Wednesday, 21 February 2018

My Mafia - by Captain Nicholas Boake

My Mafia is the good guys.  They don't commit no crimes.
Barely any, they on medications.  maybe righteous assault, providing needed underground medical services.
I'll mind scan them and lie detector test them, empathy test them, see that they really willing to die for the good cause.
They'll tell those rapists and murderers that they could really go to hell, and maybe thump them up.
They'll say God could throw you in hell, and then pray that scary lights and holy ghosts appear to those people and frighten them into their senses."
Then they will go and remind them that they got that after we asked God to do that.
We'll lecture people on how the ancient astronauts and far travelling aliens have the power to ressurect us, and it seems so does the creation or creator itself.
We'll inform people on our secret science.
We will make sure sex addicts get anti psychotics and std testing and we will discourage them from unsafe sex.
We will see too it that drug addicts get safer drugs, without deadly corruptions, and that they are overseen medically by trained staff.
We will only extort the evil doing rich people, and some of their prosperous minions.  We will share the booty with the saints and the penitent and good deedly doing people.
We will only rob the rich, and share it among the needy and the righteous.
We won't murder anyone, we will hold secret trials with the state's secret government and perhaps conduct vigilante operations or leave that to God and the Angels and the government.
We will try to help everyone train for several jobs if they are unemployed and need money, and help them get educations of some kind about life in general, child rearing, education of kids, about learning basic like maths and literacy and grammar knowledge and we will teach them about history and music and science and art.
We will hold the greatest parties and bring everyone together in a spirit of love and brotherhood, or friendship, or at least kindness, in the spirit of hte cops, with the cops present we hope to smoke a twig with them.
Perhaps the heavenly police will show us they bare chests, and we can party with them all night, and spy on the possible slave traffickers, peodphiles, terrorists ,gangsgter murderers, and so on.
A Mafia which works direclty for hte Jesus Christ and Jehova nad Holy Ghost, under the command of a Saint and a Prophet, a Sith Lord Jedi Lord, and training hte whole nations and un allies and friendly independents to be masterz.
We'll help people make peace, and between families and neighborhoods and on streets and individually.  we will help the kids make peace and be integrated and loved and cared for, all the kids, down the very last one.
We will raise an army of Jedis, an Army of Sith, and they will all work for the Force, Creator and Lord, God Supreme.
I will hook people up with other people who share the same interest who are trustworhty, so they can communicate and continue their academic and scholarly works.
Raising a generation of diplmomats and peacekeepers, of honrable pastors and missionaires supporting global culture and individuality and traditions which are honorable belonging to all societies.
Thanks be to God and praise be to God.
God tells me I have skipped the Major position and been promoted to Colonel.

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