Wednesday, 21 March 2018

I'm outraged, but nothing is going to be done

Pretty much they way they got it nothing is going to change.
The white creeps have us right where they want us, we're not preaching religion to them or making sure they adopt honest behavior, we're being gouged for money by the corporate elite and there's hardly any public protest.
A new political formation is the only logical choice, but good luck getting that off the ground.
In any case they will try to corrupt and coopt new political movements to serve their agenda.
I was thinking of getting something started in local politics, because at least there is some hope in local politics of a popular organization leading to an elected office.
The fact is the media will not report on new political movements designed to combat corporate corruption and government insolvency.
We have to find out about what is going on from indepenent sources, the corporate elite doesn't want to give us a popular voice in the mainstream media.
While 50% of the world's food might be thrown away, and all starvation unncessary, what the corporate elite did was cut their own taxes and then gouge the population for pure profit.
This is all due to financial pressures from the illicit banking world, which has created money as debt, with interest attached to it, forcing the economy deeper and deeper into debt and increasing the financial sector's domination of it.
When Occupy Wall Street got started, and got going, the corporate leaders apparently attempted to assassinate OWS leaders.  The FBI found out about the plot but didn't tell the Occupy leaders about it.
The FBI won't even take the side of the popular leaders, because it is controlled by politicians who are owned by Wall Street and Big Business.
I am trying to organize this clean and good party of Canada, which proposes to fix all these outrageous problems, but the fact is, no one in Canada takes much interest in it thus far.
Let's see what happens, will people ever wake up and realize the economy shuold be designed and planned for the prosperity of hte common man, not the enrichment of the corporate elite?

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