I mean it's like these guys are deciding we need war, and they are a cabal of people who won't fight or die in the war.
That's outrageous.
I think Kings have been perverts like this for most of history.
Look at our society?
Cults, gangs, kids being abused, war against the children and youth, war against police infomrants?
I mean the Kings are either so afraid of all these perverts they won't do the righteous things, or they are the perverts.
The Leaders want a safe space in which to terrorize the world and steal and profit tremendously from the people?
Perhaps it's about time we went all Pakistani and Shit and started blowing up a few governors and presidential candidates. HAha.
Just kidding.
I dunno, maybe we should actually get a brain, read the new holy books and inspire ourselves with what can make a better world and then just force it on the church and the political parties, by flooding them with our new recruits.
But seriously, if these cowardly infidel leaders make us mass murder each other again, we should throw them in hell forever.
Seriously think about that?
What the hell man.
It's like we ain't got no chance, they are going to force this war down our throat just like they did the war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The pathetic masses are brainwashed and mind controlled by their cults an gangs and their tv watching.
No one wants to be a martyr cause their life is so special.
It's not important enough to them to speak out and stop war and create love and peace and harmony.
Really it's like they don't believe in the righteous, but choose to follow foolish pimps and womanizers who won't stand up for what's right and fight the good struggle.
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