Friday, 30 August 2019

It's getting a bit hard to cope with my situation

I am coping with the situation by drinking a bunch of drinks in the park everyday, but I can't keep that up forever.

My brother is sick, and we are homeless, and he is in danger, of starting a fight, there are mischeivious people around ,and I don't know if they are good or bad, people have been assaulted here, I am afraid I or my brother, or even our Father, could be assaulted, I am making a scene being a good guy, and it's still not the kind of world where you can make a big show out of being a nice guy.

I am worried my brother is doing this too, being overly protective and kind towards people, and that someone might be offended by it, and hurt him or even all of us.

I don't think I want to have to go through another episode of violence from the thugs of the evil groups.

I am going to stop being an outspoken good guy until my financial and housing situation improve, when I get a place to live and a job I might speak about what has to happen to help people out.

My nurse tells me we have to help ourselves before we can help others, and that I should wait for people to help me by giving me a place to stay and a job, before I start trying to help other people really.

I am worried.

I feel it is very difficult to have a sick elderly father, who overheats when he walks around on his own and has to go to the hospital, or who falls down and has to go to hospital, and a sick older brother, who is behaving like a young child or teen in his outreach towards people, and his mumbling and preaching of his world peace ideas, that I am afraid I can't stand it anymore.

I know Colonel Dave and the Angels are looking out for us, there's been people including the Elder who was with God - the man who said he was a cop, then said the government forces us to take a dirty appearance, well I saw him and he was talking about how it was not to bad to called a goof and not to get in a fight about it.  I saw Colonel Dave and he hugged me and told me we are God's friend's, and that he might have to beat some people up for pissing him off again.

Well I did dream I was with God son and Father and we were lecturing people, that was before the nightmare about the human pedophiles posing as angels. 

Those human perverts posing as angels were being very serious about committing aggressive violence against poor people who spoke to the cops or the government officials about anything going on with themselves and their lives.

We had a major crisis on our hands and God and the Angels had to come down to Earth to deal with it basically, the rest of the people were also very afraid - to afraid to help the poor in theri struggle, no one came to my aid, they are frozen in a fear where if they do anything to help anyone, they are going to die, because of the evil beast churhc nad satan and the devil and things.

I am annoyed we had such a hard time, and really sad that more people aren't stepping up to help these poor homeless family nad especially the ones who are friendlies of God!   If you have money and are trying to be a good person, the people of God - his friends - are protecting you and making your life livable and secure, by coming down to the poor areas and finding the wicked gangs and reporting them and catching them committing crimes against the poor innocent people.  The poor innocent people are attacked for protecting and serving the well off families and their children, from the predators who are beginning their predations on the poor.  We go and soak up the battle, we are the front lines troops, and we save you from hardship.  You are not thanking us by providing us security from homelessness and despair, are basically letting things get ugly and making it really hard for us to continue our lives without turning to drug and alcohol and medication to overcome our sickness.

The trauma of being left alone by all the rich happy people while we fight and almost die or even get really hurt or die trying to protect society from these invaders and psychotic criminals, it really doesn't impress me that you don't love us and honor us and feed us properly and buy us drinks nad smokes and make sure we have a job and a home and car and stuff.

You let us soak up your battles for you, with your laws saying we have to or we'll go to jail, and your fucking cops don't help us, and you don't care, and you don't care about us, and you'd do like nothing for us other than a few of you would give us change or a 5 dollar bill or a pack of cigarettes (and very fwe would spare a pack of cigarettes).  We go into battle for your kids, such that we are crippled and hurt, and we can't have kids of our own, nad we protect you from robbery and being raped and killed, and suffer and even pay the ultimate price in the process, nad you are there not helping us at all except some or a few of you who pay taxes and give to charity and vote for political people with our agenda on theri mind.

Right now there is no politician standing up for poor innocent families facing the monsters all alone just with God and the Angels, and not really helped by the cops too much.  The Angels have to pretend to be sleazy and grotesque, and it's heart attack not having a church that will protect us from these rapists and murderers publically, with even a police force who cares about us really, seriously, they institutionalize us, drive us to drink, and smoke, and buy take out food, then they turn their back on us when we are homeless after being unable to pay our bills anymore, and don't help us find a place to live we can afford, don't build subsized housing so we can afford to have a life, and don't come and visit us or talk to us, send us 50-200 bucks, 500 bucks, 1000 bucks, 5000 bucks, you know, what you could afford.  If you in anyway could afford to send a righteous or innocent poor person 5000 dollars, you should, because they could really really benefit from getting off the street, having car and apartment and stuff.

I mean really you are like sentencing us to death for giving a shit about society or your own selves, that is how annoyed it seems when I read up on how you don't care about us, and see it with my own eyes, you abandon us because we helped you and your families against the enemy, you live us to die in the dirty alleyways and on park benches cause you don't want to take any risks at all, that's how paranoid evil you are, all your people who don't help the poor, weak, innnocent people who have protected you from harm!  You are literally like punishing the people trying to save your child's life, that's is how bad you are.

I don't know, if it wasn't for a few people with money in my life it would harder, at least we had some street money to have some proper (not shelter) food and to have a few drinks and proper (not ghetto 5 dollar) cigarettes.

we had some people pay for us to have a hotel for 2 nights, that was gracious and merciful, you should be fucking putting people like my family up in a hotel every night through, until it can find a place to rent on it's own.  We have fucking sacrificed hard to help you and your families out, us innocent poor people, weak and sick and poor and still we reported that to the government, and the thank you we get, is "We don't care about you."  "The cops can't help you ." "the gangs will torment you!"  These were people who were going to target you and your family after they had finished hurting those innocent poor people, they were going to get money and start attacking other people with money, but you are what, to blind to see we have done you the huge favour - given you that almost perfect flawless life where almost nothing bad ever happens to you?

They brought us down with their armed attacks, being armed attacked by people who are targeting children apparently, and protecting enemy terrorists and pedophiles, and you are like not helping us?

Seriously, there's these few people who stand up for my family, a friend here, a family member there, some strangers, some fellow poor people, perhaps a angel or two or a few angels, but in terms of like , taking care of us?  You won't put us in a residential care facility for the sick, which is humane, which allows us to drink, which gives us our meals and cares for us, and makes sure we take the proper medicine, you won't finance our dreams, allow us to build our would be sucessful companies with hiring the proper staff and building the products and advertising them properly.
No one can come through for us on these big subjects, we were really lucky to get 500 bucks for JP and 500 bucks from LP and a hotel from ST L and to have our little money from our cheques for half the month to have supplies, but we run out of money you see ?  You aren't paying us enough to live and survive and here we are fighting all the bad people who come to attack our country, trying to establish bases in the poor dissafffected areas, and then you know what they plot to do to you ?  They plot to ensorcell you and extort and poison you, kill you, enslave your children, steal the inheritance and stuff!  WE are cathing these forien criminals with teh angels and god and the cops and the politicians, but we aren't getting no reward at all, because no one wants to show they support us cause that means they could die in the off chance the enemy finds out and gets through to them."
OR you don't even think about that, you just have this disease where you don't care about us.  We are your family for Christs sake and we have been takign the bullets for you, but you don't give us no reward like an added pension or warrant money or guardian reward money or anything.

"You don't supply us proper housing!"

You are getting away with a life of so little trouble, because we sacrifice for you to stop the enemies from getting any further in Canada and United States, and you are not rewarding me, and it's as if you punished me most of you by stopping to talk to me when I did that, and I mena most of you, like all those rich guy's from saint george's college stopped talking to me and some threatened me, and then they blocked me, and they don't want to do anything for me.  The rich friends of my brother have been no help to him while he was sick and poor , and even now when he is homeless they haven't called us or offered to put him up in one of their 4-5 bedroom houses for 500-600 dollars a month rent, they won't make any square fair deals like that to help their poor friend who has sacrificed for them, reporting the bad cops to the authorities and trying to help the people against extreme deviants nad criminals.  James has almost been killed several times for being a friend of the children, and an opponent of police corruption, and an advocate for peace and security, justice and compassion, love and mercy.  He should be paid by you like a priest's salary for what he does, but you don't reward him at all other than to put a little food in his belly (half baked food) and send him a little money, not enough to pay rent, eat and relax and take care of himself, not nearly enough.  Some good people are helping us, some good people pay for the shelter and the internet and coffee and food at the homeless people's facility, some good peopel advocated for us to have at least that little subsidy we get each month, and yes, a lot of you kinda helped by acquiescing the righteous and their project to do at least something for us.

I wish you would realize how valuable my family is and how much we have done for you, and fucking reward us with something like a 500000 dollar reward, we have exposed all these monsters and subjected them to justice, and been attacked so many times, people were targeting your children for murder if they spoke out about anything or anyone they like and love.

We stopped them before they got got to you, with the help of God and maybe some politicians, but you haven't put yourselves before us as grateful faithful, friendly kind loving supporters, and friends.
"Oh well you owe it to us to pray for us at least, and wish we get the place to live and that I nick get a good job that I can do, and that I can afford to care for and love my family Jim and James and feed them properly and transport them properly and give them proper medical care and relaxation and sustenance.

well you owe it to me, and people around here know it, God knows it, you really owe me a big favour, like buying my book the Life and Times of Nick Boake, Seen from 2018-2019.  Or the "Mafia Quran Bible of Nick Boake, food for thought about crime and the afterlife, God's favour , and staying out of prison forever." 

I will publish these books if I can, please pray for me to get my righteous reward, which should shine like the noon day sun, instead of being thanked for righteousness, which is saving you and your family's lives, I was punished and hurt and then abandoned to my fate with only a small portion of the population being kind to me and generous and offering me any support other than acquienscence to the charity and taxation laws and the public pressure to help the poor and needy in Canada and Victoria.

It's really just 30-50% of peope who are really voting for us to be helped, and then there's terribly few people who will stand up and say we are good people and deserve better, and that no one who talks to the police about monsters and fights them with God and the Angel shuld be left out to suffer on their own the whims of what fate can bring them, The pain and suffering of being abandoned and shunned and cursed by old friends, and finding very few if any supporters in this life, and of having now to live in a violent quarter where I don't know what fate has in store for me, and barely having enough to eat and relax, really not having enough without the grace of a few friends, and therefore not being able to afford to live, unable to find work, that I can do, no one helping me to find a place, my family members sick, tired, old, unable to do theri jobs, me also somewhats sick, suffering, having the be the big man but unable to pull it off because I'm too sick myself.

No one helping me, I can see where God brings trouble to the doorstep of you so called good people, he sends the angels to go and bother you and make your life harder, so will seek his help to get out of it, and therefore come and help us.  We are with these angels in our poor quarter, strong warriors, even though we are sick we are still valuable security units.  I can work, it's just I need a place to stay and some money to get started, and then I can get a job as a translator or interpreter of french and english, help the people out with something they find really valuable and get them to have a better time and get the reward other people who work hard get.
I feel I did the really hard essential work of doing what the cops didn't want to do most of them, and taking on the enemies of the republic and the innocent and the children, and tracking them down and proving they were bad so that they could be punished, by having them attack me for speaking about them with government.  Some of teh good government peopel saw that it was likely they had attacked me, and knew it was time to act or to let the angels and God act to stop those people, other people got in my way and made my life quite difficult. 

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