Now we live in a Global Environment, with instantaneous communication and vast sharing of culture between different lands.
A problem in this environment is that some places which had a high degree of social protection before due to their personal and national culture, are now due to globalization and crime pressure no longer punishing offenses which in the ancient time had been decreed as awful due to their impact on people.
A clear example of this is what I have ranted and raved about on this blog, the criminal heretics who are suggesting God is a criminal who wants us to commit crimes.
Due to various criminal and global peace pressures, these heretical views are now broadcasted in European Christian societies.
There are no laws anymore against sorcery or heresy.
The punishment of death for various crimes has been removed and serious criminals are allowed to go to "Crime college" in the prison system.
There is a huge breakdown of law and order in the West, where honest law abiding people are being hated by ensorcelled, lied to blasphemed to, criminal youth, who are a huge movement in the society, contrary to government claims which constitute a coverup.
Accusations that the government is now a criminal organization or mafia are rife, and a feeling exists that the cops are not there to protect the people and serve the law among the older youth.
The fact that blasphemy and heresy are not even punished and that the government sponsored church promotes them and the government owned radio station airs these blasphemous heretical views solidifies poeple's sense that the government is a diabolical organization.
The goverment has admitted racist genocidal pedophile cults into the country and allowed perverse Christians to advocate a heretical view of Christianity as a "serial killing pedophile cult."
Gangsterism and witchcraft are rumored everywhere, and it seem that these gangsters and witches say the government is united behind them.
This is the climate on this planet, or at least, in Canada. The feeling that Canada is not a great country is strong among older people it seems. The idea that God has to destroy the world takes root among the dissaffected children and youth.
The children and youth feel obligated to commit adultery and take drugs and associate with gangsters, to protect themselves from what seems like an real threat, of a heretical blasphemous criminal organizations which are arguing that they have to be pedophiles and rapists and murderers, theives withces sorcerers traitors et cetera.
The criminals have inverted things, to the point that the COP is the ENEMY OF GOD, and the WORST CRIMINALS, ARE THE SAINTS.
Generally speaking outlaw criminals are rewarded with a lot of employment opportunites, while law abiding citizens are persecuted and made diseased apparently and poisoned and forced not to work and so on.
The older generation may not be as bad as the young one, but the people under 50 right now are being pretty outrageous, or a lot of them are. The whole youth seem to have gone outlaw, as if they are under some kind of orders to be outlaw criminals.
This could be a result of a vast witcraft worked by a mafia government that persecutes innocent people and a witchraft/sorcery/warlocking army of thugs and corrupt cops and doctors and judges and so on.
Parents are seeing a lot of kids cut off, by illness and addiction.
The whole smorgasborg of evil influences is resulting in a spike in rape and murder attemps, which is being covered up by the state to considerable degree it seems.
So the devil is marching and the believers are under attack and getting poisoned and stabbed and shot at.
We have a situation where the devil has corrupted the church and government apparently to the point they no longer function as positive forces in the world.
The influence of the corrupt people in government has perhaps grown to the point that the rulers can no longer get the government to work.
While some aspects of the government may seem to be working, such as money coming in and money going out, in fact there could even be a lot of corruption of tax theft.
The police and courts and prison system is apparently overloaded with a lot of issues, and the government feels a coverup is the way to go.
I have some serious doubts about the Church's and other Temples functionality and the legal status of critiquing the Church and government.
Is any temple recognized by a government certificate "THE CHURCH" in Canada? Does this mean that our current law prohibits criticizing religious institutions? In other words we have to accept to be told hat pedophiles and murderers are God's favorite people?
Can we attempt to get bad people out of government or are we looking at a situation where the government will react, perhaps despite the ruler's will, by making all kind of effort against anyone who fights corruption? Will people criticizing the goverment be tried for sedition in the near future?
With all this issues on my mind, and my deep dedication to them due to my high test scores in these fields in university, I feel that I am working very hard, sort of obsessed and handicapped by what is going on and what might be going on? Indeed have they poisoned me when I was younger and has it crippled me?
I was plausibily identifed by the satanist spies as on of the "cops." I was an outstanding student, a leader, a law upholder, I volunteered long hours to help the needy, I criticized the heretics in high school.
It is possible that this satanist army was getting ready for something genocidal, unbeknownst to most parents.
They may have planned to poison and kill us all, and get rid of the law abiding people once and for all.
They hate how we are rewarded by God and tries to kill us perhaps many times while we were growing up?
Now everyone has joined them, due to the false prophets of the Church and state promoting "tolerance" and claiming "the devil' (presumably the guy worse than that serial killing pedophile dude, you know the one who tortures babies forever) was going to be "taking over the world." and "Winning."
CNN GAVE SOME HOPE YOU KNOW, by having on those Christian Pastors who claimed you had to be saved and Jesus was going to come live with us for a long time, but the enemy once against trumped it by upholding the false prophet Paul as the Greatest Saint ever.
However the Muslims screamed and planned to kill all the infidels, and went on an (un)holy quest to be a murderer and rapist like Mohammad.
Some criminals got into the whole unbelief thing while others continued on as "believing criminals" int other words people who don't believe in God but at least beleive in something or other.
The child rapists were as usual nihilistic and planned to destroy the economy, the community of nations et cetera.
They would be mass murdering children more often if God wasn't protecting the children.
They would like to mass murder everyone these murderous serious criminals. Believe that, believe it though, claims The Holy Ghost to me.
They come up against the Force of Heaven and it stops them from doing some of that stuff a lot of the time, but they can suceed in raping women, murdering the non righteous, attacking children verbally and emotionally and even sexualy nd phsysically, murdering some children.
They still have a lot of trouble getting those "True Servants of Christ." Some people claim to be "True Servants of Christ" just for the reputation.
Admittedly the rich and powerful are still protected by their status, and this is one reason God does not LIKE THEM very much a lot of the time, beacuse they say in their minds "it won't get me, I am not going to risk anything to do anything about it." The rich do this despite the fact their own women are raped and death threated and they too will be attacked if they speak to the cops, "nearly all the time" claims my Jehova.
Rich people are "delusional' claims Jehova, or "some rich people."
(now editor's note, Jehova later claimed that the rich need people like nick and that nick is helping and the poor need to be with god)
Due to the criminal empire foisting heresy and unbelief on the academic world and intellectualizing these offenses to be sounding "cool" and "true" the fact is the population is "highly highly" mad.
Jehova says the population right now is "highly highly mad" and allegedly if a doctor were to come along be like "you need to talk to your Gods and sort things out between you, it probably wasn't a manic episode when you were visited by God X" and if they were to say "now that you are dwelling and cnoversing with God you are no longer mentally ill." they could be attacked. "They could be attakced for that" says the Lord.
If we come out against unbelief and heresy in the culture, you have to realize it is at this point a question of gangsterism and terrorism when you confront the false prophets.
Just mentioning that the gospels said to uphold the law to be righteous, well, that can get someone bad killed. If you care about the bad people who are repenting and looking to turn away from sin, guide them to not get killed while they are still overcome their evil behaviors.
"Can't do that!" claims the enemy of the Lord.
Well we are under attack directly all the time only by some outlaw gangs, not all the gangs, is what the Angel I usually see tells me now.
There are people like Jesus, who are righteous, who are over sinners, or above sinners. They are running sinners to some degree. What the bible really said in Greek was that Jesus was "over or above" sinners, and meant that he was "the boss of the sinners." The Bible mentioned that it was very rare for someone righteous who is above sinners to be killed, though someone might dare try to kill someone good above sinners." Now is this a good part of the bible to mention because it come from that "worst of criminals" guy.
Now look from my own expereince I know there are okay people running some gangs, though it can be hard for them to hang onto the sickly criminals who are out looking for something really really bad to get into.
There might even be good or righteous people running some gangs.
However a gang can only be controlled so much, even it does have a righteous prince the gang will have a corrupt saergent or even colonel.
Usually the ruler can only ensure that the generals are good, and for a ruler of a large nation it may be impossible to ensure even that. The Church is supposed to pick out the righteous kids for ascention in the state and society.
This however did not happen in my case, I was robbed and ensorcelled and attacked and not helped by the priests. This was happening apparently to a lot of Anglicans who then left the Anglican Church to some degree.
I found myself among the kind of heretics criminals who argue that God was a theiving pimp and terrorist thug lord.
I had to flee to get to a better place.
Apparently though some communities have resisted the flagrant heresies of the corrupted bible, others have been attacked severely. I recall that a priest did help me by saying the bible was a translation, when i went to ask him why it seemed some thigns it the bible were wrong.
I wound up studying just enough Greek to be able to determine some of the shifts in the translation of the bible, several of which are noteworthy to be underpinning some of these heretical positions.
I am fearful now that the criminal empire has developped many new poisons which may be undetectable to current testing. This fear arises because of government corruption and the impression that government is either turning a blind eye towards crime (being a cowardly traitor) or it is actually the monster itself.
I am afraid they have poisoned my brother since his health has not improved much. Apparently they are keen to poison people who knew God who are not believers anymore because of their system of heresies lies and unbeliefs and blasphemies. (editor's note, a system of lies and blasphemy and unbelief which they use to force beleivers to give up their religion under police and psychiatric control)
A word to the wise, the Bible itself mentions it was changed, and it is suggesting that it is written by men, not God.
Considering the character of some of the men who claimed they saw Jesus was found to be wicked and they were killed by the courts, it is conceivable that they have bent the truth about Jesus considerably the new testament authors, something perhaps compounded by the deliberate heretical translation desiged to rob hope and corrupt the world further. The drug addicted rapist slave raiding pimping pedophile terrorists really fought hard to go against the law and change people's perception of what God wanted towards being some kind of criminal and terrorist. Some people so overly oppressed by the prescence of so many outlaw criminals may have felt that the Church could go along with this if it was like some kind of undercover operation for the faithful.
The existence of supreme criminals, super rich wicked people, and armies of criminals armed and supplied by them, has meant that people have been keen to avoid resisting this if they can get away with it, or have not openly avowed to oppose this.
But they are corrupting the minds of children and youth, and adults ,an spreading a perverse idea of lawlessness for one group of people and destroying the other groups of people.
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