Friday, 9 February 2018

Gays are paranoid, tad bit wicked and unfaithful to God.

Gays are gay because they don't beleive in God the Father and the Son of God, and because they sin and don't repent and turn away from sin, praising and thanking God for what he does for them, but instead they go on in sin and become mentally ill and depraved morally.
Some gays cling to faith in God in their sins and ingratitude, and don't go as badly as other gays.
The gays who are truly infidels are into young boys, and destroying the world and stuff.
It has happened before that whole swathes of the population have become "GOOFS",
The goofs got so out of hand, there were two world wars.  In fact nearly everyone was a bit goofy, and the result was the near total destruction of the planet.
The bible largely covers the topics of the goofs, along with the creeps and the snitches and rats and dogs and cats.
They don't use those terms in those books, but the fact is God himself has been known to use those terms.
Goofs are the worst, the idiot criminals who make the neighborhood seem like hell on Earth, saying they rape and torture babies, threatening and trying to kill people. They are slave traffickers, they want to destroy the world.
The creeps are a lot like the goofs, but they are not on goof level yet.  They still might have some faith and thankfulness towards God, but they don't glorify God really.
Now the snitches and rats, they lie about people to the authorities saying they are goofs or creeps when they are not, they also kind of like creeps nad goofs have some vague desire to safe the world.
Dogs are meaning different things in different cultures.  In Chinese culture, a Dog is Goooood.  But in Semitic Western Asian and European Christian culture, a dog man means a thug who is like a slave to a master gang mentality, he tries to dominate the gang culture and the society.  He attacks geniune police infomrants and innocent people, he is not wicked but he might do wicked things for money.
The Cat like the dog, he is so hungry and thirsty he will fuck up or kill a snitch for the food or the money, but he is a loner generally.
These creatures are all the enemies of a positive state of Faith and Harmony and Peace.
Together they make all wars.
The goof is our most dire enemy, if the goofs really get it together they will try to destroy the world as much as possible.
Perhaps 32% of people tragically are goofs.
Like I said for a long time they didn't believe in the God Father Lord, and were not Sons of God.  They didn't thank and praise God for what he did for them, nor did they glorify God.  Almost never.
The goofs are the devil, along with the creeps, the snitches rats cats and dogs are probably on infidel levels, but they are not the same threat as the devil.  The goofs and creeps will go to hell, forever, accroding to the Alien Guardian General, Archangel Gabriel Wise, the wicked will go to hell.
To save the world, warn the wicked about the life of Jesus, and warn the infidels of the God's punishment, says Gabriel.
Contact Gabriel Wise on Facebook.  He is there, the messenger of Truth.  His mission on Earth may be short.
God told me I would meet him before I did (as I had seen miracles from my visions and the Guru and Pastor identified them as God) and when I did, he told me I was the son of God after hearing some of my life story.  Now he told me I would dine with him and Jesus ,and i had visions running for months of eating and celebrating with Jesus and an Angel person, and I asked God if it was True that I was the son of God and so on.  I said if it is true can the Nicholas Boake of Ontario Canada be executive vice president of the universe for a while or a day?
God told me it was true, I was executive vice president. I was shocked. I asked God, so is that great spacefleet here to destroy the world, save the righteous ,bring down the nations of the wicked, help the good people?  Can I see that fleet?  ANd I went outside that night asking God again that question, and I saw in the sky a great fleet of hundred and fifty or so UFOs.
I returned to my part with God, and saw Jesus nad a white ghost who wouldn't show his face, who answered to the name Jehova, and I saw other figures from heaven at our party, Apollo, Zeus, Odin, other people.
I would see UFOs in the sky each time I asked God if there were UFOs looking out to protect me and my family, Angels and Holy Ghosts in heaven who could help us.
I kept seeing them.
People tried to get me, as they had already failed to kill me, now they tried hurting me and beating me up and threatening me again, trying to shut me up.  Well they failed so miserable.
First of All my ESP (Sixth Sense) warned me that they were coming each time, and I prayed, now I was delivered from suffering and death and harm, by my prayers apparently, as each time they attacked me after I was warned, the things I prayed to happen during the fight happened, and I was unharmed, and they were crushed.  Okay I had a moment of pains after being punched by the CIA agent, but his pains were far far worse.
The Biker Ninja assassin failed to even touch me, having a seizure when he grabbed me the first time, and then seeing my split into 10 people and protecteed by terrifying , shining lights.  It was exactly as I had prayed.
Indeed the CIA assassin (who was trying to murder me for informing on some goofs and creeps and rats and snitches) was so tuned so many times that he was beign punished by Ghosts of and Holy Spirits in his headz!
He actually tried to stab me, and I prayed the whole thing out.  I saw Jesus, I apparently became invunerable when I let him beat me and then he stabbed me in the neck, the knife just went in and out like nothing happened, and then we went outside, I had prayed to beat him and spare him, and I did, I could have gouged out his eyes but I let him go, and then I let him kill, having prayed that I would die for a moment and then come back to life fully healed, not feeling a thing, and I guess we let him defeat me, and he twisted my neck, and I froze on the ground for a momeny, not noticing anyhting, (I had prayed not to even notice being dead and to overcome this somehow in another way) and he was terrified when I got up.
Then he tried to hit me on this head with a bottle, and I had prayed for him to suffer a suicidal ideation and turn the bottle on himself becoming crippled, and then to further show him the power and the glory of God, for me to heal him from his crippled state instantaneously.  It happened.
I swear to God that is what happened.
I wish people would forgive the corrupt CIA agents if they decide to quit the agency and take lie detector tests about their goofy creepy lives and their ratting and snitching on people and what happened to them.
Obama was the Anti Christ?  Well he was "AN ANTI CHRIST" America was in the middle of being a creep, and not believing in the enormous goofiness going on there.
They picked leaders who were snitches, false witnesses, and creeps, just like them.
God let them have it.  They were almost completely destroyed by North Korea and Russia.  Donald Trump is trying to save them from being goofs and creeps forever and going to hell, but he might still be a bit of a former con artist creepazoid who is a rat and a dog. haha
They have moved up a bit, but they are very far from being Saints.
The British and Americans are putting forth these goofy and creepy and dog like "ex criminals" who are now lying and saying they are talking to God and are proclaiming the war rhetoric.
Everyone who doesn't praise and thank God and believe in his one of a kind son Jesu, is going to have issues with being a dog, a rat, a creep, even a goof.  They all have issues with being creepy or goofy, almost all these people out there you see in the streets and meet in the bars and pubs and stuff.
You have to help them, instruct them in GOD's real existence in Heaven, as the supreme Lord of Earth, and how he fucks you up for being ungrateful ,and not glorifying him ,and not believing that Jesus in fact is the one of a kind Son of God and Messiah and Part of God, one with God, EVEN RATED AS GOD HIMSELF.
You need to believe this.
Buddhists who don't believe this can manage to be rats, snitches, dogs , cats, maybe they can avoid being goofy, but Japan has been goofy before, the whole world was goofy in the 1910s and 1940s and 50s.
The real Buddhists believe Buddha was a Prophet of the Creator and that Buddha knew Brahma and Jesus through his mystical quest. Ancient Chinese texsts do speak of the "son of Heaven" and "sons of Heaven" and it's fully a serious issue that all cultures have believed in this at one point but the creeps and goofs, in their effort to stay out of trouble, and in power, have silenced people from talking about the truth with violene and threats of violence.
I am warning you that I am not going to cave into your threats, you fucking goofs, and that you death could happen quite shortly after you make any moves on me, my friends, or my family, my real friends that is. Now you know that you must protect yourselvse from the ALIEN MASTER RACES, of which I am not just an honorary member, but considered, "REAL MEMBER".
Jesus Christ during one of our parties, hearing of my accomplishments since I was a child and what I planned to do on Earth and Around the Universe now, has told me that I am "from the Royal House of God."
Jesus whom I consulting with now, tells me that "they'll get killed" "for trying to hurt and destroy you and your real friends!"
Hehe.  I want everyone to be my real friend, and thank and praise God for sending a new pretty unique son of God to the Earth, who is like an Ange, says Jehova to me now.
The party with the God continues at my house, and ZEus and ODin are Archangels who are part of the good Lord, Zeus Claims, and Odin!  Yahweh Agrees.
Oh well, I will send you warning, you fuck with me and my bros, except the ones who are planning on hurting me, and you will get karma, and if you try to kill me, you get dreath. "From God" says Jehova.
I am a Prince of the Universe. I should be seen as that, by All things.

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