Saturday, 24 February 2018

Muslim world domination plans proceeding just fine with almost no public opposition.

Yes the Muslims are openly planning world domination.
Every publically well known critic of Islam I have heard of has either had assassination attemps or been killed.
Pam Geller, Charlie Hebdo, Danish Cartoonists, Theo Van Gogh, Geert Wilders.
Europe is filling up with Muslims who are intent on living on welfare and having 6-9 children, meaning that by 2100, Europe will be majority Islamic.
Hey Muslims only say God wants you to be a rapist slave trafficking pedophile and serial killer...
There's nothing wrong with that?
Well the Archangel Gabriel Wise told me that Islam was at war with God.
The fools added to the Quran he said, and then there are those fabricated stories about Mohammad.
Islamic countries are a Satanic dictatorship?
The King of Saudi Arabia visited me in my visions and we conversed a long time, then he went away, and I see now a man is getting famous in Saudi Arabia for saying the Muslims criminals added fabricated hadith to the Islamic religion.
Well thank God, apparently King of Saudi wants to limit or reduce the war against God and the faithful in Saudi Arabia.
That's good, because sex with little kids is "Disgusting" according to the voice of God that I hear.
Murdering people for criticizing a pedophilia cult is one of the worst crimes, attempting to kill those who try to rescue young children from pedophiles?  "A terrible crime" says God.
"The punishment is death" says my God.  Who claim it Yahweh.
In fact they tried to kill me and my family for attempting to save child prostitutes with a Holy Ghost and Angels, with the government and stuff, and the result was that 40 or 50 people were killed, says God.
They told me I would be their dog, or I would lose a leg, and I prayed and they were killed that very night, by natural causes. 
My neighbor's friend told me I was "Royal" after that.
Now God says after writing my scathing thesis on the crimes I have seen, and what the very wicked are like, that 50 million people were killed by biological warfare from the heavens.
God claims I am the Emperor of the Antaran federation and that I incarnated in the body of a human child who was murdered by the satanists for belief, and that I literally descended from heaven into my family's back yard.
When that incident happened, 40 or 50 people were killed and then my human hosts were left alone for decades.
I am on a mission apparently, to become "Emperor of the Universe" type of level.
I want to rival Jesus and Krishna in renounciation and power.
Well whatever, God is amuzing and it's true that my Mafia contact claims that I killed 40 or 50 people, which is not true I asked God to kill those people and apparently they died, God warned me that I woudl be suspect, and I said "can they see an image of me there when they are killed?"
Then they send a ninja to knock me out and he had a seizure after grabbing me and attempting to punch me, then he came again and he said I split into ten people and was protecting by terrifying lights.
That's good because that is what I prayed for to happen.
I see my prayers apart from billions of dollars falling out the sky are being answered..
I will continue to serve Jehova and the Gods and Archangels since they seem to control the nature around me and have power over sickness and machine malfunction to some extent.
About 50 million monsters being killed, we might kill another 50 million monsters any day now, as they refuse to recognize Jesus Christ and Jehova and Krishna and they are ungrateful and don't glorify God, they are now very very perverse and depraved and people will wish for them to die and also kill them, but I am requesting heaven to send another wave of death by disease and natural causes to eliminate them quietly.
Hush hush, we did it but you know what I mean?  We didn't do it and we are into young girls or something.  You know me I want to marry a 17 year old atheist bisexual scientist who wants to have sex wiht a zillion people.

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