Sunday, 4 August 2019

So they are rape cultists. Mass murdering rapist cultists. 96% of people.

The world is ruled by a rape cult.

A drugs and rape cult.

Force you to be autistic, then need medical treatment for it, deny you the medical treatment, make you take evil drugs instead.

then declare you psychotic when you begin to bear witness against the rape cult.

try to murder you.

See how hard you are to murder get various people to try to hurt you or even just kill you.

Force you to have sex with whores.

Mass murder you when oyu speak out against the child abuse.

That's the rapist mass murder cult's agenda.

God the other day told me to kill "All cops".  He was adamant.

Literally they do noting but help the rapist mass murderer cult.

They give it vacations, paid holidays, help it find righteous and innocent people and destroy them.

That's what "all the cops" do, claims the Gods. 

I'm not joking, this is what God is telling me and my experience shows it.

God warned me as a kid not to talk the rape cult and it's cops, except to buy drugs from his people who are among them, I broke God's advice and next thing you know, the total war against my family began.

So 99% of people are infidels, God?  "NO" says God, 98.6, 98.7%.

Wow so, the damn planet sucks that bad eh God?

"They build crap" he points out, that lasts for maybe "1,2, or perhaps 5-10, rarely 20-30 years."

Even their best stuff, God points to, lasts at most 50 years.   To travel in space you need to build things which last for thousands of years, God claimed.

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