Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Kevin Arnett first exposed child sexual abuse in Canada back in the late 1980s and 1990s, he is continuing his war going up against now the Pope and Church of England and it's Queen?

I am not sure if Kevin Arnett is a real person.

When I first ran into him he was exposing the crimes against children carried out in Canada's residential school system, and was identified by some websites as a prominent figure in getting the United Nations to decree that Canada has committed genocide and child abuse institutionally against the First Nations or Native people.

Now they say Reverend Kevin is going to the common law courts in Belgium pressing civil charges against senior world leaders.

It is claimed Kevin has suceeded in getting this court to santion Roman Catholic Leader Benedict, and now is going up against the current Pope, Francis.  Also mentioned as being in his latest efforts are the Queen and Church of England leaders.

I am not suprised that the Queen and Church of England stand accused, their preaching is against morality in this diocese, and I never get any contact or support from Anglican priests even though I am an Anglican.  The priests blocked me from writing to them, including (Rev)  Jessie Parker, and Bishop Logan Mcnemanie.  They threatened to report me to the police after I exposed the preaching in their temples which identified children who fight child rapists as worthy of eternal torture, and told them I had just tortured several people for a long time, for preaching that or aiding and abeting child abusers by torturing informants and victims.   I warned them I was considering taking military action against the Anglican Priests who were preaching immorality or told by God to be abusers.

Although I am homeless for the time being, I am not giving up my struggle nor relenting from teh fight, we are pressing as hard as we can to stop the World Wide targeting of children for eternal rape and torture and killing should they oppose being raped.

This targeting is being done by Islamic societies, Christian societies and Jewish societies, I have seen it with my own eyes, and taken action against not limited to killing over 5000 people in British Columbia and thousands around the world, torturing 50 people forever and crippling and maiming and visitng calamtiy upon 20000 people by the current estimate.

I have destroyed cities, ravaged nations, slain world leaders and their children, with God's power, God has done it for me.

I thank all the good people of conscience who are praying and doing with me nad my family and my true friends in this holy struggle.

This blog contains a report of Kevin Arnett's latest legal actions.

I am the legitimate authority in Canada as appointed by God to be a commander general of police and military forces, and a judge and jury over the wicked, this is a position gauranteed by Canadian law which grant God's chosen leaders the authority of the state and church to carry out justice.

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