Not every kid is raised in atheist hell unmagical world.
I guess there's a significant majority who get to experience personal magick first hand.
I know I had my magical things happen, and some of it was so significant I won't ever forget it.
God or something That listened to our prayers had answered my prayers for little miracles to happen.
I wasn't shown magic by other humans, or told bout God answering prayers and thanking and praising God when that happened.
I was ignorant, but I still saw some things based on what i heard from my older brother and my own curiousity about magick and God or the Gods.
I saw that God could help the heroes by breaking their chains and breaking their bindings.
It is part of what inspired me to be such an outspoken youth, speaking for causes that inspired me like equality before the law, the environment, human rights, international peace.
It might have been part of why I felt like joining army cadets or taking such strong positions on subjects.
I would do another magic quest as an adult and would see significant magicks worked for me as I spoke to "God" or "the Gods and the God or the Devil or the Lord or the Creator,..." et cetera.
My magic quest led to discoveries of a magical world known as "the Kingdom of Heaven" where your wishes are granted as easily as if you had asked your doting rich aunt for a present.
For citizens of the Kingdom of God, it is possible to make it snow for Christmas or rain during a drought, or to get it to stop raining so one can go out during the wet season apparently.
They might be able to help a significant amount of people with walking or seeing or hearing trouble with their prayers if they can arrange the person's destiny to be corrected.
In any case I am living my little life of wonder and magick now as I should have been raised to do.
Woe to them, the atheist criminals some of them deny our magical life and want to rob all the children and their childrne especiall of this magical life with the God or Gods or whatever.
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