Tuesday, 6 August 2019

homosexual pedophile warlocks ruled the world and still do

They rape little boys and girls in church and school and summer camp, even in theri parents bedrooms?

"The lastest claim of Schizophrenia" says Jehove, the Righteous Borno virus. 

God is the borno virus okay?  None of that religion crap is true.  It's a strait up sham by a terrible plague.

Oh wait, there is some truth to some religions - like Buddhism.

Yeah, delusion is the major enemy.

There's some truth to Christianity, don't get me wrong, and I wouldn't say growing up Christian is the worst, but then again, I overdosed on pills when I was 13, and electrocuted myself over and over again in a way that may have caused brain damage.

Yeah, it's pretty awful.

No I had autistic an maybe a schizpohrenic parent, one autistic kinda and the other one schizophrenic, and in a better world I would have been placed with more responsible family, but the way it just is, I was stuck with them because other kids had priority for removal.  My parents weren't bad enough for the state to deem I be removed, though I could have done so.

My brother seriously hurt himself with electricity and I migth have too , along with my cousin, after a careless parenting experience left us "experimentaly self destructive.". 

I see these kids, nowadays, like threatening to kill us for talking about religion, in their teens.

I see them making mischeif.  Taking all kinds of drugs maybe.

What is going on?  Are the people so abused by the culture that religion just makes them suicidal and self destructive?

IS that a product of a Borno virus or a hostile occupation by enemy forces?

Seriously, what makes a 17 year old kid try to murder an innocent man.

Well now, there you go, some 17 year olds went and shot up a whole high school.  Was that caused by "Demon disease" or by "Black Magic?"   .. Hmm seriously I am curious.

Well, curiosity killed the cat, said my mom, and I was trying to make of that what I could.

My parents didn't coach me properly, I want to make a parenting app that coaches your kids properly in their life, that protects them from becoming suicidal or ignorant or criminal or insane or crazy and stuff.

Yeah sieg heil, I'll hire the experts, create the parenting app ,and sell it to 1 billion parents, and make 50 billion dollars.

Blow up the white house.

Sieg Hiel.


Just kidding about that Nazi shit.


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