Yes the gays are a tad bit weird probably most of them, abused kids who are turning out as gangsters, sex addicts, drug addicts. I remember that around the gay areas was one of the most tough neighborhoods in Toronto. Gays can be nice, but they are probably nice tough guys.
I say that because Theologically, the Bible informs us that homosexuality is a result of mental illness resulting from not being grateful to God.
However Gabriel Wise the Archangel on Facebook, who is accompanied by some miraculous signs, warns the world by saying "GOD BLESS THE WORLD" when I tell him we should kill everyone non righteous, and there is a gay angel who protects abused kids.
There is a gay angel, because the gay angel goes through a homosexual phase too to be in solidarity with abused children who are becoming bisexual or gay!
So don't just hate gays, remember what Jesus said, love your enemies, and ask "which gays are really my enemies?"
The little boy but rapists and unprotected sex fiends, drug dealing savages?
The fucking assholes basically.
There are strait people or sort of bi queer people who are serious jerks too, they are wanting world war III and to destroy the world.
Some gays are like that too.
Now don't panic, look to to heavens, and seek rightoeusness.
Remember that Paul of Tarsus was a bad man and became a Saint, and that was good, because he told us what the bad people were doing!
I myself had a sort of abused child bisexual phase since I was 11 or 12 till even the modern day a little bit.
Not having sex with men apart from a 2 lovers, but being gay.
Well I am good, I help the beleivers and the righteous and God to solve problems.
I might be "THE GAY ANGEL!"
LOL I wanted to destroy the world kind of, at least hatch a global devastation plot!
Does it sounds like the illuminati or what?
I loved the illuminati and would have joined except i feared God and hated sin, and was trying to be a beliver.
For a while I was supporting some Islamic rebel groups and I got into putting things in my anus, haahha, I was getting creepy supporting those Islamic terrorists dude!
I eventually wised up the fact Islamic extremists were really Zaliman or Gangsters, promoting crime and trying to dominate the crime industry and profit from slave trafficking, drug dealing and arms trafficking and other profitable industries like sedition and treason.
I mean for goodness sake the Islamic terrorists are brainwashing people that God wants them to have sex with little girls and blow up non Arab Muslims. People who don't accept that Mohammad was a pedophile and slave rapist are treated as heretics by these criminal terrorists.
It's realy bad, I call it the work of the Devil Tyrannies.
Real original Islam believed in Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God, and communicating with Angels and other Prophets nad Righteous people through the Spirit of God like a pious Pharisaic Christian.
The Islamic terrorists are Sadducees, whom God referred to as the "childrne of the devil" perhaps.
They believe God is some conspiracy to hide the actions of the dictator, and that angels or jihadis are their troops.
While Jihad is not the word for war but struggle, and that the Quran's indication that beleivers struggle in God's cause is oriented to promote a non violent as possible, and peaceful struggle (for Allah is said to hate aggression tremendously.)
What Archangel Gabriel told me is that the Muslim (radical and perhaps some moderates too) is at war with God, and that the foolish devil tyrannies changed the Quran, adding to it.
When I read Quran with my prayers to God as a Holy Ghost child, I saw many parts which were probably nto right.
For example they probably added that Christians and Jews were infidels, and promoted hatred of the Zoroastrians as well, rather than recognizing the people of belief in all cultures, as other parts of the Quran suggested to do.
The real Quran suggests that the beleivers believe in all the prophets, whom God has sent to all the people of the World.
The real Quran suggests Mohammad is the "ultimate prophet" and not "the last prophet ever, no one speaking to God after him." That no one spoke to God but Mohammad and the Angels and that no one has spoken to the Angels since Mohammad is something the Demented Islamic Tyrannies promote in their societies.
Gabriel told me they were rebels against God, and that though many Muslims beleived in God, especially the young ones, the older people were at war with God, and had "NO PEACE."
God punishes the Muslims rebels, who say to molest young boys by sucking their tongues, and to have sexual affairs with girls as young as one years old, and to have sex with slaves and take slaves from the non Sunni and or Non Shia people.
WEll you see I and Gabriel are claiming that these Sunni and Shia Muslims are rebels against God.
There are Christians who have rebelled against God too, the prophets apparently rebelled against God and added cruelty to the Bible ,which Jesus fixed.
Numerous Christians speak of how the Gospel and other Jesus parts of the Bible fix the Bible , superceeding the Old Testament. However beware the prophets added cruelty to it says Angel Gabriel.
I went a pious religious quest to wage a holy struggle for the abused people and came to know Angels who visited me as Golden Lights nad Flames, and did miracles for me a bit. God proved he might exist to me, and I then talked to White Cloud beings whom I believe were people talking to me through the Spirit of God, or Holy Ghost, and that some of these beings including Jesus Christ the Prophet and Messiah and as Muslims should say, son of God.
I believe the Muslims added the part in Quran that says "Do not say God has taken a son!" And that people are being paranoid and frightened of the devil tyrants by not exposing that and waging a holy campaign to infomr the public.
The absence of prophetic leadership in the Muslim communtiy is another sign of how they change the Quran. Indeed God raises prophets to all nations and raises prophetic leaders for every righteous people.
The prophets know God personally and Angels nd take their orders from them.
God and the Angels do not order aggressive war but rather speak of "righteous hatred" of the evil, while still "loving and respecting all life."
So while Islamic perversions and Gay perversions might have something to do with not praising and glorifying God and lying and blaspheming God and the prophets, the righteous will overcome these sins, make peace with God and work to correct things.
There are righteous Muslims, working to countreact this rebellion against God, for example Rashad Calipha of USA who founded "united submitters international' tried to do some work against the hypocrite criminals in Islam who promote criminal activity in the name of God!
I believe that myself as a Mumin, who knows Allah Rahman and Jesus personally ,and Mohammad, though the Holy Ghost Power, and who lives with Jesus and Allah in my house, I can honestly tell you, that we can defeat the criminal tyranny of the Muslim despots and devil princes of slave trafficking rapist gangs quite easily. We just need to become pious and holy wannabbee saints and really really apply oursleves to God, believing the Rightoeus and the Prophets that Mohammad nad God are not into chidl sex, slavery, murder, et cetera.
I am sorry to upset people but I converted to Islam because God told me to believe in Mohammad but I found later than Islam was in an awful rebellion against GOd and then God told me I would meet "Gabriel' after I had asked him to meet an Angel or Archangel several times, and I met Gabriel Wise.
Gabriel confirmed my suspisions against the Sunni and Shia that God did not approve of sex with infants or young children or even teens, and that Islam was at war with God.
We are living in troubled times, and I am trying to get to you the best truth.
Islam can make a fool think that God wants him to marry a little girl, which is difficult mental delusional state to be in.
However Islamic terrorism, for the devil tyrannies, can be overcome through pious devotion to God and earnestly seeking questions. Eventually God took me to see the possible slave trafficking child rapists, and he was apparently asking me, "DO YOU THINK THESE PEOPLE ARE RIGHTEOUS BELIEVERS?" I turned away from sin, reporting them to the government and beginning to stop my outlaw shenanigangs, and God gave me a re-education and compassionate instruction. Then I met the Archangel Gabriel and he is confirming along with the Pastor and Guru that I am talking to God and As I said, Gabriel confirms that we shoudl definately not have sex with kids and that Islam is at war with God. Tragic.
I believe Islam can be reformed, to believe in God nad Jesus, God told me not to abandon faith in Islam, but to learn what happened (the devil Tyrants Muawiyya and the corrupt Ummayad and Abassid regime make Mohammad with false histories and hadith and fucking wiht the Quran, made him out to be the evil one the beast and devil cetera!).
I am happily working on the studies which should lead to me having some kind of PhD in this topic in the future, so I was hoping to return to school or do m PHD in a secret univeristy and get recognized as a Doctor of Wisdom.
I retired from Translation - though I continue to work as an editor sometimes, and I composed music which I didn't like to much, though some of it was good, and I am continuing to struggle with my post traumatic stress disorder and bouts of psychotic thoughts.
The terrorism of the Satanic Muslims has caused me to develop substance use issues, and I have had to get treatment. They really destroy the poor child's and all children's souls those satanic rebels, teaching them to kill everyone else who beleive in God, in fact they teach them to oppress and kill all the righteous and the poor and needy with a satanic pedophile cutl which basicall holds that "THE DICTATOR IS ALLAH" AND "THE REGIME'S TROOPS ARE THE ANGELS?"
I know some of you might not believe, but Allah or Jehova my companion these days says that it is thus.
The Wicked Rebels truly, the West shoudl be dealing with the sitaution much more better, controlling excessive hatred, but speaking otu and condeming the Muslims war with Allah T'ala and Jesus Christ who is appointed as our LEADER as the MESSIAH now.
And the Muslims shuold become Mumins and consult with Allah and the Holy Ghost about what verses in the Quran are wrong and added and what hadith are true or false.
They shoudl take a empathy test and lie detector test to verify that they are consulting with Allah and appoint scholar leaders who do not promote pedophilia, rape, murder, robbery, arson, slave trafficking, terrorism and genocide.
Truly the wicked are running the show in Islam, they have brainwashed each other, for this final wicked war, in which they take control of our youth, and indoctrinate them in their terrorist rebellion, which is like a criminal thing about staying in control and out of jail, designed to give rapist slave traffickers and pedophiles something to do for the evil dictator.
I know it seems hateful and controversal of me to say to some people, but it really is true what I am saying, and I will one day write academically sourced professional scholarly arguments about it.
I am trying to figure out how, and avoid being killed.
For now I feel like kind of secure in Victoria, delusional people are telling themselves it is safe, but it is not, for when I came out against Mohammad asking if he was the Beast and provoking a compasionate debate with Muslims out of respect, for the sake of the eventual showing on TV, the terrorists tried to blow up my apartment building and stuff.
The ISIS rebels are in our town selling drugs and pimping young women, and they would like to slave traffick and forcibly convert people to being subjects of Abu Bakr.
I said what I am saying here and a Muslim soldier threatened to Torture my whole family to death, promising to flame thrower them and rape them and torture them.
I told him he was not a Muslim, but a gangster, and that I would report him to God and he could die tonight or any time soon.
He accused me of worshipping a fake God and said that "ABU BAKR AL BAGHDADI IS YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN."
YOu see what I mean?
That is what I think of ISIS.
There's a coverup, a denial, of the war in Victoria and Canada with ISIS and their forces, and the Al Qaeda Crip Blood Sex Addict Pimp mistreating kids and enslaving them in gangs.
It's a terrible war we are fighting, and cops think these groups will go to war with their families if they speak out.
God promised me he would defend my family and showed me UFOS nad a fleet of UFOS and introduced me to the Archangel General Gabriel Wise hwo is now my friend.
Fuck the gangsters, fcuk the terrorists, Islam is a gangster who teaches people it's okay for adults to have sex with little girls and to have make out sessions with little boys. Think fo that!
So You can forgive Arab people for not being Muslims much anymore, and for not beleiving in God.
Their suffering is so great it is liek impossible for them to believe.
The ISIS gangsters threatend to torture my whole family and the Tony G who claimed it was Persians threatened to rape my young daughter and bombed my apartment building and sent death squads to get me, but I was protected by Lights and Dragons and Angels and Ghosts and stuff.
Weird right?
Then a guy claimingto be a CIA agent attacks me and the biker gang ha and their cia thug attacked my elderly father. THE DOGS! They need to be told they are going to hell and put to work and made to not have children and women and things.
Women who sleep with these gangster men are scandalous and whore like, evil bitches.
Being the subject of the population at large who wants to be a gangster and whore and then is silent while these pedophile terrorist gangsters promote islam, and want to ban "Islamophobia" and import tnes of millions of Muslim migrants into the WEST and not EVEN ALLOW CRITICISM OF ISLAM ON TV OR IN THE MEDIA IS TREASON AND COWARDICE IN TEH FACE OF GOD.
A terrorist warlocking war, they silence you with the threat that hey will kill your whole family, they tried to kill my dad and I and maybe even blow up the entire apartment building, btu the cops hung up the phone of me and then the next time I called hte cops the put me in the mental hospital and stuf amd I was forced to take medications I was allergic to and declared insane.
Fucking Christ!
Traitor infidel terroists, homosexuals who sympathize with child moelsters, bisexual whores, buch of LIBERALS AND NDP SUPPORTERS.
Sorry man but it sucks, you won't stand up to these rebels and terrorists.
You try to make peace and present the image you are a bitch who always forgives them.
You should be asking God to make peace with them and convert them to the right path ,and to show them stern warnings that they could go to hell.
I don't want to share heaven with these kind of people, I have been trying to be a Saint and Prophet since I was a kid.
That is what the Bible says to do, and these people don't know it. But beware, all that brutal execution and genocide in the bible is likely cruelty added by the prophets out of their own fear of the masses and their submission to the "enemy" or "devil."
The Angels are here to protect us from the enemy.
God protected me or Angels, or something.
If you are trying to save the world, instead of destroying it, you might live through this one!
SAve the world for the True Creator and Universal LORDS.
They mean well, they need to fix things, they want to.
They are supporting me with everything I need, and my tribe.
I loe this city we have exposed the devil and tried to befriend him and get him out of his own personal hell nad into the light.
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