Friday, 16 March 2018

The Whole World is a giant cult and cults arrayed against me. They all march against the truth of Nicholas Boake. hahah

Yes I want to prove I am a nice and decent person who will do something to help the needy, the innocent and the poor.  Who will do everything for them in fact!
I want to organize these decent caring people into movements and organizations and parties, and create a new political movement based on respect and love and caring for each other.
I want to create a specially tested proven government and child care services and health services industries.
These mind scanning empathy sacrifice testing methods will be used to create the perfect political party and government.
Dictatorship by God's personal hand, decreeign what Christ says and laying it out before the masses.
I am for it.
They are totaly against me and will try to stone wall me and hide my ideas from the pubic.
Now do your Yoga nd your Qi Gong dance and get into the happy rejoicing groove and celebrate your life and all the blessings you and your people recieve.  haahahah happy happy.

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