Monday, 19 March 2018

Georges Delerue, excellent composer of 20th century

George Delerue, Stellaire.

Makes me think of God and the righteous conspiring against all those vile wicked people. 

Sending them calamity, calamity after calamity.

Taking away their life, seeing them die young, pounding them in the street fights.

God afflicts them with plagues, and he smites them in their own hearts, they can't help but destroy themselves.

They make foolish errors, reveal their disgusting plans, they get caught.

They can be destroyed!

Remember what Saint Paul said "They become depraved so that others will kill them."

IS there no one righteous left?

Is there anyone who will wish them death, who will take the knife to them?

They have a little time, to live their lives, but the rightoeus, we have forever, to celebrate and rejoice in our Love, our superb love for the children and women, for the decent men.

"We will triumph" the true schizophrenics talking to the God, despite the fear he might be an evil spirit.

They are running away from us, we already seem to have killed 50, or 65 of them, maybe even hundreds of them have died, after they crossed against us.

They took up the cross for an vile purpose, they went against the childrne and the innocent, they went against the womenfolk's health and well being, they promoted pollution and savage barbarism.

Now we see them dying, and gasping for air, they soon will be gone.

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