Thursday, 22 March 2018

WE have a chance.

After what the rich did in the past two generations, communists who expose and prove the crimes of the elite stand a real chance for gaining power and intergrating with liberals and social democrats, and even some charitable conservatives. I swear to God they are abusing millions of children at daycare with their 1%er gang who work directly for the rich elite. Cops are terrfied of the extreme capitalist criminal establishment. They need God to power them up and grant them divine power for battle. Proof in my experience is they are not just bluffing about trying to kill us, and they really are slave trafficking women and children. It's everywhere and kids are joining 1%er gangs in droves and even child abuse cults. I've been subjected to criminal abuse since I was a child and I am fully aware of the capitalist pig project. Beware, there are even possibly some socialists who are bad like this, who would like to use socialist cover to steal resources from peple. God has literally warned me of every serious attempt on my life and I have been saved from defeat in the manner I prayed to win each time, with miraculous powers. Woe - the evil one would like to deny God's blessings to the socialist movement. DOn't let them, seek out Angels nd the Lord and get your divine blessings and testify and do miracles. I even healed a man's eyesight after consulting wiht my 'schizophrenia" of the Gods and praying for him twice. Terrify the enemy and pray not to die for Jesus, but to be victorious for Jesus. Praise God, our supreme charitable loving leader of leaders. God has decreed a revolution in the economy and society, in the direction of socialism. Rise up and preach and live and fight and die if you must, but cling to God and beg him to be that hero.

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