Thursday, 8 February 2018

Toronto only cares about fun and sex and money!

Now it's not true.
People in Toronto care about life.
However they don't always care for needy people, but rather blame them for their own problems.
I wasn't really cared for by other people in Toronto.
My experience was that they only cared about having fun, partying, maybe some awareness of politics and religion, but really they were mainly interested in money and sucess in their career and sex life.
I think it's a town that sort of vaguely cares for underprivileged people, but in my experience they wouldn't accept to help needy people unless they could use them for a personal profit.
It wasn't quite Babylon the Harlot, drunk on the blood of Saints, but it was definately having shades of that.
Some people could care about you, but it was like a place where they figured, if you needed help then you should get other people to help you, not them.
Some people would help you and then exploit you.
Like the bank, it sought to exploit poverty to lend people money at interest adn profit from them.
Like the average macho men, they would help people out and then demand money from them, try to employ them as a unpaid underling in some criminal organization.
That was my impression of Toronto.
There were good people particularly along Yonge Street and Bloor Street, maybe at some of the Churches, but it wasn't particularly a good or righteous place.
They had some kind of gangster mentality, of profiting from and controlling other people, and it was a criminal shit storm.  People were threatened en masse since early childhood for any possibility of exposing people's crimes.
There were creeps attacking little kids, and creepy teachers in the school who flirted with kids and openly advocated having sex with older kids as soon as they matured.
Is it much better in Victoria BC?
I'd like to think it is a bit better, not as bitter as Toronto, maybe, a bit of a sweeter place.
But the situation with the government, the criminals and the corruption of church and state is probably just as bad or very close to as bad in Victoria as it is in Toronto.
I wish I knew for sure.
I have my own personal experience.
I would like to interview 100 people from Toronto and Montreal and Victoria about what their life was like and find out from them what it's like over there.
I doubt though that many people will be completely forthcoming.
I have been a Victim of crime since I was a young child, and constantly under various kinds of criminal attack all my life almost.
I have been at peace since the last year or two
No one wants to fuck with me cause the fact is I was invulnerable to their weapons, knife blows didn't harm me, and bombs didn't go off, and they already know guns will not go off, I can say whatever I want, I send UFOs to harass them and Angelic Spirits, and they fear me since I have slain over 40000 of theirs.
George Bush decieved the World's People, the USA knew full well that Al Qaeda was going to attack the USA it was on PBS.
The world cowered before the Republican Party, the Child Rapist and Murderer who tries to murder people as much as they can.
God was about to destroy the world, but I have bought it 400 years worht of life again, since I am going to try to save it again.
This will the very last time we try to save the world, it will probably end around 2400, just as God predicted 3000 years ago.
Yeah the spiritual elite of the white race and it's allies will escape into space and then blow up the planet.

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