Friday, 9 August 2019

sleeping under a moon light sky, the prophet dreams

I lay there watching the nine jeweled to 22 jeweled crown of the heaven, the moon, as it shone, al manaz.  (I am calling the moon shining as 7-22 jewels al manaz, that is what it looked like throuhg the tree I was sleeping near).

I dreampt a few things.

A game for the children and adults, about teaching sanity, and gauging how sane you are and helping you become more sane.  You would go around in different situations, be given information, and then told to guess what the think of the information form a list, and the game would explain to you the sanity or insanity of your decision.

A game for personality restoration, teaching you how to be a normal person again after you have been psychotic or criminal for a while, or just to help you learn about being a nice normal person as a fun passtime.

A game for community restoration, about fixing problems in the community, like for example helping your neighbors who are drug addicts get help, and trying to handle dangerous people like criminals and terrorists socially and with police and military force.  An entertaining game for people who want to know about the dark side of life and managing it alright.

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