Friday, 9 February 2018

Who is the Bishop of my Natal Church? Hehehehe.

Oh man that's guys a weirdo he be like a cowardly infidel!  LOL

I honestly thought the Bishop might be the bad guy after talking to him a few times.

Well honestly ISIS is smoked, getting ruined and warping into a terrible drug dealing operation.

It's pretty gay that Muslims want to kill and enslave the rest of the world, because apparently it tries doing it to them.

I am thinking Christians should not kill and enslave muslims but rather be rightoeus saints and pray to God and talk to Muslims and defend themselves a bit and then just not kill anyone but let God do it.

It's damn terrible.  God forsake the world where men and women kill each other and enslave each other's children and abuse them.

That is a nightmare that shouldn't happen anywhere.

Please listen to some cool hopeful space heaven musical notes.

Well at least it's heaven for some kids, for a while.  The kids who can't be fucked with.  God's real kiddies. heheheheh  they sure get fucked with a bit though, but that doesn't go so well for the wicked eh?  The wicked are stupid, making a ghoulish and silly world for some and a nightmare world for others.  The righteous wuold make it a tolerable world for some and a very nice world for the others apparently.

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