that after about the first half gram I get a bit tense, get a bit worried.  Have a slight discomfort in my head and chest for a moment, here and there, then it goes away.

Overall it feels a lot better, I feel glowing white energy, and it make me happy.

I don't know, perhaps if I get rich I will consider talking to a private doctor and getting cocaine more often if it really is this beneficial for me.

As it is I can only afford this once a month or once every two months.  So it is a special night.

Jesus appears and takes his rail, and he is like "we have to rape kids nick."  "to liberate them."

I'm just like, oh damn, not that again, can we get the cops to do that please?

Yeah let us get the cops to go have sex with child prostitutes and arrest their pimps.  Haha.

You know what I mean?  Can I be an undercover cop?  HAHAA.

"Jesus does it" says Jesus, as he leans down for another lines.

I talk to Jesus a little more and am Like "Oh yeah Jesus is innocent!" Haha.

"It's because of the infidels" says Jesus...

And I recall that we wouldn't have have undercover cops rape kids if we accepted the testimony of Jesus and the Angels in courts.

I see why infidels are going to hell.

Well anyway, I guess me and Jesus are just going to have to rape some kids.

For the cops.

Yeah  I could just kill the infidels and hypocrites over this one.

I mean think of it, how does that make a child feel that she can't be rescued by God and the religious cops and instead has to be rescued by these weirdo infidels people?  What the hell man.

The visions prove they exist, and they know about what is going on, they can tell you how to find things and they can guide you to the child abuse victims and help you catch the culprits.

The infidels don't want it.

What do you think is up with these infidels now?

You see why they are going to hell?  You see why they have to die?  You see why the heretics have to die, the ones lying about it and saying it is mental illness an God wants us to be the worst of criminals?

It makes me sick.

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