Thursday, 28 June 2018

Some or many economists discount many things that make life worth living or make us stronger

It's quite tragic that our system of economics is based on counting monies and exchanges of goods and services only.

When you think about it, what makes us stronger and happier is not only goods and services and money, but also social relations, intellectual life, spirituality, politics, things like exercize and food preperation, cleaning and doing other chores like keeping a journal. 

Deciding our economic performance based solely on money relations and the production and exchange and consumption of goods and services is very biased and I declare it is ignorant.

Some, in fact nearly all mainstream economists, go as far as to ignore the contribution of housewives, children, and disabled people to the social and political and spiritual life of the community or world. 

Indeed any activity which is not reconned in money and transaction of an exchange is considered "non economic".  1)

1)  ("Gift exchange is frequently "embedded" in political, kin, or religious institutions, and therefore does not constitute an "economic" system per se.[11]
 Gregory, Chris (1982). Gifts and Commodities. London: Academic Press. pp. 6–9.)  In fact sitting in any basic economics course in a major university one would be impressed by how economists are interested solely in goods and services, money exchange, and in other words production and trade.  

This is unreal, and fake, because economics, which comes from a greek word, "oikonomos" means simply, "the household".  In it's true form, economics is the study of the household, or the local or regional or national household.  It involved originally all the maintenace of the nation through proper management of the individual household and it's enterprise, so why would we ignore the relationships governing the sucess or failure of dependent people in the household?  Why would we ignore the contribution of non financial contributors or people relying on charity and government subsidy?  What if what they do in the household is socially, spiritually, or politically significant?  Perhaps they make a major impact in the household, they might be a determining factor in whether the household buys a car or relies on taxies and busses, or they might be a major factor in a shift in political orientation or religious orientation.  They might help set the household's attitude towards various corporations, or the market in general, they might encourage of discourage investment, they might decide which foods are purchased and eaten, they might decide what type of cleaning products are used.  Dependant family members who don't engage in production of goods and services traded in the market for money, nevertheless do many things for the household and the society at large.  Why should we ignore their contribution in a science dedicated the the household and the national household as it were?   

At the extreme of knowledge, all fields of knowledge come together, thus spirituality, politics, geography, anthropology, physics and chemistry, medicine, they will all eventually play a role and join with the science of economics, defined as the true study of the household and the relationship towards goods and services.  

A corporation is a household, a nation in a sense, is a household...  So we have macro economics, which is devoted to studying economics on large scales.  But studying the true combination of exchange prodution and social relations, and the overall outcome and indidivual or collective small group outcome, this seems to be beyond our current academic disciplines.  

It remains the domain only of journalism, biography, and perhaps history.  But truly, I tell you, that History and Economics are fused when you reach beyond a certain point in the pragmatic study, such that history will tell you about economics and economics will tell you about history.  Truly Alll the Great Wisdom is like rivers running towards a lake or an ocean, many rivers flow into the same lake, or sea, and indeed all sciences meet in the future of study, beyond the univeristy level, in the higher realms of study, in a place where, meet all three, "God, Wisdom, and Facts."  This is a place which every responsible academic or professional doctor must take themselves, not to give up and say "It is enough for me to know medicine only," Or "it is enough for me to know law only."  ... Truly you must open you mind, to the basic fact of wisdom, which is that, all knowledge is flowing together in a great ocean of truth, in which one finds the facts, the wisdom to interpret them, and of course, God, who speaks to the wise, the faithful, and the glorious.

With your mind, your knowledge, and the help of God, who can prove his existence to you if you dare take the path of the noble scholar and savior of peace, (indeed I have remarked that for God proving he exists and is talking to me, I may have had to pay a price of some kind)....Well, equiped with these things, as well as library cards and social skills, and the handy fact of a few smarter elders around, well truly you can go very far indeed, over time, keep learning and don't surrender to ignorant declarations, of arrogance and pride, of lies, and you will triumph over a sea of deleterious troubles, of various supposition and intellectual actions marked by greed and will to power, of decandences and perversions brought on by desire for position and esteem, of subservience to worldly desires... Dedicate yourself to your mind, your knowledge, your Lord God who is Father Son and Holy Ghost, and you will see, that you can ride over a sea of troubled knowledge, deceitful knowledge.  

If you want to hear someone else talk about the deceits of modern science, feel free to watch British Scientist Rupert Sheldrake criticize the establishment.

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