Tuesday, 20 February 2018

As an Orthodox Marxist, I would like to say (sic).

Well they can all get what they want if they contribute to the economy enough.
Perhaps a lot of them are happy with what they already have and don't want much more.
Oppression of Colonialism has passed, now we live in "gang and cult oppression" times.
The West is free and social democratic, conservative movements are generally hasidic marxists (sic).
Ironic, we can have world peace or we can have world war.
Socialists in this time train a super army and plan lands of workers prosperity where the workers can dwell in new cities and purchase land with money lent without interest.
The conservative and nationalist devil reactionary cult and gangs still exist perhaps in some places but perhaps not in Canada generally.
Canadians are marching forwards towards total socialism, with a market economy and taxes on the rich which are proportionate.
Italian Canadian Frienship is very high indeed, Canadians and Italians share a national and international socialist vision of peace and prosperity and catching the vile and wicked and subjecting them to punishment and reform programmes.
French and Canadians are getting along great, both aspiring to social democratic paradise effectively.
United States and Canada have some minor tensions but continue to enjoy great relations and work towards mutual goals.
There remains some unrest among the people.
We have major leaps forward to make in our international socialist projects, such as wresting the excess food from the agriculture and food services industries and feeding the 1/7 of the world's population who is still hungry, or 1/6.  Or even 1/5. 
We should harness the talent of all mankind to create private and publically funded work and volunteering projects to balance the distribution of food to the hungry.
We should make people get food and see to it family farms and socially constructive farming businesses stay in operation.
Feeding people will allow them to perform more services, such as sanitation, health care, and education.  This could drastically improve conditions in third world countries by 2022-2028.
We should move full throttle, and race to the finish, as the Heavenly and Earthly and Natural race of fine animals, great animals as it were, tiny animals, who are interesting.  Haha let us ask God and Gods and Whatever else there is to protect us from harm and help us move forward in repentance and atonement for our sin and make the weather better wherever it can be better wiht God's grace.
As I said I did experiements which sort of prove God or the Mother Nature or Gods or Whatever is listening to our thoughts and can respond to them. HAHA
The universe is alive all around us, and we can make our climate better I believe if we become more super better and ultra great, except perhaps in deviance.  The officially deviant places in the world continue to suffer many problems apparently.
God help us, let us do more science and finance volunteer scientists and medical helpers to provide more care and observation, also volunteer tutors as well.
To make up for lost jobs let us finance the creation of new industries and means for distribution of goods.
I see no reason why we can't work it out.
I have patented in God's prayer and with intention to create a fully accessible product, a means of measuring and calculating local economy to create sucessful business ventures.
Central planning it is not, but rather this program will hopefully be available for everyone to download and plan their own community business projects in collusion with a hopefully soon to exist local authority.
Peace to all the Rebels I hope they make peace soon and all wars come to cease except our vigilant training program against corruption and gangsterism and terrorism in our own communities.
God help you all and Whatever else, I am sure now based on my experiments that God or Something like That exists.
I published about my experiments on the facebook page "religious science", the lesser followed one, "religious science"with only circa 400-500 likes.
I seem to be influencing the weather in my home city and making waves with healing touches and causing lights in the sky to appear.
I might be a personal friend of the One or Many True Gods or God for all I know.  It seems that way perhaps. 
Perhaps it is that way.
Long live the children of the Matrix!
Let's make the business of terrible longevity, ressurection and saving sort of copies of ourselves.
Great Thank God and Praise God now possible to do this apparently!"
Great continue to be social democratic and marxist believers.  hahahah
Thanks be to the devils, and especially the Muslim capitalis pig dog devil, for the wars.  Haha no thanks.
The Muslims continue to rebel against social democracy and heaven, sadly, and we should make them realize charity is essential on believers not just recommended.
And it's not just 2.5% of your income, as some or official Sunni Say, it shoudl be depending on how much you make, and the more you make the more you might to give away.  Thanks be to God, who might prove he exists to you, if you are willing to pay a price.
Thanks be to God again.  Praise Socialism and Market economy.  Haha.
Let's stop throwing people in jail and just leave them to God and the Angels.  ;)
Give them mental health effort and missionary work for democratic social market libertarian tilt perfect systems of governance with proper ritual for survival. 
Heaven is guiding the communist movement, the socialist movement, towards a peace with the religious world, but we have work to do, we must prove God exists and is talking to some of us, or else the game will be up for some of us.
So work the great science, get God to change the gravity and electrical strength in the laboratory.

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