Friday, 9 February 2018

Heaven is going to be great!

Relax you could go to heaven!
God doesn't want you to hurt other people, but to ask God to defend our people and see what happens!
God might hurt, some people, but he is not as the Christan Bible says, a cruel murderer of all the babies.
God told I woudl meet an Angel, Gabriel, and I met him ,and he told me I was the son of God, and that cruelty was added to the bible by the prophets.
The Bible mentioned in the new testament that the leaders feared the violent horde of citizens.
They caved into them sometimes, to keep the peace they thought.
We need to be more like Vancouver Island, and warn the wicked of their God's punishment and help them to repent and become better people.
I don't know, it's hard to believe in the Christian God because there are so many Christian cults promoting world war III like Templar Knights and Republican Party members.
They like the talk tough and scare the "bad guy' whoever that is .
The racists keep painting the other nation and race as the bad guys, blaming their problems on them.
It's really bad, the bad people are bad, the good people are good, the bad people need to repent and turn away form sins and get referesher course on life maybe.
Now some nations rebel against Love and promote evil hatred, some groups of people.
There's godly hatred and wicked hatred.
Promoting wicked hatred should be a sin, but the words of God which are true, should be heard, and the false ones, exposed
We should expose false teachings in Quran and Bible.
There are believers everywhere, everyculture seems to have a legend of beleif in the creator, his sons, and the spirit of God.
The Terrorist Gangsters Atheist demons are working together it seems.
They want to enslave us and fight us and make us give them everything they coudl ever want.
I pray they fail, and let us turn in scientific inquiry towards the Creator and Heaven and make a better theology and heaven science based on real honest investigation adn reason, wary of th fake investigations of these devil tyrnats and assualting threatening and even murder attempting!
What I find in this communtiy is that the press and government are covering up a whole lot of assault, rape and murder attempts.
It's like world war III and the governmetn is playing the corrupt one to trick the devil.
I want people to know the truth.
we have to work together and end gang wars and be tolerant and compassionate and try to free peopl from "the devil' whatever that is, unless it's the good old "Freedom devil." haaha
They are trying to kil the rightoeus and the upright, and make the poor and needy their dogs and servants, with warlocking, with craft, with gangserism, with propaganda, with threats, with assaults, wiht deadly weapons, with attemps on your life.
You can survive maybe if you are not wicked, trying to be a saint.
Become super Saints all together and see the power of the Creator!
Lol I saw so muhc power of invoking God now I firmly beleive "there is a God" but I caution, tohe God may be the Elders and the Gods,the Great ones of Earth and Heaven.
We may be relying on some ancient and alien technolgoeis to protectourselves.
But I believe the hope of heaven is real, and that the unvierse may have been made, as one man told me, to "Make friends for the creator."
Trying to be the Creator's FRiend, I find that new paths are opening up to me, and I am protected by something, and now friends wiht an ARchagnel, seeing UFOs, who is telling me "in heaven you will have a super body."
Now praise God Thank Godand al that, I am doing much better health wise and emotionally and comfort wise.
I am rich in many ways, but  plan to have more food and clothes and a car and stuff hopefuly soon.
Praise God you can all ave things if you will repent and be good people, and be honest perhaps.
If God is all you have, God is all you need.
Beware the hypocrites, who believe human beings are GOD despite their failures, and worhsip the government and the mankind, the nations, the ideologies of crime and hatred, who worship false contructs, intellectual constructions which are harmful and hateful.
Devil there is two kinds of devils on this planet, a nice one and a bad one, the rebel against Love brotherly Love, who promotes hatred everywhere.
Have compassion for the sinners, nad help them reform their ways.
If they are willing to thank and praise the Creator and recognize his true Children, then they can be saved I beleive for now, think!
I have seen too many miracles to give up on hope.  Though my life was bad when I was in the grips of psychosis and sin, paranoid delusion and under their sorcery and witcraft threats, their gangstersm, I was oppressed nad it was hard, they oppressed me since I was a small child.
I overheard the woman at teh daycare abusing the kids, and warned the government of her.
Dammit, they abused me since I was a small child, in the park, at school, I think they send their kids to spy on us and do bad things, whether intentionally or not, by denying them God, by raising them with te cruelty of the bible, making them want to kill and destroy and genocide the nations of the childrne who do not beleive in teir God!
IT is a great crime!  Woe, a vast error, which helps us all into the misery of sin.
Turn towards heaven and abandon the ways of those who seek to destroy and hurt mankind and it's childrne and women.
Praise be to God, we have overcome so much and there is hope in some places for a generation of peace and love again.
God or Creator or Mother Nature can protect you and guide you away from harm, and into better lifestlyes.

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