I would suggest at this time it is almost a legal reform necessary for the Earth, that believers in a religion provide evidence that the religion is correct and stop committing crimes to force people to believe in their views.
I point out that Muslim often speak of being blessed but provide no real evidence that we should believe God is a "pedophile pimp in heaven who wants us to jail and kill and enslave everyone else."
They should have to provide some real evidence for such an outrageous position.
Likewise Christian who claim this or that thing should be required to back it with evidence.
Ditto for all religions.
Expressions of what God wants, should be met with scrutiny. The person should be able to perform signs and wonders which help us verify that the God or Gods are with that person.
They should be able to call on heavenly beings to back up their claims.
For example when someone is basically organizing a pedophile cult, we have to say "is this right? Does a God really want that?"
A Christian heretic who claims God does not want us to obey the law and favors the worst criminals and that must forgive everything they do to us, it is not a criminal claim on Earth?
Shouldn't they have to provide evidence of that?
If It's true that this is some kind of part of a huge epic conflict between Gods in heaven, or between a God in heaven and the law on the one hand, and heretic criminals on the other, then indeed doing anything bout this can have global repurcussions.
However it is my insticts warning me that at this time in history it is important nevertheless to do this project to verify what if any Gods humans worship are truly backed by any evidence signs wonders et cetera that a real God who is powerful backs them up.
It is apparently an issue of huge repercussions.
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