Friday, 15 June 2018

Because they don't believe they could or will go to hell or hell forever, the infidels are worse.

I believe they believe aliens will torture them or the government will, that we have saintly alien implants in our heads cathing us, and that it is a God who did this a long time ago and this God is eternal and his power over us is perfect.

Now this means that due to psychiatry infidels are more likely to commit violent crimes like rape child abuse and murder.

This means we have to fight the infidels if the cross the bridge into rape and murder and child abuse territory.

Headache, Paul said to fight them only if it is necessary, Jesus implied perhaps it was necessary when they were angry with you and wow, threatening to rape your kids and torture you to death?

Wow if they attack a lonely believer give them hella hell through the FORCE OF THE LORD..

Struggle aginst them.

Nowadays we are in charge here, so you can report infidels to the police, back then it was different.

Someone is only a God if God tells them they are a God 4 times or More I decree.

God has told me 5-6 times verbally that I am a Colonel type of rank in teh civilian forces.

I am a supervisor of intelligence and preaching affairs.

I do this out of the gratitude of my own heart and to save myself, now God told us to be pastors and missionaries and prophets so I am decreeing for you the truth.

No infidels are not just people who not sunni or shia muslim that is not true, the quran says they follow "the religion of TRUTH" not "THE RELIGION OF PEACE."

Is Islam both the religion of the Truth and the Religion of Peace?  I don't know.

Do you tel the real truth, the one Jesus likes to hear?

Yeah say what Jesus likes you to say okay?

Become saitns who are not in error or trangression and talk to the RUHALLAH, Praise God, the Mighty Holy Ghost.

The West is unfair in it's coverage of the Islamic world, see there is a rebellion against God there so it is becoming terroist vs counterterrorist.


Human have to accept to have Angel troops on the planet and should report on what the Angel troops are doing and not doing.  We should be imitating them.

Now I am aware that i am being a public figure here, so I thought I could tell the world about Jesus and the Father, and the Holy Ghost.

I guess I am a Muslim syncretist, Christian Zionist faction.  In other words aliged to al qaeda and the cia.  Good al qaeda can keep their city in Yemen for the time being.  The righteous one from Al Qaeda will have authority and the CIA righteous people will respect that and honor them.

Or you could die, honestly, by God, by Angels, by God's Spirits, We are not to hurt righteosu people, we are not to execute believers in general, only the wicked, Jesus says "the wicked" must be put on trial, by God, and allowed to be executed.

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