They have nothing to look forward to but war strife and prison or death, and indeed they are so angry about their decadent and dangerous lifestyles that they very well would like to destroy the world to some extent.
Now their intelligent leaders see this mass discontent as the perfect excuse among the sick global elite (who is a pervert) to cause major crisies and war and profit from them illegally without fear of organized reprisal at least by mainstream media and ordinary government workers.
Now there remain good elites and we continue to hear positive messages on sunday and in the evening news by some politicans, at least in Canada.
AT least in some parts of Canada.
There is some good news , right? Justin Trudeau went to India and peaced around the country kising babies and toasting the elite there with talk of riches and exstasies of mutual love and cronyism.
Of coures Justin Trudeau never publically mentions teaching children to love and respect each other and ending the social conflicts in Canada between rival gangs and cults. Or does he? Maybe it's just neve on the news, maybe we just hear about this crazy shit between the USA And it's foes.
Crazy gangster shit is going on, and we're told, "It's Russians who launched the terror attack or it's their fault." It could have bene some crazy gangster shit, is all i am saying. It could have been Islamic terror desinged to start a world war III between the White Christian Races.
It could be that .
No mention at all from Politicians and Media of those possibilities on CNN and BBC to my knowledge, hahaa maybe a bit on the newspaper analysis.
The probation of those leaders, the reprobation which with society should hold them in, and the endless proof they should have to give that no evil plots have transpired among their midst.
What did leaders make a war project because they were about to get caught or something, with their hands in the till ? Robbing the world and decreeing false science and false medicine and false happiness culture, false social life culture, and false politics, false economics, false histories, false sociology, false psychology! Oh yes indeed the government is racketeering everything and doesn't want to be caught in it's magic tricks and evil attitudes towards the common earthling and the innocent children! The government wants to kill innocent children and get away wiht it's crimes, says my GOD! LOL GOD SURE SURE! IS THAT YOU REALL GOD? WIL YOU SHOW THEM SIGNS? HHA
Some in the government must be corrupt, and we should be holding the whole world accountable and only allowing voices of reason and respect to be admitted into the public discourse.
We should only let the assholes speak to demonstrate how perverse the radical terrorists and genocidal old men and women are.
The old people literaly want to have world war 3 just to express their final "fuck you" to God and the unvierse, if my old man is anything to go by.
These wicked elderly people have sided with the global illuminati and masonic and biker and general mafia criminal gangs type shit when their kids ran into trouble they hated their kids, abandoned them and left them to the dogs, whose side they were to afraid not to be on.
Or did that only happen to some people eh?
God says it did happen to quite a few people.
Now the masses want conflict and not respect and love, they want to show they are tough guys by making a war and claiming turf, and resources and shit like that.
God is with me as I write this, God has demonstrated that he is talking to me and that I am being answered by Him, and the Archangel Gabriel and God have related to me some proofs that they are who they say they are.
What it seems is tha he is encouraging my writing and making me continue to do it.
Gabriel Wise says "God is with you!" to me and tells me not to fear anyone. Hmm.
Well anyway, I saw a lot of UFOS and threw some excellent punches that reorganized some people's inner thoughts, after the whtie ghosts harrassed and bothered them after I fought to protect myself againt their assaults.
Yes I guess so and after I prayed to God they were also frightened by a UFO again.
My heavenly friends are here on Earth apparently too, shooting some devil cultists who pursued me for getting medical help and warning the people of the imminent rage of the Muslims, the Biker Gangs and the White Terrorists.
The population is having a mass psychotic experience, a sort of insane psychosis where it thinks it is honestl better to destroy each other and ruin the planet, for the other part of the population anway.
Hatred has built up between gagns, betwen religions, bewtween cults and between corporations, social classes.
The rich people call the poor scum, while the poor are brutally oppressed the by the rich people's criminals empire. The ric people now so perverse, apparently, God says, that they want to risk the devastation of whole empires and the destruction of millions of lives to further enrich themselves and solidify their state sponsored criminal regimes and dominate and steal ever more from everyone.
Soon all the youth will have to join gangs and cults.
They will all be the slave and servant of the rich elite of the corrupt side of things.
So then others say we need a war, to mobilize the people.
It's God's nightmares, he does not want honest good people to get involved in these conflcits other than to protest them and argue that the perverted and corrupt must be challenged, not their common fellow man, the oppresed people of other nations.
Yes indeed as Martin Luther King might have pointed out in private, "they are making the oppressed workers fight each other and kill each other and rape each other's families, and they are raping their childrne as well!"
Fight, it is hard not to fight, if you don't fight they will possibly just continue to oppress you.
Yet where are the Angels? Where is God? Where are teh true Gods?
Its as if they are shut out of the world ,officially banned from having a public voice or doing anything to help anyone!
The Archangel Gabriel told me it is because the evil ones or the devil has so many hostages that God can't help us without the evil one harming his captive and hostages.
Indeed the Devil is going to force this global war on us to profit and solidify hsi control, while we might watn the war to give our leaders authorization to fight against this devil.
The sitaution is very tense. God is perhaps only helping those who earnestly sought to be missionaries, pastors, prophets, children of God and so on.
The conflict could be about to explode though perhaps it will just continue to simmer.
I dunno. LOL.
Blow up the world okay? Just shoot everyone. Go illuminati and masonic new world order.
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