Friday, 9 February 2018

The perverts think reporting crime to police is the work of the devil hahha

The perverts think reporting crime to police is evil.
Instead they live as outlaws, and suffer because of it.
In fact you should be persecuted by police to out the bad people from the police force and courts.
Now look, bad news is, devil has too many hostages.
God implies 40-50 million people are the devil's hostages.
Before when I published God was suggesting that 400 million people were hostages of the devil.
I prayed for them to be freed.
Now ISIS is dissappearing.
They mistreat their kids, making them join gangs, they might lock up innocent people!
God might save the truly righteous from prison, but they might still go there!
Did they add cruelty to the Bible?
I thought so as a Youth , and wasn't guided by anyone.
I liked this Skinhead song, which says "there is no guidance for the youth."
But I don't want to be a nazi killer, it's unwise to make peace by murdering billions and millions of people!  OR IS IT?
Lol God said to leave things to God, if Jesus is God, in the Quran.
People are not praying for the defeat of the enemies and their return to God en masse, it's not being organized by the state and teh churches.
We should pray for our enemies to be defeated and then repent and turn away from sin, without much death being happening or suffering.
Let the monsters suffer theri fate if they were priveledged children, but why else woudl someone be a monster but because they were unguided?
I felt they added that verse the Quran "no one can guide the wrongdoers" and "Allah does nto guide the wrongdoers."
Allah is keeping them safe if they cling to him and want to be Saints, they are learning about the world, the loyal ones report it back to us what is going on.
They will be or already are Saints.
Now there are those outlaw gangs which hate religion and won't be missionaries of brotherly love and peace, but instead say they are the devil!
They terrorism could cause young kids to just go have sex with other young kids, and commit drugs dealings and robberies.
Kids are sensitive.
One of the things the Archangel Gabriel said was that "human mind is so fragile, it breaks without being hit!"
Just words and impressions can break your mind!
To the corrupt Church and Mosque, I say "remove the cruelty and blasphemy against brotherly lvoe in our holy books or you could go to hell!"
To the corrupt synagogues I say "how dare you say the messiah of brotherly love and peace will enslave and murder all the non Jews fro your nation!"
Gangsters, terrorists pedophiles.
A lot of them.
Wake up, these goofs are everywhere.
They can't get to me, God has saved me.
My family is protected.
I am asking God to take them to heaven and put them in mental institutions and reform camps.
The fucking Nazis, did the try to serve brotherly Love?
There were no good guys in the world war II, and the Americans and Briths are corrupt.
The only good guys are the mentally ill and the consciencious objectors.
Stay out of this stupid gang conflict.  Get justice somehow peaceful.
The world is beseiged by criminals who are evil ,adn terrorists who are worse, wicked, tyrants and terrorists who are wicked!
They trick the religious people here to murder each other, and rape women ,and torture people ,and rape babies even!
Heaven hates Earth too much, was going to destroy it.  My pleas to God and Heaven have possibly Won EArht some time.  But Gabriel the Alien General warns me, "the wicked want to destroy the world."
They want to be so evil that the world will be destroyed!
Jesus said "whoever hatse his brother is a murderer!"
I was a murderer, I murderd my brother J because he was perverted by society.
They didn't teach us to thankand praise God our parents, they were just afraid of being destroyed by the beast, the devil et cetera.
No one has done a science inquiry into wehther the saints can be saved.  The Satan will always say "Saints can't be saved" or "only some Saints are saved " or even somethig like "only the evil saints are saved."
They break out minds with these illusion that they are demonic, they think they are protecting themselves from the evil ones by going against LOVE.
Well I know, they threatened to rape my kid, they assaulted my elderly father, threatened to torture me forever, torture my dad forever, kill my brothers, tried ot bomb my apartment building , tried home invasions and kidnappings, and tried to poison me, and tried to stab me!
That is what they do, the wicked and their vile servants.
They are not innocent, dont believethat!  Pray for them to all be strken down, pray for them to all be killed, pray for them to be humialted, pray for them to be destroyed and forced to repent and become GREAT PEOPLE.
That is what God seems to do.  I dunno.  Maybe you should pray for peace ,and love and happiness, but how can there be peace when they abuse little kids nad terrorize and enslave the whole world?
When they promote world war III and advertise genocide and raise child moesting serial kilelrs!
Truly I tell you, that this GANGSTER CULTURE promotes terrorism ,treson, rape of children, and murder and genocide of all good people!
They want to destroy the world, because they hate GOD so much.
They aren't killed for it before they get to do it.
They try to do it, then they suffer!
I know I was one of those Toronto kdis who was abused and ensalved by the criminals in a way!
They won't let me work and want to hack me and steal all my ideas and rob me and make me bu they drugs!
They are sorcerers, witches! WE told you to pray for them to die, to burn at the stake!
Don't elect thes people, look much harder into your politicians! Your media barely gives you any infomration about the real lives of your politicains nad country!
It's a civil war and the gangsters are winning because no one good will organize repentance and turning away from sin and praying to defeat them and crush them and make them humiliate!
Beileve in the total dominance of the Creator and Heavenly Lords and push them out.
Their guns might not work, you might call down Angels and Dragons to defend you as I did, you might be saved!
If you keep saying the devil is your brother and not sorting him otu because you fear death he will force you to work for him with his hostage taking and sorcerery.  It's just common sense, God lets that hapepn because he doesn't respect people who don't thank and glorify him and believe in proper ideas about him instead of cruel fish shit and cripple shit.
The cruel cripple roland beleives in a dictatorship and raping kids and murdering eople and torturing them foreer, and genociding whole peoples and brutally raping and ensalivngn and torturing his own people.
He is dying of a painful illness, but those creeps don't see God's punishmet, they see Roland as a saint and protect him because of the Garbage the JEWS MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS KEEP SAYING ABOUT GOD!
He is insane, those peple wiht him are insane.
Think about God, does he really want to kill one of them and let the other ones get back at you!  Yet you keep asking God to save this or that one of them.  IT is displeasing, ask God to kill and punish them all, or ask God to fix them all.  God might prefer it if we obey Jesus, that you ask for all those wicked enemies who attack your kids to suffer terrible and die (Luke 17.2) and that you try to fix everyone else.
This is imprinted on the human heart.
The children try to beleive in thsi kind of stuff.
But they are death threated, torture threated, slave trafficking threated, raped , put to commtiting slander and threats and rape and drug dealing and spying for murdering kidnappers.
The teens live in this world!
Don't you see you have forgotten God, and don't really believe he exists ,and are ungrateful and do not glorify God's actions but force people to lie about them, and then you deny it all, and do this horror story again, saying this 'God is a child molester and only murderers can go to heaven?"
You are beyond foolish, you are depraved! The world is going to be destroyed.
It has already been through so much destruction already, indeed it was almost completely destroyed in the 3rd century after they altered the meaning of the bible with fake translation, and the Latin Roman EMpire dissapeared.  Then the greek Roman Empire feared.
All because you fear the enemy so much, and have so little faith in God, that you don't see that God is protecting the good people ,and that you too could be protected or your childrne at least coudl be protected.
These devils try to torture you forever and murder and rape your whole family!
They are not your brothers, there are not the childrne of God!
Hate them and pray for them all to be ruined and made slaves of men who will reform them and make them good people, with God's help.
Thinking of what God said perhaps in the NEw Testament,and what we heard there, pray for them to be fixed and become good people, and raise saintly peaceful, strong brave warrior healer prophet missionary pastor children, who do a science of power and God and nature and find the truth!
I mean that is my suggestion to you, for what you should do.
God might get upset with you if you become like Egypt and pray for all te Jews to die ,and if you become liek the Jews and wish death on all your oppressors childrne.  Was it so bad the Jews had to pray for the children of their oppressors to die?  Well maybe it was.
All get togetehr and come up with a strategy, one that doesn't involve, murder, child rape, arson, slave trafficking the relatively innocent, brutal police states or unjust terrorism, i dunno.
What the God people?
Do we know who God is?
I say we have no IDEA WHO GOD IS!
We don't know on this planet what God does or who God is and so on?
However they are making a mistake when they say we can't know!
We can obsreve what God does as we ask him for things and record it for posterity and human knoweldge.
I seem to be the only person in the world doing this and publically saying so about it.
They already tried to kill my family, kidnap me and torture me forever, what are they going to do try to torture billions of innocent people to get me to serve them?  Try to torture the whole planet to shut the prophet who talks to the Angel and hallucinates God talking to him (or it's not a hallucination ,beacuse soemtmies other poeple see it.).

They are saying we shouldn't be high, that we shuld be low, depressive and stuff!  Slaves!  The Old Testament said "kill the slave traffickers of your own people.'  Is that oppressive? Is that cruel ?  Those people raping and enslaving our children, ask God to destroy them and watch what happens.

Ask God to fix them, make them come clena, tell their whoel story, find the devil and watch what happens to him as we ask God to fix him too?
He'll be embarassed.

Maybe we won't die if we all love each other in the creation, and don't promote the exitence of monstrosities between us. Of course we could be on gaurd for a real mosntrosity, I am nto going to go as far as the Bible in New Testament says andsay "leave it to God" but I will say "try God and observe what happens."  Try to know what is really happening.

I dunno maybe you shoudl all lie detecetor and mind scan everyone to make sure there is no eternal torture machine being built which will impose the biggest criminal robbery dictatorship for some rich assole who will then own the whole universe and juts torture and oppress you all forever and ever.

That is actually what the evil one wants.  Haha He wants to be "like God" he thinks, he admires God's evil doing as described by the Jews, Christains and Muslims.

Well God doesn't like the hurt people at all, human are like God, and God want them to be happy, strong, wise and glorious.  we can make a safe planet which love each other if we just tahnk and praise God enough! 

Pray for my ex friends that they don't get poisoned or whatever! 

Pray for the weak to become strongs.

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