Sorry Canada I said you were all pedophile thugs, hehehehe.
You wanted to be badass, more badasser than the states so. Well I guess 60% of you are child rapist thugs.
This is what is considered rightoeus, you know Canadians's say "IT's WICKED" when something good happens.
I recall some verse in proverbs going on about how abomination was destroyed, 6 no 7 of them,and one of the abominations which is destroyed is "confusing the good and evil."
Apparently Canadian youth confused that being a pimp ass drug dealer child rapist threatening murderer was "righteous"And that nice things happening and people being kind is "Wicked."
Then again, I have been living in a neighborhood next to some satanic bikers and my only other friend in the neighborhood might be in a satanist cult.
So apart from raping little boys butt's what do Canadians do?
Well they smoke weed, drink, do cocaine, smoke cigarettes.
They go insane and beat eat other up over nonsense.
Some of them work, when they are young, but they might retire to growing weed in the forest pretty soon. More money in that allegeldly.
They like to say "snitches get stiches." This is their theme song "Thank you Arabia for embracing the satanic pedophilia cult, snitches get stiches amen."
Yay! Hooray Canada!
Way to let the worst scum live and even take power over you!
Thanks for not keeping their land free and glorious God, despite the prayer of their children in school.
Or is it more glorious and free than ever, now that the criminals try to blow up your apartment building and kill your family a couple times. Only when that fails, do they try to stitch you up.
Great and you rejoin the crime family of Canada and they are like "sex with 12 year old girls is fine." And "We gonna rape your kid."
It's enouhg to make you avoid Canadians for the rest of your life.
They have decreed that the wicked are the "family" and the righteous "are the reject."
Canadians never ever thank or praise God ever, they do it in Church but like 1 or maybe 4 people raise their arm and say a word of praise.
There's no glorification of God in Canada, the CBC told me, "IF it's about God we won't have it on the air.".
It's a hell's angels country, and a Mafia country. Rape kids under the table and sell them awful drugs.
Put police informants in a dungeon and poison them at the hospital. Yeah.
Then try to get rid of them if they keep talking. Yeah.
Hooray! What a fine noble country. Yes no one can trust anyone else and the government is this state sponsored slave master.
Trying to reach Donald Trump about draining the swamp worldwide? You're dead if you talk to him, says the government. Yes the BC government actually told me it would kill me for trying to write the premier about issues, and told me specificaly last time it would kil me if I tried to talk to Donald Trump.
Great society.
So the good people can be slaves, and the wicked can be slaves too, and the rich will just keep geting richer. This is the Canadian ethos it seems today.
The rich tell you to tell them everything, that is better, and then rob your ideas.
This is the Queen's country you know, she's not welcome here, she can't even show up here, they don't want her and JAmes Bond showing up here.
Yes it is decidely the country of the ungrateful non glorifying so caled believer (The one who tells God he doesn't believein him) the fool who fucks about and drinks and smokes, and the super corrupt anti christ loving terrorist monster criminals.
Don't try to help the police find abused kids, don't report child abuse to the police, the cops will rat you out and fucking do nothing while the criminals exterminate you possibly. You will survive because of God if you are really a life long Saint, but you will come to lose most of your faith in Canadians.
They have health care, but the old wise woman warns, 'the doctors are poisoning your blood, they beleive in fake science promoted by the nation's enemies." Wow great news.
Even the doctor himself admits he is poisoning me, telling me the drug he is giving me is terrible for me, given that I smoke and smoke pot. "It's really bad, he said." And the police are forcing me to take this drugs. So they are poisoning me, deliberately, because I "sought help." The GREAT CRIME IN CANADA IS SEEKING HELP AT ALL FOR ANYTHING. Heath problems, sure we'll poison you now, crime problems, not only will we poison you we will force you to be poisoned.
Yeah if you thought the government was going to do anything about preventing child sex slaves from being tortured nad murdered, think again, they are going to torture you and ruin your life and poison you for talking to the cops --- ABOUT ANYTHING AT ALL.
Thought trying to bust the nation's foreign enemies commiting sedition and treason and dividing adn conquerer the nation was going to win you an award, - think AGAIN! NO IT'S NOT! They arent' going to appreciate it AT ALL.
Thought reporting a terrorist attack against the country was a good idea! TOO BAD! IT;s NOT! They gonna now trap you and poison you because you talked to police.
Canadians revile the police and hate anyone who talks to them, demand that they all suffer terrible things.
Canadian don't even care about things like state security and national spirit, children's rights or anything like that, all they care about is having a "Tough Rep" and "Everyone getting away with crime.' There is the occassional self professed vigilante, the self styled vigilante who beats up guys who beat women, or wants to kill chld molesters. Yet I looked into these peopel and discovered they themselves were threatening child rape and were advocates of pimping and women hating.
So they are just vermin, trying to catch someone who wants help, so they can destroy them.
A nation of giant rats, of pure vermin. That is what I find.
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