Tuesday, 6 August 2019

This Borno Virus, this Schizoprenia, it's a pain in the ass sometimes.

I find the real thing it does is make me talk a lot of shit about what God wants to do, and with the palperidone palmitate, I am more aggressive. 

It's like it wants me to hate my brother, and not love him properly.

It's a terrible illness.

I can function though if I get 2 packs of cigarettes and about a case of beer in me.

Lol.  That's what my illness is like, I need a lot of cigarettes and booze to manage it.

A little weed.

Yeah, and the anti psychotics.

It's costing too much money for me to live.  When I was broke didn't have cigarettes et cetera, I wasn't working as much, or was I?

Volunteering I mean.  Volunteering on the "schizophrenia report" what the "schizophrenia" thinks.

Yeah ti is pretending to be God and then pretending to be the devil, and inciting all kinds of homicide and destructiveness, rape et cetera.

It's the "devil disease' maybe, or maybe it is just my mind convincing me that I am really a victim of criminals and malpracticing doctors.

The threat at the cops might mean - you need to do a better job cops seriously, they are getting away with trying to torture me and make me weak and trying to kill me and my family and stuff.


The pedophile cultists?  Yeah the cops appear to be tolerating the pedophile cult 100% around the world.

When Germany tried to stop the pedophile cult all hell broke loose.

That was 75 years ago, hitler tried to stop it and it went all apeshit.

Sure sure, hitler tried to stop it.  Then he wound up gassing 2-20 million people depending whose count you read.

Did the pedophile cults attack Nazi Germany and try to destroy it ? 

Was the Western World just too in the grip of the Pedophile cult to do anything but serve it's commands?

Was it a plague of schizophrenia and borno virus back then too?   Autism and Asperger's?  Mania and Bipolar?  Depression?  Anxiety?

I think if I were responsible I would check with a medical historian or three before telling you anything about that.

Then again, I have checked with a lot of people, and they agree anywhere from 50-100% of people are crazy.  Yeah.

So you have this horrible rape cult abusing you as kids, and sexing you up as teens, and all dogging you down to be it's little bitches and servants half the time or something?

Yeah I beleive you might be a victim of that.  I beleive Phoquedat can be a great place to find supporters in your life.  We will spy on the people to make sure there's nice vigilant Christians around saying responsible things.

We will pay some staff to go be vigilant christian or atheist and spy on people to see what they say, also vigilant - righteous, I mean vigilant righteous people.  We will identify who is a drug dealer and who is a pimp or whore and who is a vigilante or witness protection gang member, and we will try ot have witness protection work with our company to make sure everyone is safe .  We will allow free speech, and help people make justice against the child abuse and rape cults, and genocidal nationalist cults too.

It's not fair to tar all the muslims nad jews and christians and buddhists et cetera are traitor and rape and child abuse cults.  There are some priests who play that role, but there are a lot of okay or even a few or some really good people in the muslim and christian and jewish world.

Yeah, we will recommend away from hate speech which is unjust, and only ban people if they are really a problem for the justice system, we will blacklist people for committing serious crimes on our website, and report them to the police.

Yeah, we will run a safe community.

The borno virus is a pain in the ass, I want my brother to get better he has it or schizophrenia, and so do I, this schizophrenia is bad, it wants us to think it's God and kill each other and kill all the cops and stuff.

Lol if we were more vulnerable we might hurt each other badly or hurt a cop badly.

It's a good thing we got it under control.  Lol yeah right, it's God and you are infidels, enemy combattants targeting children by inciting their eternal torture.

Fuck you all, you are going to die very soon.  Except the ones God tells not to go the site of the attack.  God told me not to go Las Vegas before it was attacked, warned me if I wanted to be a hero I could get on board a plane with Dan Green and Paul Macchione heading from Boston to New York just before 9-11 (september 11th terrorist attack in which planes flying from boston to new york were hijacked and flown into world trade centers).   It warned me not to go the Ariane Grande concert before the bombing.

Yuo are saying we are crazy and trying to kill us and our family.  We want to save you, but the fact is, God has told us just to kill you, to plant a big bomb at your house or in your town square and detonate it.

Lol Just joking, it's schizophrenia, a weird psychic condition connected to alien implant in our heads, history shows we can't trust the aliens, other than to serve them 100%.  So expect that if God tells us to and makes us do it, we will definately plant the bomb, for sure.

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