Thursday, 15 March 2018

We must appeal to all the Great Gods and Great Cultures to resist and overcome this crisis

Yes all the Great Cultures have a role to play.
I know one thing, that is that none of the most sincere religious people want a cataclysmic war.
We should be be appealing to the God and the God to talk to their real supporters in all cultures and organizing a resistance against this wicked gang conflict and the prospect of a wicked world war between nations.
I think it is best to get support from the Allah faithful, the Jesus Faithful, the Krishna Faithful, the Shen Faithful, the Guanyin Faithful, et cetera.
Some people have been moving on this ecumenical global peace and respect effort with some amount of sucess.
I think it is possible for the voice of faith and reason to prevail in China and India and perhaps most of the Islamic World and Western Europe, even in Russia perhaps.
We must strive to end the war against the righteous, the war against the poor, the war agaist the needy, the war against the sick, the war on the police infomrants, the war on the witnesses.
Instead of waging biological, chemical and nuclear attacks on each others nations and cities, and deadly murderous attacks against individuals, we should strive to forge a new relationship based on a renewed effort at trust and respect.
The West must respect the fact that Russian ethnic minorities in Ukraine, who were majorities in Donbass and Eastern Ukraine and Crimea, have requested the reunion with Russia democratically for the most part.
This re-unification of Russian speaking lands must not be fought and hated since the people of those reasons voted for or expressed their support for this action.
The Western elites tactics of blaming Russia for everything and calling it out as a villain must be met with a counter balancing policy of reaching out to Russians and showing them kindness and respect and love and honoring their contribution to the world.
While Christ called us to love our enemies, and to love our neighbors as ourselves, still neighbors are told to fight each other and the enemy is not loved, but hated and plotted againts, until war rears it's ugly head again.
We could have been loving the enemy and our neighbors in the world, and reaching out to them in peace and respect, trying to build a bond of trust.
But as soon as the supposed enemy's interest went against our own personal greed, our nations reacted to it by hating that enemy and opposing it with various forceful measures, even though the Russian desire to protect Russian speaking minorities in Ukraine was just.
Intead of making peace, both Russia and Western Leaders racheted up the conflict.
No disgust was expressed by the diligently obedient media slaves of the West and Russia.
The world didn't express any horror about child abuse or the enslavement of innocents, or the war aginst the police and their helpers, and of course the mere fact taht politicians continued to play to crowds who demanded blood of other nations and bloods of innocents was ignored and not criticized by mainstream or even realy alternative media.
Peace activists broke up and dwindled to a small minority.
War has been the evil cult leaders agenda, a planned war, in which they gain further and greater power over the population.
It's as if the elite in Russia, North Korea, Western Europe, and North America are all dominated by these evil cults or by a fear of them, and by a bigoted macho and sadistic cruel minority which advocate more war and hatred.
Indeed the sitaution is bad.
So we should reach out to all our friends around the world and ask them to speak for peace and good conduct among nations and in our communities.
We shuld ask our priests and bishops's and so on to pray for peace an respect and thanksgiving and honor and glory of kindness adn charity among the people and between the nations.
What horror that God is so defiled by mankind, and Love itself becomes the cruel engine of hate, by the machinations of human leaders, prophets and gurus and the like.
Disgusting, I offer myself as an alternative, I abhor what they have done and what they continue to do.   I can only strive on an try to make the impact I can, I am a rare voice of respect and peace, deep love and respect for all other living beings.
I would reach out to the world with great propaganda and vision about peace and harmony nad love and respect for all children and the heavenly creatures who watch over us.
With respect to all families adn children everywhere, I would practice and preach love and dignitiy and honor and virtue to all the corners of the world with a profound programme of culture and information and education and leadership and protective circles.
IT is a pity that no one like me is considered acceptable to be rich famous and in charge by the vermin infested masses of the human race.

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