Sunday, 4 August 2019

Being a Tribal Cheiftan is a heavy, intense job!

I'm one of the young tribal cheiftan's associates.

I am a vizier of sorts, a kind of advisor on the thoughts of the populace and now, what God is saying.

God's telling me to kill all the pedophile cults, all the cops, and all the humans who don't be close personal friends or family of God in their schizamaphernia.

Yeah, smoke a little crack cocaine and heroin, to see what's it like, was the idea my mind had.

I met these coke head girls, and had sex with them, then next thing you know I am doing crack cocaine.

Was it magic?

Was the tribe telling me I had to fuck young women and smoke crack?

I feel I might have been ensorcelled, or that God or the Devil wanted me to do those things.

Yeah people might be told because it is the sacred army training programme, we are to have our crack or meth or heroin phase and overcome it perhaps with the help of the doctors, sure it's the government decree that I have to use cocaine and drink and smoke, because "It's good for me." .

God makse the government make me have sex and drink and smoke and take white.

It's our sacred army programme, I am just designed to smoke and drink and take white.

It's giving me my bright ideas, making me write about them.

The brilliance, that drug which is nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, and cocaine, and cola, all mixed into one.

I am on the brilliance.

Yes God made me have sex and do drugs, cause it is what i need.  Stop persecuting innocent drug addicts and their dealer!

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