Saturday, 31 August 2019

Is Jesus a goof and a traitor?

When someone says they are an angel...  Do you ignore them and hate them immediately and report them to the police as a traitor?

Look at the absurd things Jesus and the Muslim religion say:

1.  He who hates his brother is a murderer, murderers go to hell.
2.  Hate your brother and mother and father and child and take up your cross and follow me or go to hell.
3. You have to get crucified.

Jesus is calling you to be a murderer and get crucified?  What the fuck is he saying?

1.  If someone strikes you, turn the other cheeck
2.  It's better to let your enemies kill you
3. The "unbeliever' (disloyal) goes to hell forever!

Jesus is telling you to be a coward and traitor or go to hell forever!

So Jesus implies you shuld "murder" your own family, and then tells you to be a coward and traitor!

On pain of eternal torture!

What the fuck is Jesus some kind of evil goof?  What does Jesus say about pedophilia?


1.  It would be better for you if them if you hung them and dissappeared them who scanadalized one of THESE tiny children.  Forgive your brothers 7 times 7 times a day.

Jesus says it's good to kill people who scandalize these kids, to do them a favor-  those ones - but then he tells you to forgive your brother 7 times 7 times a day.  Or 7 times.

So what is he saying "These's kids you'd be better off getting killed than living after scandalizing them, but hey, forgive people 7 times a day for it?"

Jesus's isn't saying nothing good in the whole gospels.

Jesus is an evil sign, from heaven, that humans have no moral sense, and would choose an evil dictator like Jesus or allow the government to force it on them, to be a possibly a murderer, possibly a child rapist tempter, and coward and traitor = or go to hell forever!

The gospel ain't no good.  It doesn't tell you who Jesus's brothers are other than to suggest it's everyone ,and that you gotta help the least of them or go to hell forever, and it tells you to love the children, but then it's like "Be a coward, be a traitor" and "be a murderer." 'forgive pedophiles maybe is what I am saying.".

Jesus's position on the Torah is likewise absurd, he says in one place "You are supposed to obey the Torah" and then in another place he says "The law and prophets is do onto others as you would have them do onto you!"  So he's suggesting we'd like to killed for doing anything 'wrong" and we should enforce that law? 

Jesus sucks big donkey dicks, he's an awful fucking legend.

There's so many reasons why, but I will just give you some key ones.

1.  Humans need to love each other and build relationships of trust and security in their communities - going around being a coward, traitor and murderer who tells people they have to forgive child rapists or go to hell doesn't do anything much for that!

2.  Telling people they deserve to die if they do anything wrong, and or go to hell forever, means that everyone hides all the wrong they do, and no one admits to anywrongdoing, nad it becomes a lot harder to find out what's going on in the community for everyone.  It also makes people suicidal and maybe even self destructive.  What happened to restoration of injustice, if you sleep with someone you shuld be killed?  That is what disgusting Jesus is suggesting, that if you have sex outside marriage, you deserve to die, and if you get married ,you deserve to die.  There's nothing good about Jesus's message other than a few snippets here and there, most of it is useless and a lot of it is hardly anygood.

Then there's schizophrenia Jesus - what does he tell you?  He told me to rape kids kill cops, didn't specify what he meant by that, then he tells me 99.99% of people are infidels working for the child rape torture snitches forever cult, then he tells me to kill all the cops?   Schizophrenia Jesus's is nothing good at all.

This is no good influence by evil forces of nature and bad ancient societies. 

If the gospel had made some profoundly beneficial statement, it would worth revering, if the Jesus Christ schizophrenia did good things, it would be worth talking to. 

The fact is the gospel is at best a half baked document that does nothing decent other than enshrine some kind of children's rights and some kind of poor and sick people's rights.

Well now, the fact is it is at least somewhat good for doing that, since logically we need to care about everybody and make earth stronger and perhaps happier.

Making people be nice nad love and support each other, would be a noble idea to put in religion, but it's the goal of those ancient religion - it's hardly about being nice and making the nation and world a strong mutually supportive community.   The New Testament and later prophets did try to speak for making peace and loving enemies and ending war, which is worthy.  However it is not very precise of very morally written, since everything is shaded in overtones of "do what we tell you or go to hell forever" and the things to be done, aren't rationally explained, and furthermore there's a lot of cops out in terms of justice and peacemaking, for example Paul saying to always love enemies, and never harm them, and give them food and water- it's not fair to deal with oppression that way, you need a logical, cogent resistance against people hurting humanity, your nation, your family, your self.

So the Bible is basically NO GOOD, and NEITHER IS THE FUCKING SCHIZOPHRENIA.  And neither is are those fucking angels I met, Stevo Cross, Matt Lindner, Colonel Dave/King Arthur, or even Gabriel Wise.  Nothing good has come from them, only relatively useless statements, outrageously anti government and anti police statements, implications I will go to hell for trying to stop child abuse, then denials they said that, then platitudes about nothing bad happening to my family!  My family had a lot of fights nad then become homeless!  The Angels are liars and predators!

The Angels attacked me and made me do cocaine, probably with some sorcery that they were going to hurt me and my family if we didn't take their cocaine, and they put some kind of heart pain and anxiety causing cut in the cocaine, giving me a stressful chest condition.

The Angels threatened to rape my kids, kill my family over money, forbade me from telling the cops about them on pain of being tortured to death, and attacked me and my dad several times, did damage to my home, and encouraged me to commit the murder of children in other countries, nay, ordered me too, and offered to help commit a terrorist attack against Canadian children.

Psychopathic assholes serving the bad news schizophrenia, isolated criminals pretending to be some large organized force?  I suspect it. 

Outrageous liars, maniacs, criminals, terrorists!  ANGELS AND JESUS OKAY?  THat's who the ANGELS AND JESUS ARE!

These are probably human beings making a lot of mischeif so they can enjoy their outrageous lifestyles of getting really high and drunk and having a ton of unsafe sex with underage girls and women!

The Angel steve told me I coudl bang a 12 year old girl if I wanted, and the Angel Matt said he was going to rape my daughter when I opposed child abuse culture.

Archangel Gabriel Wise accused the government of being pure evil and doing the most outrageous things without presenting any evidence, and threatened me with hell for trying to help out children who were victims of crime and stop murderers!

They are at least pretending to me at least pretending or they even are outrageous felons.  Jesus and the Angels are the "traitor seditious liar slandering terrorist criminal thugs"  ....  That can be good, if they love the people and help stop the enemies of humanity. 

I wish I could say I was joking, but I am not, Jesus's and Jehova and Mary and Archangel Gabriel and the Angels I met have done precious little to be good to me, helped me have a few fun times, that's about it.   They told me I'd be fine but wouldn't help me once I began complaining about their mischeif, and talking about stopping child abuse churches and mosques. 

They just wanted me to kill all the Muslims or kill the US government, British government nad French government.  Anti government, racist, terrorist threatening, rapists and pedophiles!

Fucking shti man, do you want them to go "rescue kidnapped kids?" 

Do you want them to "Save the world?"  They could be trying , but they aren't the 'good guys' who will help you live a good life and make the world a better place to your knowledge okay?

Now what does Islam say about God and the Angels.  At first we have Quran saying don't do anything bad and only do good things, and obey the law.  Now then some Sunni and Shia extremists get up and tell you to kill "the kaffirs" and to enslave and maybe rape the women and children of the Christians and Jews and Buddhists and Hindus.  Wow, what the fuck.

Quran actually makes sense, talks about what to do more overcomes the 'kill eveybody" cruelty of the Torah, calls that an error from the scribes and the people who altered it, and speaks against crime and stuff.  It's still not perfect by any means, still no elucidation of what is good or evil beyond platitudes and threats to help the poor and weak and sick without any explanation.

I wonder what Angels are like in Islamic countries, do they create the appearance they are rapacious slave trafficking pedophiles and terrorize and control everyone, making them heroin and smoke hash hish and stuff?

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