Monday, 28 May 2018

Some of this blog is satire, comedy, some of it is serious. This is serious.

He's the enemy of God, He's not the worst criminal ever!

A line I said to a man on the street, he laughed.

No truly I tell you, if this Paul is true, we should be the worst criminals according to what I read from him.  This is the "word of God.".

A CIA agent whose page was dumped down in the google search, who might have removed his page, argued that there were "Hell's Angels" and "Mafia" Christians.

He forgot about the "Crip" and "Blood' Christians.

You are utterly destroyed for leaving the "Hell's Angels" Church, shunned and boycotted for leaving the "Mafia Church" and I suppose you can 'blood out" of the Crip and Bloods Church.

I suppose at thsi point the Crip and Blood mostly don't have theri own Churches, though that might be changing.

A tradition of being the worst criminal is infused in Christianity, when Christians join the gang, they are looking to "destroy the world" and "kill and rape people."

I dunno man, I guess Jesus told them to be the worst criminal ever.

I have been takling to my visions of Jesus, which won't exactly prove they exist but are part of a visions complex which does prove it exists and is at least connected to other Earth humans.

This "Jesus" told me to "sell crack, kill cops." So I told the biker gang member about what Jesus said to do.  I told him I was willin to sell crack, maybe kill a corrupt cop.

I had no choice to do this you see, the schizophrenia?  Sadly not schizophrenia i am afraid, this type of hallucination complex proves it exists to some point.   Now it was beating me over the head and giving me torturous pain, so I figured I better obey it!

Yes Jesus or Heaven or whatever tortured me for years and enjoined that I sell crack and kill cops.

Then to make things "better" in the eyes of Jesus, I was told to "rape kids.".

No comment about what I am going to say about this, but I met a street gang member and complained about child abuse and he was like "UH I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THAT I AM A..." So I said "I rape babies, kill people."

I feel I had no other choice but to say this.  Later on I got that street gang member's phone number and texted him that I didn't rape babies cause I thought this went against the will of God.

Then Jesus told me to "rape kids" in particular this young woman and old girl who walks around my house all the time biting her lip the last time I talked to her.

Apparently heaven thinks this is a sign that we are to have sex, you know, impregnate some teenage girls or whatever.


Is this what you have to do, to stay alive on the Earth?  TEll people you rape babies, kill cops?

Do you have to sell crack just to get away with having a normal decent life - do you have to sell crack to get anywhere in life?

A Chrisitan appears in my vision, and says "YES.' then he "laughs."

Now God told me I'd meet Gabriel, and Gabriel said I was the son of God and put me on trial to go to hell.  He told me I had to talk to my JESUS.

I saw the fleet of UFOS.   Apparently this is some alien race who insists they obey the law and are goign to blow up the world because it's naughty, who tell you to talk to thiese biological implants in your head who then explain to you that "It's time to grow up" And to "Sell crack , kill cops, rape kids." 

"Jesus is God!" Exclaimed Gabriel Wise, "Jesus is innocent!".

I started being critical about this whole experience and then my brother's health broke down and my family had a huge fight.


The visions tormented me for a long time, knowingly causing me pain in m head, and I thought they caused me pain in my chest and head too , which was extreme, but they were hiding the fact they were causing it.

Enemy alien race?

What if we have the enemy alien race and the friendly alien race as the Defense Minister from the 1960s told us was so, or that we believed that, and what if they enemy race projects this "GOD" into our minds and sends these "ANGELS" on Earth to tell us to obey them.

Are these Angels not co-conspirators in murder, drug dealing, and raping of children?

Gabriel Wise could be from the enemy alien race.

HE claims to live in London, England.

I have suggested that we actually track what these "ANGELS" are doing on the Earth, and that we record what our "GODS" say to us in our heads.

Of course, they might blow up the world if things get any worse, if we don't keep selling crack, having sex with teenage girls and shooting the "corrupt" cops.

These alien angel people and their Gods seriously need to be investigated.

To give you a sense of what it is, trying to throw the Queen of England in Jail is punished by up to a life sentence, trying to put the Queen out of power is too.


I posit that this is not blasphemy and that Jesus is INNOCENT!  (AT LEAST IN HIP HOP CULTURE AND ROCK AND ROL CULTURE AND POP CULTURE)...

I suggest that Jesus wants me to sell crack, so they can "hear the wonders of God" and "recieve mental health treatment" and to "Kill Wolfgang" the devil the police infomrant, because "He treats them like dirt even though they are only crying out for someone's loving."  I think Jesus wants us to sell crack because we should introduce them to high culture and knights templars and things like that, get them away from the "THE DEVIL."




I mean after all baazlebub tricked me that I was a seeing Yahweh right, the evil kingom in space tricked me that I was talking to Yahweh before?  Are they not doing it again?

This time it has to work.

Maybe this is some kind of expose on my teenage boy fantasies.

Maybe we were part of a youth rebellion, that wants to fuck teenage girls, kills cops, slang crack.

Maybe some rich assholes forced us to do that, maybe some school teacher enjoined that in high school.  YEah.

Maybe we're permanently fucked up and Jesus is exposing us.

God knows after being brainwashed extremely hard by Christians and Muslims I wanted to marry "THE VIRGIN" so to speak, so much so, that I had to realize that I had to find a young teenager if I wanted to find a virgin in this society....  Looking for a virgin?  CBC RADIO TOLD US 99% of high school girls will have sex before they leave high school.  So if you want to obey GOd and marry a virgim, better be looking into the girls in grade 9 !  Oh and Mohammad who was 'God's favorite person" married a 6 year old girls, so difficult was his quest for a virgin back in Arabian Pagan times.

I was 'put' to the street gangs and hip hop culture, and discovered I was "gay" and "a bitch" cause I didn't what?  Fuck teenage whores, 10 year old girls, sell crakc and shoot judges and cops?  LOL.

I couldn't talk to save my life until I started smoking weed. 

Honestly I tell you not one self defending word was uttered by me before I started smoking weed and drinking.

Hey maybe that is why those Muslim people don't want you to smoke weed or drink?  They don't want to have an friends, who don't have sex with child slaves and rape the infidels and kill witnesses.

Yes the Bible and Quran had me hating innocent Canadian women, for having sex in high school and college, just filled with hate, to the point I was boycotting all of Canada except for essential needs.

"That was Good" says the Lord Jesus to me in my vision now.

The women were all trashy rape victims, and should have been forced to marry their rapist if he had any money like 30000 dollars?!  LOL

Proposed by the Bible.

The women didn't scream when they were raped?  Should kill them suggest the Bible.

Alien Archangel Gabriel Wise told me to "let the word of God enter your heart" I was like "oh this book is disgusting!"  HAHAHa.  I let Jesus enter it since some call Jesus "the word of God" and maybe that is what Gabriel MEant since he critiques the word of God (The bible) as having parts and cruelty added to it by the prophets.

Now Gabriel Wise should be put in trial and made to explain himself, but he is an Alien Prince, "THE TRUTH" and he will get away with it his collusion to "sell drugs kill cops fuck ten year old girls."  Cause the world be the devil.

Apparently this Jesus, these aliens associated to Jesus and Allah, they are not very friendly.

They have a secret society on Earth which dominates the world, and they won't really hold honest discussions and answer questions all that much.

So in this climate, seems like we have to assess just how powerful this Jesus and these aliens are, and we have to think "what are they doing on the Earth."

Yes they seem to be enjoining crime, on me, my "special" crimes which 'maybe we can commit."  Such as "helping horny teenage girls, to avoid the evil drug dealers and pimps and other abusive men, such as control freaks and slave traffickers."

Yes one of these evil teenage girls raped me and stole my seed, and now they are pimping it?  LOL I don't know, I guess "Jesus willed that" since Jesus is saying so.

It's just so fucked up, it's like you gotta kill cops for sucking at their jobs and not being graceful and helpful.

Someone who was very honest and hardworking should be reported to the police as a very good person you know.

You should help them out, write management.  Well now along comes PAUL and says "DON'T DO THAT!"  AND SO TOO THE PROSTETANT PASTOR SAYS NOT TO DO IT.   BUT DAVID SAID TO DO IT?

I think Paul is the worst criminal who is trying to take away all light and hope from the world, the child murdering rapist monster, his letters aim to destroy humanity's abilit to fight and hold out against crimes, abuses, darkness.

I see that these yong men have only two things on their mind, money and power, and they see sex as a way to control a woman and pimp her out.  Maybe it's time to let teenage girls associate with kind youth who are about 25-40 years old and if they need to, go to them for sex.  Maybe we should order girls to seek sex from nice men before I start bricking these whores in teh face.  MY fantasy include bricking whores and killing them who associated with the slime bags and boycotted and hated the lawful people.

"Do this" says Jesus to me.

"It was a war" says the Lord JC, and "They didn't guide you through the war as children and youth." he says, "because these biker gangs would."  Like "kill them or try to for helping their needy youth" since the bikers "in their greed, saw it as highly erotic to rape and enslave teens and steal all the monise from the born again people."

Jesus claimed that.

The help for teenage kids was more like punishment, they were forced into homes, given drugs which corrupt their mind, and basically not "really helped" claims the Lord JC.

"gangsters got off" says JC, "often with little more than a reprimand."

They all lied to police and knew to play the good guys, and made it look like their child raping terrorist associations were "friends of people".  "You had to be their friends" or they would what Jesus, "attack you and your kids."

This was the world without God?  "Yes" claims Jesus.

 Since the young boys are so afraid to be martyred by the devil, the girls need "real men."  "That's why bitches are so slutty" says JC, "they think the pimps are good." 

Jesus advises pimping girls who are the devil, and rapin them and seeing how they turn out.

"Better to bleach it" says Jesus, "before it becomes monster."

"The law told you to get rid of that" claims Jesus Christ, the Lord and Manster.

"The people would rather be sinful" says Jesus, "than lawful."

I feel Jesus is claimed by 50% or more of the population to be the devil, just because he has to punish them for their sins.

Becuse he wants us to kill them.  Ye JEsus is their devil, he made the law which stipulated they had to be killed. 

"cops in Canada, are super fetid" claims the Lord.  I have to look that word "fetid" up, think it means "swamp like" "filthy' "stinky".

The legal scholars, the psychiatry community, "FETID" claims the Jesus.

I guess Jesus is trying to say Canada is some "rotten police state" like the "rotten cops and their rotten psychaitrists and rotten gangster friends and rotten legal scholars."

They persecute the people trying to fight against the "wicked" says Jesus Christ.

I guess they let the bad boys run amock and allow wicked people to set up cults in Canada "A LOT!" chimes in Jesus. 

"Somewhat" says the Jesus.

Letting them do whatever they want, seemed to be the message of such scholars and priests as David Donkin, as well as "NOT HELPING" the youth.

There was no guidance in dealing with this unholy army of rapists and would be murderers, who slave traffick vulnerable girls and boys they have aleady been abusing since they were young children who want to be mass murderers so much that Jesus expose them by letting them "mass murder sometimes." says Jesus.

"They sell the crack" says the Lord J, "you should sell the crack instead" says Jesus.

A place without an 50 helpers, 'can get nuked" says Jesus.

Canada lets Jihadis in, claims Jesus, who are the enemies of the faithful, and Lord Jesus.

"they rape and pimp out young girls, and sell heroin and crack and meth and exstasy and try to poison and otherwise kill innocent people."

Claims Jesus.

"Cops turn a blind eye" says Jesus.  "They ain't got no machine guns" says Jesus.

"the devil has, 45 million hostages" Jesus states.

I note that Jesus's estimation of the devil's hostage count has gone down significantly since I wrote to hte prime minster and archangel gabriel wise about what Jesus said.

I also published a public notice of Jesus and Allah's commentary about the devil's hostage situation.

Jesus is being a bit shy bouot disclosing what the devil is, but he claims "they do" "do what you are saying , Nicholas Boake."

We should arm cops with automatic weapons, claims Jesus. and give them an army for their family.

Cops should live in neighborhood where they have armed citizens they can trust who can protect their family, claims the Lord JC.

The Mafia and Biker Gangs need to be reformed, I suggest, "They do" says Jesus.

"they need to read writing, from the prophet" says Jesus.

"They don't know what they are up against!" claims Lord JC, these "poisning terrorist pedophile network and networks, ... they have a collective consciousness."  JC goes on.

"They do pimp, their own kids," claims the Lord JC, "specifically to spread righteousness, as they call it, which is wickedness supreme, in our sights" claims Jesus.

So I ask Jesus , "at this point someone decent enough has to seduce teenage women and charm them into righteousness and holiness?"  "YES " says Jesus Christ.

"They need guidance, both the charmer and the charmee." claims Jesus.

"Paul was wicked" exclaims Jesus, shaking his head.  referring to "alleged Saint Paul" as he calls him.

"too many angel human hybrids" claims Lord JC, "too many murderers and pedophiles" he says.

Huh I say to Jesus, are you trying to stop us from making moves for progress towards obedience or what? 

"No comment" says Jesus.

Are we supposed to sometimes play the worst villain or a bad villain?  I aks Jesus.  How many people ask you this?  Jesus says "Too few." .

Jesus is slow to answer he seems to need time to plot out a huge saying.  Jesus then agrees with me that you should "play the James Bond villani to the full extent Jesus tels you too, as a secret obedient slave or servant of Jesus Christ in your visions which have demonstrated their existence. 

"I do that" says Jesus.

"When James Bond shows up do what Jesus says" claimed the Lord.

So we could play the roughest Mafia godfather and like make love to 10 year old girls and kil cops and sell all the drugs?  "YES" claims Jesus... "But you might go to prison for what you did before you were with Jesus." claims Jesus.

So should you be a pedophile? I ask Jesus?  "Yes" Jesu seems to want to say, "if Jesu tells you too." 

Should we fact check people to see if they are really talking to Jesus? "YES" says Jesus.

They could do miracles, get UFOS to appear?  I ask JEsus the Lord?  "yes ."

Is there an obstacle to this working?  "The devil" says Lord Jesus, "he tries to stop us from that."

Some of the devil is gracious, other part of devil is wicked thug, I ask Jesus.  "Yes " says Jesus.

Would we be only killing corrupt cops if we killed cops for Jesus? I ask Jesus.... "Yes we would." claims Jesus.  "And it could trick the enemy, that you were harder." says Lord Jesus.

Wow it sucks to be me I gotta get killed like "tomorrow" claims Jesus, "the way this blog is proceeding." 

"This is gospels" says Jesus, "they gotta kill you for that."

So I got fucked over hardcore by society, ruined and killed for both my sins and my writing of gospels?  "YEs" claimed the Lord Jesus Christ in my visions.

"more for your visions' claims Jesus.

Was I fucked over pretty hard, I ask Jesus?  "since birth" he says.

"they're fucking over the rat's kids since birth, even in the hospital they fuck them over." Claims Jesus.

"they ruin their lives since birth, since the daycare system" claims Jesus.

"They take them away from me" he says.

"they are pirates" he says.

"White people."

"They're going to hell, for a long time" claims Jesus.

I was colored, you know, black hair, blue eyes, which turn green or grey sometimes, I wasn't like the, white skin, I had pink skin, pale pink, and sometimes tanned, so I was tanned and pink.  I was real, honest, I was white I guess.

"White kids are made to feel like they have to get fucked, or they'll get killed" claims Jesus, by "LIKE MK ULTRA " he claimed.

I go through the list of possible suspects behind this MK Ultra like manipulation , Jesus highlights "Marxists" and "rich people."  ...

"They raise you up as false prophets " He claims, "with a false science". 

"they make you disbelieve" He claims, "because I took their money" He thinks to me, and 'because..."  he doesn't want me to say.

"Look at what they are doing" He says.

Allah appears and says "They are mushrikeen." "The mushrikeen, the mushriks."

"Allah T'ala is the Angels" says Jesus, "my collective consciousness estimate of what they are."

Allah tells me he wants me to have a "Royalty of a Time."

Allah tells me that the people under the people under the people under the people in power, "wanted things' to be "so messed up" "that is was like this."

They had us "going to prisons" "going to the hospital" "getting stabbed, getting bomb attemps, getting shot" "and they were" "getting away with it as far as the cops go."

"Because they were " says the Allah the Angels, as they were corrupting the police force from the bottom up.  "Bottum up" says Jesus. 

"It was their strategy" I allege, and Jesus said "was there strategy."

"now they'll hae new guns, with no serial numbers, et cetera et cetera" claims Jesus.

"perverted prosperous people" says Jesus, 'more than corrupted Rich people."

"People who inherited' who "became corrupt" claimed Jesus.

"Allah's the embodiment of my Angels" says the Lord Jesus, "my Angel, the collective consciosuness of the Angels. " He says.

"They want you to be so racist against Muslims" says Jesus.

"Cop force is corrupt" repeats the Lord Jesus Christ, because let "the devils in."

"The devil you Nick." says the Lord Jesus.

"you weren't thanking God says Jesus" and "you sinned" "so you gotta get killed" says Jesus.

Thank God, I say, "My life here is pure misery".  "you'll go to hell , says Jesus, fro a while!"  SO I'm one of thoe abused kids who fucekd up because of the wicked?   "Yes you are Nick." Says The Lord Jesus, "so yuo gotta get kiled."

Okay okay my life here is pretty good Lord Jesus, is there anything I can do to save myself?  He says "no" and "no" as I threaten to rape his daughter and kill him and his family, which is this trick I've learned from the hell's angels who did it ot me to make me shut up.

I'll sell my soul to the devil, I think, you know...  ....  And Jesus says "There is a way" "to go to heaven."  "become a witness" says Jesus. 

"you're bearnig witness" says Jesus.  "talk to the cops' and get "a difficult stay in the hospital" again he says, "with your bad doctor" ...  "get a good doctor" He says.

So they're making us think we have to sin, or we will be dead, and have no friends, no money, no fun, and that we will go to hell anyway?  "YES," the Lord Jesus.

It's psy war ops from the devil, on NBC and FOX NEWS?  "YET," ... (oh its' sentenced to death to say this, so you could die for being like me if you have been wicked enough to merit death already)...

"They got us trapped' said Jesus to me now.


Damn, so I'm going to die "soon" says Jesus.  I can't fight for this country, this corrupt hellhole of CBC, NBC, FOX, et cetera , this MK ULTRA project from the "illuminati " (jesus points the illuminati.)  ...

The ruler will never hear of me, the cops have me sealed off in a diaproverbial hole.

They compelled us to fuck, whoever, Jesus nad the government and the Mafia. 

Then they plotted to kill us for it , I allege, and they made us be terrorists, so the government woudl kill us.

"all because ingrate" says the Lord Jesus.

"Parents ingrates" ... Says Jesu.  "I want to kill your whole family" says Jesus.

I allege that if you are not greatful you will suffer a barrier in your mind which does not allow you to see the wisdom of God and the law.

"That's true!" says Jesus. 

Do they teach kids to be greatful in school, to Jesus and the Angels?  "NO." says Jesus.  "They don't."

"So nuclear war is going to happen" says Jesus.

"If it keeps up."

"I was daycare abused" claims Jesus, "and they are" abusing the kids at the daycare I walked be, He claims.

"They threaten to mass murder the kids"  He claims, "which you heard" he said.

"So it's fucked" says Jesus. 

"we could draft them send them to the front lines" I suggest "That's what Trump wants' claims Jesus.

The wicked lawbreaking demented psychotic people are "denying it." claims JC.

We want a way to get them all away from us at the same order of times.

Do it not strike as awful that those cops or the doctor agreed to kill me if I try to write to the man whose "trying to drain the swamp.?"

The cops are not cooperating with the "LAW" says Jesus.

"cops feel there will be terrorism" and "mass murder" if they "cooperate" says Jesus.

"government can't" "put thank God" and "glorify god" classes in schools, "not even in private" schools says the Lord JC.

"They'll be a war" says Jesus.

Jesus identifies "the Musrats" and the "Illuminati" and hte "Black People" as people who will make war on the world, if we try to institute "thank and praise God and do your own miracles. "

Jesus means that Muslim pigs are at war with God and the believers, and that they need to die soon.

PIGS?  Pedophile investigation services? 

"people who need" "to rape kids' he says, "who are violent criminals." 

I'm not one of those I ask the Lord Jesus, he says "You're not."

"They can die first" says Jesus, "you are not high up on the order to kill, Nicholas B, but you are bearing the witness and they migth want to come and rough you up and see how easy it is to kill you."  Jesus is saying something a lot like this.

"the government top"... "does not want to make you beleive in the evil one" but "the field commanders" "may think so.' says Jesus.

"The governemtn is afraid of these mass murderers planning to kill the kid, and go out in a blaze of twisted and wicked glory by trying to kill the governemnt or many people around the neighborhood.'

I switch sides and say to the Lord , "Umm yeah Lord that's a good idea we should do that.'  he says "we should.'  "be a James Bond villain' he tells me, "Get killed, don't go to jail!"  Lol hahha  Then he reminds me that 'he wants to put me in jail" for "some crime."  Ah shit.

"lack the political will, " He says, "to make a change."   "I will lack the politcal will, I tell Jesus." I Him.

"We could trick them that we have not the political wil, that we are a rapist and murderer and that we want to terrorize the universe and make child porno?" I aks Jesus.. "well you could said Jesus."

It might be rightoeus in a certain circumstance.  amen. 

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