Tuesday, 20 February 2018

The Big Kahuna!

Neo Islamic Christianity and Christian Islamism, and Neo Hindu Buddhist Christianity.

Respecting traditional indegenous beliefs is key ...  Mohammad might have been telling the truth when he said "Prophets were sent to all the nations of the Earth!"

Why do not all nations recognize Jesus as Son of God in practice?  Do they secretly do so?

Archangel Gabriel Wise said "Jesus is God!" Oh no an Alien or Djinn faction perhaps.

I hope God would protect us from false Archangels, I think my science investigation proves God exists to some degree, but I still don't know whether God is evil or good.

How would I know?

Our Holy Books say he is righteous, but we are warned, by our consciousness, that here could be mischeif in them there Holy Books.

Perhaps we should wage defense!
The people have lost confidence in the governments again!


I can restore confidence in the government, but we might or possibly will pay a price, certainly a price of a good government will be the criminals saying we can't talk about life, they already say we can't "TALK" sometimes.

Some people have taken it so literally they barely speak or guide anyone, they are not fulfilling their duties to be prophets, missionaires and pastors!

WE could turn the whole world into a penitent monastery, and see where ti gets us .  Perhaps all the SAINTS will be RICH and everyone who tries their good effort will be Prosperous.

There's someone who is darkness, who is become so twisted, he has to kill me for saying this.

Darth Sidious tries to enable him to be a better person, but does he want that?

Let us remain as fathers and grandfathers in training, as mothers in traning, and make a wonderful magical peaceful world for our kids.


We must fill the people's minds with the good and godly ideas to make peace and reform the criminals to become constructive citizens and not parasites and monsters.  Some crimianls already are constructive citiznes, reformed, you know what I mean?  People like me.

I didn't want to break the law, but I felt I had to, they put me in the mental hospital, thank God, and not the prison.  I think that is just, for prision for everything divides us and makes a war against the righteous and poor more likely apparently.

I want to train them to be better friends and companions and how to defeat the evil ones and save their friends and families from the evil monsters.

I believe God is a part of this, that you have to be "saved" by God.

I am a man, who is probably been sometimes saved, sometimes not saved.

We are oppressing the black people, I charge, making them be bad boys and putting em in prison far to much perhaps.

I did a research project on it in college, blacks represent 12% of criminals in the usa according to us department of justice figures, btu serve 55% of the time spent in jail.  What are blacks more severe in crime?  God help them.

I do believe blacks have some kind of paranoid delusional rebellion going against the other races, which they suspect of wnating to destroy them and replace them with some alleged "superior" race.

I think we should make peace with all the black saints and good people, and try to make them all become our friends in the faith and love and hope.

That is what is going on in Canada to my knowledge, to the best of my knowledge.

There's still some discrimination against blacks for that but they have a fair shot.

We should provide blacks with "black sensitive" education tools. I am preparing some, having practiced some form of mind exercizes to see what might help childrne better nad blak people too.

I support Black Rights, and Women's Rights, and Islamic Rights - the Islamic Right not to be told "hadith" are literally true (when they mean "Accidents") in Arabic, and not to be told by rebel regimes to become a pedophiles ,rapist, pirate,and murdeerer.

God help us all.

We can change the climate in Canada perhaps, if we all repent and turn away from wrongdoings and sins, and only do what God wants, then the Artic blasts will diminish and we will have rain and less cold winters.

That is what my investigation into the science of God and Nature and God or Whatever and the Weather is revealing.

I intend to organize more "prophets" - scientific investigators into the truth of the God or Gods and the journalists reporting what God is saying.

People trying to be the best, to know Angels, to be with the Gods, in their homes, to be close to the Divine, Close to Mother Nature.

I am trying to help us, I have seen that something must control the winds, and rains, and it woudl be the case that we can get a less cold winter and more rainfal in dry places.

God help us, they are saying we speak nonsense and that we are insane!

They are saying police infomrants are insane ?  Some of them are.

Well we might be insane peopel some of us, but that doesn't prevent us from having learning abilities and capacity to ascertain certain truths.
And what of all those who are ACES and NOT INSANE?  CAn they please join me in doing this "prophetic science?"

I request it from God, the Gods, or Whatever, and Mother NAture, to find us acquiring new knowledge.

I believe from my lab experiments taht God can sometimes change the measurement or effect of gravity in an insance, and from my fighting experiments that God can perhaps disable the weapons and make one temporarily invincible and make one have special strenght and become invisible and have a illusion copy of oneself moving aobut, even 10 illusion copies, which can distract enemy bullets.

I am working hard on making things okay, or good, or right, or better than right, perfect!

God help you.

You could suffer great calamities if you come against me and my family, I believe other people have suffered defeat repeatedly and been punished for attacking us.

Thank you.

Now I play Metallica!


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