Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Colonel Nick Boake at your service, in the secret forces of the God Jehova.

Yes I can command a regiment.
I have been assinged the position of Colonel by my Side Helper, who is Jehove, and we are making peace and creating protection for people.
People who fight against peace are suffering consquences by the hand of Fate nad LOVE, by GOD!"
Jehova said "Hand of fate, and love, by God!""
So I am at peace, living life moderate, eating a light diet and taking much tea and the occassional germanic celtic remedy.  LOL A BEER!
They do that in Japan!  I love Japan Korea China Vietnam Cambodia and Thailan and Burma and so on and so forth. 
I can't wait till the less developped countries invite white and east asian people to come and live there and help improve things.
The black devil has to kill me?  No it's the white devil framing up the black devils again.
Happened before, it will happen many times again.
God help us!  Gods help us...
I need a billion and a half dollars fast, to prove I am a Saint and talking to God.
LOL then I can give some away to my friends who need it, and I will create with my regiment of peacemakers , community peace teams (previously known as the nick boake mafia) a world of help for the needy, providing a loving community with the help it needs to become all saintly so it can resist arial bombardment.
Super saints can't be blown up by bombs.
I have some stories about that.
It's amazing.
Jihad?  Struggle, as non violent as possible, yes struggle, lucho, wrestle and box the enemy while praying to God to punish htem and watch what happens, and become friends wih those alien visitor peacekeeping humantarian lords, the Angels and Archangels.
So forget the evil muslims they keep talking about the anti islam news, join the new good muslim at peace with Jesus Christ cult!
Jesus Christ migt be God, we don<t know!  He was the Messiah and people said he was Son of God, maybe he is God now!
Perhaps they changed the Quran .. <They did> says Allah T<ala./
i'd take a lie detector test and continue to do miracles to demonstrate that I was Allah<s good friend.
Forget Osama and Baghdadi, they were manifestly fake compared to what I am prepared to do.
Allah says I am the real <amir al muminoon>.

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