Friday, 15 June 2018

The drugs are kicking in.

The government hooks me up with hella drugs.

I think you should get your drugs from the righteous governments and righteous government officials.

Yes I see a psychiatrist because I go off the chain.

I am off the hook for now, but boy can I get in trouble.

I do need to find out what the Churches have decreed as secret on pain of death.

I don't agree with Church State proscription of our freedom.

I want to be a man with his own starship.

I don't like how Deacon told me he would kill me for revealing his secret societ's secrets and then doesn't tell me what they are.

I think the deacon may well be a crooked man.

"there's always a Deacon" I told him.

I am from an Imperial House.

The Church is just going to kill us for no reason?

The Moslem criminal bans the right to talk about God and Angels depicting them et cetera. IS that forbidden in the West?

Is the Church a terrorist organization?

Are they the mass murdering baby rapists who are "ABOVE SINNERS?"

I was thinking of becoming a priest.


Bad joke.

Ha ha ha.

What is secret and what is not?

We gonna pimp out and bleach some hoe for talking about our stuff?

They just leave the kids to die alone.

They have to go to hell forever the child abusers.

There is no guidance for the youth.

Be a superficial fucking drug user is about all they tell us.

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