These people I swear you wil never hear them thank or praise God ever.
The glorification of God? There's simply no notion of what that would be.
Believe in God? Yeah, if you're joking.
Maybe if it's some Mafia blackmail and extorsion, murder excuse network, maybe we can "beleive in God."
"What the fuck there are the baby killers and then there's those religious people didn't ever really believe in and thank God and glorify God who are probably banging each other's kids or something."
That last statement is what a spy might see.
Hehe. I'm a researcher, for the God.
Yeah I found that praise and thanks to God was extremely rare to hear anywhere.
On Canadian Television I never once heard a servant of God relate any stories about God doing things, the government almost never issued any statement concerning God or heavenly beings, ever.
Some retired government agents talked about the aliens and never mentioned God.
I might have had two friends out of 150 friend who ever thanked and praised God in anyway shape or form in Canada.
One related a miracle of being in a close quarters shootout and not being wounded. The other would say "Thank God " when he smoked some herbs.
Okay there was maybe one other acquaintenace, a schizophrenic, who said he was doing "Energy circles" with Yahweh. He is the one person I met interested in fighting foreign invaders into victoria.
We had foreign invaders from Michigan pimping 13 year old girls downtown and racketerring and selling crack... We had like 1 person who was willing to talk about that and maybe do something about it, over all the people I ever talked to.
That person lives on the edge and moves from city to city and town to town.
There was one girl who talked about the living voice of Jesus. I queried her how she knew it was Jesus and she said not, "no glorification of God" you see?
Like my adventures with the Angel/God Ouden, he would take me around and I would meet people and I would sense they were a target, and he would show me pictures of people in my vision, and say"this person is kidnapping someone" for example, he showed me that once anyway, and I prayed to God, and Ouden, to go and hunt down this kidnapper and force him to return the child he was abducting, or that I would go with them and destroy the kidnapper. Well I go to my friends house a little later and see the man whose photo Ouden showed me on the television news, having returned a child to the police station that he had kidnapped. Yeah!
Like after a lot of signs going on, these Angels were watchin me nad I was figuring out these crack dealing gangsters were also abusing young slave girls, raising little ones for the trade et cetera, I got the visions to report them to the police.
I reported these criminals to the police as a criminal gang, and the cops didn't ask me nothing, but apparently word got out through someone corrupt in the system and they tried blowing up my apartment buiding or apartment and God warned me of it before hand, or my esp warned me, and Ouden appeared, nad I prayed for the bomb not to go off and the bomber the confess through the power of the Holy Ghost. I went outside and spied on the bomber and we knew who it was.
They come to house in the middle of the night, I hear them outside (it feels like a warzone when I wake up and I can sense these hostile people outside) and I hear tem trying to press a button and laughing, that the bomb didn't go off.
Now I go with my elderly papa to an Island the next day, and he wants me to get this gangster drug dealer and his daughter to come with us, I had prayed fro the gangster to repent and run away from his gang with us to a place of refuge, and stop pimping his little daughter out.
Well I wasn't up for gettin shot at by mroe people than I wanted to take on, so I told me dad no.
We go to the Island and there's this dude outside asking me "I thought yuo were going to bring them here.' Hmm a people wiht Angel and Holy Ghosts were working on saving this child apparently you see.? Perhaps.
Now we go and do some martial arts with all these people, and the bomber is there but I forget that it is him, I ask God what to do, and go outside for a smoke.
I decide to go in and make a speech about my research against the persians in front of the community, and mention the bomb I pray to God to be inspired with a speech that wil lmake the bomber confess,orIhad already.
Now I go and make the speech and it's a tad bit akward, the bomber comes over and confesses that he planted the bomb and hat it was the Persians.
This gets way more akward. So I call the cops and tell them the bomber confessed and there's a bomb planted under my apartment building, the cop on the line says "fire in the city" and hangs up the phone. Great cowardice, no police help, fantastic.
So I write a politician and tell him about what is happening.
Not to many details but I mention the dictatorial plot, the drug dealers, and the bomb and the bomber.
So basically I hear nothing back from either the police or the politicians, the bomber removed the bomb apparently and then we move to Esquimalt.
At this point I start talking to the Angel Metraton, he is warning me of incomin attacks or the holy spirit is. or Esp or whatever. I know they are coming for me, so I pray to win the encounter wiht the gunmen. I go to sleep, wake up and I just feel that shit is about to go down, Metatron appears and tells me "i'll show you to the death throw" as I demand that this child raping traitor terrorist gang have some casualties.
I go outside with my phone ready to dial 9-11 and there is a car that has just pulled up outside my house and two young chinese looking guys are getting out, I had prayed for them to let me go get my knife, they say "go get it" (shoot me and run and not kill my dad would be better).
I go inside and pray for them to become fearful that I have a machine gun, now I grab the knife and head for them, ready for a bloody battle, and they are fleeing as I come outside.
I guess the Force left them and they feared I would be victorious over at least one of them.
Now I knew it was by no means over. I prayed for seeing these two Chinese guys again and finding out whether that kid was a prostitute for real or not.
Now I go to store two days later and see the chinese dudes walking on the other side of the street , they shout "they're a prostitute." .
Okay that is interesting. Later on I would remember and notice again how it can work that you pray for information and people will apparently randomly tell it to you.
Now I expect more attacks, and this time more people, and I am like "well I better have some spiritua lhelp this time, maybe that Dragon we Saw on the Island (when we went to catch the bomber my dad and I saw the Dragon a Black Dragon there, my father could see it but I could only see it when I prayed to see it too. had to cast some kind of vision spell to see the dragon, it appeared in the similar type of sheen that I see the angels in)/...
So I can't sleep for about 5 days and I am expecting this attack at anytime, these guys appear these dirty Neo Nazi looking guys, I am thinking, is this Wolfgang's gang? Wolfgang was this guy who told me I was next after the cops took me to the hospital for reporting the gang to them.)
Now these guys are there and dress up sporty and grab my phone, and I go outside to talk to them or whatever, and as I draw near the car the guy cocks what sounds like a shotgun. one of them says "Or he's one of us!" referring to me.
I go inside noting the look that these guys looke like dirty pedophiles, and Neo Nazis.
I am expecting a home invasion. I tell my dad, and tell him to call the cops. he won't . Now I go and pray for the police to show up and note their prescence.
I wake up 2 hours later since I had to sleep, and go look outside an the cars are still parked there andthe cops are talkin to them.
I pray for them to go away, or for them to come and spy on me and see the dragon there (I had prayed to God before going to see the bomber if the Dragon could appear to offer me heavenly protection and we saw it so.. I guess I will try that again.). Now I have to go back to sleep cause it's been so long since I slept, and I go to sleep and dream I am talking to someone on the phone and they are saying "That's how they do it.") I wake up and sense the man from the cars coming up my walkway towards my window, i pray for the dragon to appear and metatron appeared, and the man exclaims "by God I'll tell him about this!".
So apparently years later it comes out that the dragon appeared. First of all the neighbor down the road said I was "like a character out of lord of the rings of star wars" (more will be reveald on why they think that)... then some kids referred to be as "Black Dragon" and were like "Respect it, because he is the Black Dragon."
So apparently what they thought happened was that I turned into the black dragon and appeared in the alleyway, hahah but it was "MY FRIEND" BLACK DRAGON who appeared and scared them off.
Now I had more problems. I was expected big shit.
My neighborhood fellow camed over with his new pal, Aaron, and Aaron explained that "the drugs dealers" were about to kill me, my dad, an "ugh' someone else. Not good.
Now I went through this encounter with them, they partied with me we shared a bottle of whiskey and my neighborhood pal bouht some coke form Aaron. Haha.
I was expecting things to happen at any moment, but was confident, more confident, based on my experinces so far, that God or Whatever (the devil!) would save me!
Now I went and go the neighbors house with Aaron and the neighbor and feel they are about to point a gun at me and try to shoot me, so I pray 1) not to see the gun or for the gun to transform into a bullet) 1) to use the force and be protected by Ouden by White Ghost (Other Holy Ghost, Angel warrior fried who told me about the kidnapping and encouraged my operatic singing).
Now I go along with them, and Aaron passes something to matt as I stand acros from them, Matt Points it at me, then I turn into a Beast it is alleged, and I throw the force blast at matt and he collapses in terror, what looks like Ouden jumps out at Aaron ready to do the death strike. Now Aaron says "yu're not going to hae a problem."
okay okay.
Goood story right, the truth is it reall happened.
Now I am figuring, tons of shit is going to keep happening anyway, so I start working realy hard on becoming a prophet, writing a master's thesis for the secret univeristy on the crime wave and the religious perversion, and it gets stolen and people come by telling me "two years for that!" "you're dad!" hahha.
Now I am going through the trial to see if I can join the biker gang or something, weird like that. They are testing me out the neighbor and his friend.
I am warned before every test and pray for it to work out. I start asking fro super punches. Now I pray for super punch when the gangster asked me to punch him in stomach after punching me a few times, and he doubled over in pain.
Good I think, Thank God, Praise God.
Now the Bikers tell me that for talking about religion with them I have to be killed,and that they kill anyone who hits them. Great, i figure so are they going to kill me?
So I have apparently a knife encounter with Matt, where Matt Jesus before hand gives me the get killed story and I am like "no, it's not better to get killed, I want to do what is best Jesus, be invulnerable in the fight. And I relate to JEsus that story I read from Guardian newspaper back in like 2000-2001 the guardian weekly -that some army in african was allegedly invunerable to the other armies bullets."
SO I pray fro Jesus to make me invulneable , andthen if I can beat the guy , spare his life, and then perhaps appear to die and come back from the dead. I pray to God for my vital signs to appear to fail, then I check them,and I have no pulse, and can't detect my breathing.
So I go over to Matt's expecting all hell to break loose, Matt jumps me wrestled me down to the groundad then something ahppens, and he gets off of me. We go outside and Matt tells me that I was invulnerable to his knife blow to the neck. Then he tries to wrestle me again ad I beat him and go go gouge his eyes out an he is spared by my mercy. Then we fight one more time and he beats me and he twists me neck and everything oes peaecful and I wonder "Am i in heaven" then I get up and look at matt and he's terrfiied, (I had asked God nto to feel any pain and not really notic eif I was dead and matt was searching my body) .. so perhaps everything froze and matt thought I was dead and then I scared him a lot by getting up1 Hahaha.
So I pray some more, this time for ninja skilsl to beat matt, I read in the bible that a rightoeus man can die on the day of his wickedness, so I pray not to have any more wicked days a lot, and i also read that the rihteous when attacked by the wicked their weapons don't work and the righteous turn them again them, and knowing there is about to be nother fight I pray to God to turn the weapon against the wicked man and put it to his heart and then spare his life (cause at this point, I don't wantto go to jail for a murder frame up , what with how cops are cowards and doctors are traitors and politicains are corrupt). So I go to Mat's house, he attacks me with the knife, a darkness enters my heart, and I grab the knife and twist him aroun dand take the knife an dbeat him down and then plunge the knife into his heart, and he is like "awesome.'
Well I didn't kill him that time , cause he my neighbor and my enemy, and I luff him. So I don't kill him. hahah I just turn the weapon against his heart. Hhah.
Now I know things are going to keep being rough, I party with Matt.
I am partying with Matt and Stevo a lot and we practice various things. Stevo aksed me to hit a "hole in one" type shot and fire a golf ball into a cup across the room, and I pray to God to do it, feel the white ghost enter my form and come in my body and I slap that golf ball quite hard and flies perfectly into the cup. Haha..
We go outside to play golf in the field and I'm better than them. Haha.
We partied for months actually, expecting the orders to come in at any time to kill me and them too.
I told them we should train, but they didn't want to train , they just fooled around. I was reading Bruno Tenger and training with the Tai Chi, Systema,Judo and boxing and westenr wrestling I learned.
Matt kept doing his "punhc me in the stomach' and hit me stuff, and he coplained that I was hurting him, and he punched me and it didint' hurt.
Did not hurt. At all. Hhaa I was praying for Matt's punches not to hurt.
Now the test got rugged again, and this time I knew about through God ESP et cetera beforehand, and I prayed for the attacker to turn the weapon on himself, and then be miraculously healed by me, so he would 'See the power of God or What Is that it IS."
Now the man came over to have a drink and we had one, now he took an empty bottle and was going to hit me with (a big 40 ounce bottle of stolichnaya) I was like 'fuck you' in my head" and he hit hisemlf over the head with it and collapsed. Oops I guess my prayer worked, and he decided it was better to kill himself rather than attempt striking this apparent Godlike being. Well he fel down and couldn't walk aabout anymore, was dragging himself around with his hands. I was like "do you want an ambulance" he was like "no." I think he heard the rumour that doctors might poison you or kil you for the government. hahah oops did I spread that rumour? Hahaha.
Now he is unable to walk for about 30 minutes, now I am wishing he could go home to his mother and pray and realize that "someting exists" and miracles happen." So I go pray for him and hum a little tune "TADA" he gets back up an can walk. So I walk him back to his mother's house and tell her what happened.. .she was like "proper people " she said, as in "proper people who don't believe in God are going to kill you." So I was like "what a bitch, I hope she dies or lke gets better or whtaever, her son is an asshole."
I seem to remember her telling me "he's a good kid!" yes this homosexual rapist who murders people is a "good kid." according to this Canadian government employee. Haha.
Now I know trouble is going to keep going on , I keep up my studies and start writing my mafia reform project, which is going to be written about in the Mafia Quran. I am learning about the "devil muawaiyya" and the "Father of tyarnts " and what evil was done to sully the Faith of the Muslims.
I write this admittedly quite amateurish tract after tract.
I am expecting trouble wtih big steve now and he alleges he is the blackbelt who helps women out, I worry about having a fight with him.
There's some interesting things that happen as I pray to God to help my new "friends" Stevo and Matt. I pray for Matt to get robbed, and he gets robbed. Now he complains of being robbed, so I pray for him to be protected andto get his stuff back. Now I go with Matt after asking the Holy Ghost to help us out, and we go to look for his stuff. We get coffee, and we meet up with this young youth, who relate how they were almost stabbed. I ask the guy, Did JEsus save you frombeing stabbed? He says "yes" and I tell him 'keep the faith." I then possible told him about how Jesus had been saving me and we took some herbal rememedies. Ahh. Now I talk to this beautiful girl, wih Matt, and she related how she knew bout the theft, and they have some Matt's items. We identify the theif and they pledge to help Matt get his stuff back.
Matt gets most of his stuff back, and something happend too to protect STevo. STevo dosen't hear about it from MAtt, he alleges, so I tell him about it. I pray if someone can just black out for a few hou and go kill smoeone... someone tells me they blaked out for 6 hours! I feel comforted.
I lie down and continue to get healing and working on my now Phd Thesis.
I am practicing hammer, knife, sword, baseball batt, boxing, tripping.
Now things to be ameliorated a bit... There is some tension, but we are more relaxxed.
My brother come to Victoria nad I pray for him to recover and be safe. He is helped out a lot.
Stevo and Matt care for my brother. I am grateful.
So we are bunked up.
One day I get the warning that someone is giong to attack me again from the dark energy and esp, so I pray that they have a seizure as "you cannot touch the serant of God" and then that I release them from the seizure so they will seethe poewr of the Lord.
So Stevo comes over and tries to grab me and goes nad punches a hole in the wall and comes back at me and has a seizure and falls down.... I look at him for a minute, having a seizure, and then I pray for him to come and lay my hands on him. Him comes out of his seizure. I go and tell this to my friens and quietly tahnk God later on in the bath.
At this point Jesus is visiting me regularly, and Yahweh , and Holy Ghost . or things that respond to the call for those beings.
They hang out with me, in the bath, and Jesus tells me I am his friend.
Now I hang out with these guys, Stevo and Matt, and continue to care for them.
I offer them food, and they refuse. We order a pizza togetehr, we drink the legal bevages. Thank God. it is an alright time.
They invite me to go snowboarding, it is winter and it snowed, we go snowbord in the golf course.
Now just before this I am warned someone is about to attack me again, so this time, I pray to split into 10 people (remembering how in the past I had become invsibiel and a doppleganger or hologram appear) and I pray for them to lie down on th ground, frightened after seeing me in 10 people and terrifying lights, and to hide from me and go and hide and take some distance from their slave criminal gang.
Now after we go snowboarding, we are back at home, and stevo come up to me, and I think, there is going to be fight, so I pry, and then stevo says "there are lights!" and he lies down, and he says 'there are 10 of you!" and I pray for him to hide, and he goes and says " I will hide"and he crawls behind a little bush fence. I go inside.
So I thank God for everything in the bath and talk to Jesus some more.
Now there was anoher incident, a person tried to poison me. I will relate the Salamander story later on.
Now it is illegal to report crime to people other than police in Canada, so I have to pretend this is ficiotn (yes talking is against the law in this country or religous pedophiles and worse than pedophiel infidels.)..
So I keep working on my mafia reforms, and my bible for criminals, and praise God and thank God and glorify God by relating these stories to othre peple. We have a drought, for several years running.
During the drought I was in the hospital a few times, I would pray for rain and call the people to repentance, and they would notice that it would rain after I did that.
I got God to put out the forest fires maybe, wioth some other prayerful people! Haha.
I glorified God to my young friend, and told him of what I ahd been seeing ,and how I God had told me iwould meet Gabriel, and then I meet the Archangel Gabriel Wise. We are buddies now me and this Gabriel.
So I pray with my young friend for rain to put out the forst fires, and the forest fires come and are put out.
ThankGod, Praise be to God.
Now I had shown UFOs to Stevo and Matt and the Helln's Angels friends, and I asked for a UFO to go bother stevo and mat and scare them. They called me up and told me there was a UFO frightenin them at the beach, I told them I asked God to send that to them. (There is hel, there is get kidnapped by Angels and tormented and tortured.)...
Now I pray for them, and I talk to my landlrod, who seem like nice father (some paretns her are perhaps okay toward their kids) now I tell him about some miracles, and ufos, and tell him "maybe a ufo will come to visit you and comfort me." A few days later, a week later, I ask him "did you see the ufo in the sky " he said "it was comforting."
So Glory God, Praise God, UFO come frighten nauhgty biker boys and comfort kind father, son of policeman.
Yes its true Canadians because they don't seek mental health and education help, don't praise and thank God ,and don't recognize when God deos things nad glorify God, are probably some of them quite deeply depraved and others are just foolish, fucking random enouhg people and not vetting them properly and allowing themselves to reveal too much to the devils.
Thus there are the super wicked nad wicked, and then these more bad Canadians.
I would class mass murder over people reporting child sex abuse to be wicked, or super wicked, destroying police infomrants who do that as wicked. Beating them up, is just bad.
Thus I have encoutered numerous bad and wicked people in my adventurous anthropological and law abiding citizen journey in Canada.
I thanked and praised God and glorified God a bit, I manged to be an Okay Canadian. I didn't report crimes to police but I didin't hurt police infomrnts either, I wasn't waging war against my own government and people and society.
I always tried to beleive in God but I was a fool, and sometimes told I God I didn't believe in Him, and then I would see miracles, and not notice it always, I wuner if God allows consensual sex now, the Bible claimed that not one iota of the law woudl change until all is accomplished and that God appoints the authorities, and the law on sex was only changed you know, after blood tests were inveted to find std's and there were treatments for most if not all stds.
So therefore you are not a bad person for having sex with your lovers, though you are a bad person if you are at war with police infomrants and honest people, and if you are trying to kill police infomrants on the enemeis of the nation, you are a traitor and a seditious rebel, a wicked scum.
These are some of the people I ran into in my troubles, but thansk to the Good Devil, the Mighty God, the Angels, the Gods and the Whatever else, I am victorious.
Now they might try to lock me in jail, but we shall see if they can.
Perhaps the doctor is only malpracticing on me a bit. I would like a new doctor.
I do suspect the doctor is the rat, the one who ratted me out to the mafia government about reporting the child abusing drug dealers. I think he has reformed. I don't know.
I am trying to reform the bad people.
I am writin this holy scriptures for criminals, to become goodly and righteous gangsters, which will teach them what I learned. For example they have to provide health service to needy drug fucked up people, rather than trying to murder them. They have to provide a business investment economic growth strategy, they have to help abused kids rather then enslave them. They have to stop wagin war against the law and dying as outlaws. They have to stop being seditious and actually investigate whetehr there is corruption individuals nad groups in the goverhment. They have to stop promoting treason and rebellion against the law and trying to kill the most innocent people the ones who tahnk and praise God and report some crimes to police and especially crimes against children. They have to confront and perhaps rob and extort and help the governmetn kill these satanic traitorous warlord criminals and gangsters who attack the childrne and young youth and pimp and murder them and destroy them with hard drugs.
They have to go to hell, these people who have done these things. They have to go to war, for the good cause and die trying, or they are doomed.
praise and thanks be to God, my life is nice, I have alright things, alright computer, alright furniture, alright food and alright drinks, pretty good times as it were.
I have not lost everything though they might have tried many many times to take it all away from me.
God claims that they tried to kill me a total of 5500 times, but failed to find but only 50 people to actually attempt to murder me, which worked out to a total of 20 confrontations with the enemy soldiers.
They lost a lot of money trying to be the wicked ones. not 1400 dollars, like 1.5 million dollars.
We should rob them of al their money these wicked child rapist child murdering family murdering genocidal rebel dicatorial plot robber baron cop killing judge killing judges kid pimping slae trafficking mass murdering drug dealing abusers.
Then we should kill them.
I pray to God, to avoid being prosecuted or killed or attacked anymore. No i pray for the Lord to smite them and crush them, to reverse their fortunes, to lay waste to their ecomomin finacnial empires and defeat their control over society. IT won't happen if only I pray for it, you all ave to pray for it and do and speak to the authorites and get thrown in hosptial and attacked by thugs.
You all have to do that.
Sips a brew.
Praise to God, I am High, Thanks be to God in the High.
PRaise God who may well have saved me from all this misfortune and dying, and made my reputation mighty and strong.
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