Monday, 4 June 2018

legalization of serious crimes, speculation, white elite commits those crimes or colludes with people who do

A logical conclusion based on the facts is that the white elite is highly involved with homosexuals, sorcerers, witches, adulterers, unbelievers and heretics. 

I have outlined what I see as a vast criminal conspiracy, designed to rob and oppress the righteous. 

Designed to corrupt the youth, and seduce them into the satanic lifestyle.

The conclusion is that White people are ruled by the devil, that white judges are probably into black magic and promiscuous sex, that the elite as a whole is an unbeliever, using unbelief as a tool in it's criminal suppression of the good and holy people. 

Now we see that soon it will be a crime to even speak against this, or promote justice as it were.

The situation is worsening, children are being taught that adultery and homosexuality and masturbation are okay or even good.

Through their criminal actions, the science, medicine, and all media corporations are corrupted.

This band of fornicating black magic infidels, guilty of severe crime, would now like to allow pedophilia and beastiality, indeed this will be a new front in the culture war. 

The white government and church is covering up the scale of the problem, the church is infiltrated and innundated with hypocrites and devils.  People's opinion of the government, is that you have to be a devil to join it.

Truly I tell you if they have their way murder will be legal and organizing any kind of righteous group will be illegal. 

If they could they would murder the righteous and good people, and make all righteousness a crime. 

If they had their way talking to the police would be illegal, trying to help people in need would be illegal. 

They have already legalized so much crime, that one can only assume they are emboldened and willing to try to legalize even more crime. 

No doubt they will try.  Will society fight back will the righteous and good people ever take up resistance? 

Seems you have to be a gangster to get a job, and a devil to join the government or church.

This is how things are, towards the end of history. 

They are holding us hostage, threatening to make war on us if they are punished, even if God punishes them. 

As I said it is not that they don't think God exists, it is that they are at war with God and the faithful.

Trying to brainwash kids that there is no God is part of their MO at this point.

It is a war situation. 

They literally would like to kill us for even talking, if they had their way we would mutes, silently brainwashed by them and serving as slaves and members of their criminal organizations.

All who spoke out would be tortured, persecuted, killed, jailed, kidnapped. 

Their kids are literally homosexuals and adulterers who would like to kill anyone who believed in God. 

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