Tuesday, 20 February 2018

I was clinically insane and they spoke to me

They came and communicated with me, those God like heavenly beings through the auspices of the heavenly implants in our heads?
Now I am tutored by the Gods, in martial combat and philosophy and art.
I have one the auspicies of the Lords in Heaven, by the art of my work, which is faith.
I am inspired to fight 10 men at once, to prove the righteousness of my heavenly teachings.
If 10 of the enemies of the police infomrants and witnesses, 10 or 20 of the enemy of God, wish to fight against me, then "I will show them perhaps, if the police will allow the bout match to take place."
I might smite them with blasts of righteous force terror, flashes of light and flames, and a force push which knocks down the wicked against the righteous to ground.
Then we can begin to train a true empire of the children of the God, the servants of the God, and the workers for Heaven's graces, to the WAY, the IDEAS BEHIND THE FORCE, which is what we are about!
Not getting caught for being a good person eh, well that is a sign that things were bad in Israel back then.
Lots of evil terrorists and gangsters and spies and stuff.
We can overcome, I want to prove my teaching, and then extent my protection and guidance to as many people as possible.
With the grace of Lord Darth Sidious, Darth meaing "King of Kings and Lord of Lords.".
Yahweh says I am a Darth.  "Darth Sidious in Fact" claims Jehova.  My Jehova which proves it exists via certain experiments which prove that..
I can determine you guilt or innocence with the hand of the FORCE, THE DIVINE.
I might strike a evil army down with thunders and lightnings, like King Frederick the Great.
Yes I offer the Jedis hope of peace, that they will submit the Mastery of the True Gods and bow to the Creator Force, the Light and Truth and Life.
Amen to that, by the WAY OF WAYS, whatever that is.
"Could be you.' says Lords Vader.

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