Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Lol the schizophrenic be like "God told me I'm the boss!" "Do what I say!"

God or genies?  What is the schizophrenic seeing...

He says it proves it exists and claims to be God.

The scriptures say the believers know God.

Does the schizophrenic know God?

Is he an innocent person doing nothing wrong?

Official diagnosis of schizophrenia hovers around 1%, perhaps 1/3 of those are "friends with God" in their schizophrenia.

Unnofficially we suspect there are more schizophrenics who simply refuse to approach the medical system, hearing about how it is Godless and anti believers, making believers take toxic drugs, et cetera.

Hey my doctor seems to have tortured me for trying to report a sexual assault in the hospital - that's not something a believer- a totally innocent- person would do.

All these other people are going around committing crimes on me too, it seems in this world only my immediate family is innocent.

So maybe the schizophrenics ARE the believers and they DO know GOD!

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