Tuesday, 20 February 2018

A few black people keep fostering the race war.

There are blacks who continue on the race war warpath.
Like in south Africa, where JAcob Zuma sang "kill the boer."
Malcolm X saw things as this giant gangfight, and wanted blacks to become violent and defend themselves.  sometimes anyway.
I have read his autobiography, he was a violent gangster.
Real original pre muawiyya muslims are peacekeepers and peacemakers, figting with fists perhaps, but not aggressively and trying to advocate for rights.
Moamma might have said that "we can call down legions of angels to fight with us."
And perhaps the Arab peacekeeper army and human rights peacemaking (islamic) republic kingdom made an effort to bring peace to the regions and respect for human rights and stuff.
ORiginal Quran recognized believers in every culture and peacemakers everywhere.
"it did" says Yahweh.
Respect other cultures and defend the innocent muslims against the extremist cults.
Praise be the Workers and Adminstrators, may they do good work and solve disputes respecfully and peacefully thanks be to God who can prove he exists and identifies with peace and compassion more than with evil type of hatred and violence.
Perhaps he can.
"He Can!" claims the Archangels.

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