Monday, 11 June 2018

I take it all back, Islam can be fantastic.

Yeah well my Jesus has been berating me lately.
He is harping on the importance of mass murder and child sex.
I don't know what to make of my poor brain and this Jesus.
IT could be that things have "Changed" and nowadays, "raping kids and mass murdering people." Is what our "schizophrenia" which is "not schizophrenia by the way..." Wants us to do?
Yes after explaining to the doctor that I was in the spirit o what seemed to be Jehova and that the Guru and Pastor had claimed it was God he said I was "no longer schizophrenic' and that I simply had "motivation disorder."
Yeah so someone please help, get this God to stop talking about raping kids and murdering people.
Jesus comes and shakes his head around and goes "maybe it is in Esquimalt." (that you have to rape kids and murder people.)
Yeah apparently if you live here Jesus wills that you be a gangster, terrorist, pedophile, mass murderer. 
We have soldiers here, who would like to be dictator, who look at child porno, who say they kill kids.
So we "are terrorist mass murderin child rapists.""
Now Jesus comes in and goes "no it is that Nick."
Okay thanks for the explanation Jesus, so terrorist mass murdering child rapist is a message to would be atheist military dictators?
"Yes it is" Jesus telepathicaly communicates or whatever.

So the prophets are ready to shed blood?  I ask Jesus that.

"Yessith" says the Lord.

"So we scare some people" says the Jesus.

Okay I am trying not to resent being put in this situation, but apparently the infidels (whoever that is right now) literally ARE like murdering child rapists.

"North Korea is" claims Jesus.

Jesus bites something, an apple or something, and claims something, "that is is" "way it is."

So maybe if the infidels (whatever that means) adopt a righteous conduct code and enforce the code, and stop getting high on cocaine plotting to be the "worst criminals" (says Jesus) the whole child rapist mass murderer episode will go away?  "Maybe" says Jesus.

I guess Jesus is trying to say that he might have a mass murdering child rapist episode sometimes soon, about some of the devil who are raping our kids and torturing them and trying to kill us.

"No I might" says Jesus, about my childish denial of this situation and the necessary means to contain the "Devils" as it is often said.

"fight fire with fire" I ask JEsus, "with angels" claims Jesus.

So i guess Jesus is saying now we have some angels here who might do things like 'shove a baseball bat up a guy's buthoole and shoot him and his friends.""kidnap their kid, and make it a sexpot."  Hmm.

This is the karma that the devils are looking at, after what they have done it seems, if the doctor is right, I am not schizophrenic, and the Guru and a Pastor are correct and I am talking to God.

I guess I will consult with some more pastors about this.

So Jesus and the Angels might go on a killing spree rape fest over this slave trafficking rapist torturing invasion of ISIS and their gangster pervert allies?

"YES!" claims Jesus.

I guess angels can hack this one properly, they are experienced, like 400-500 years old, now what they are doing, they are stronger, faster, have more magical divine abilities, they are together with their God in a way that perhaps humans are not, almost never that together with Gods.

Jesus told me "not to do it' but to "leave it to God.'

But he says we should do something, like "do that?" What?  Declare that the Angels are here and they are going to go on a killing spree and it might turn into a child rape spree if the devil gangster pigs don't "calm it."

The thing about this devil gangster pigs is they deserve to go to jail or get killed, many of their women deserve to go to jail and die too.  Their childrne deserve something too.

We have been around the ideas that Islam is in a rebellion against God and the faithful, that it is some kind of hypocrite gangster rebellion which persecutes the faithful, and that there are people like this around here, persecuting us for trying to stop their wicked activities.  They are dangerously forming an alliance perhaps, and we may have a great conflict upon us soon.  Jesus concurs with that final statement.

Some of the Sunni and Shia clerics are advertising rape of beleivers and murder and enslavement and robbery of beleivers everywhere, and denying that anyone talk to God and calling talking to God mental illness, lies, and trying to kill you for that.

Perhaps only a few are so bad that they are actually committing terrorism, but the rebels against God have the situation so that people are afraid to speak out at all, fearing persecution, rape, torment, death, kidnapping, robbery, harm to their families.

An ISIS fighter going by the name of "Dark Venom" on youtube, denies that anyone talks to God and promises to rape and murder my whole female family because I criticize the ISIS type of extreme pig Muslim devil worshipper.

European intelligence agencies apparently warned that there were as many as 35000 ISIS fighters in Europe with the recent influx of refugees.

These people, who used human sheilds, compelling and cajoling civilians to support their terrible rebellion against the United Nations and the Syrian Government and Human Rights agreements, have claimed now that they have the right to murder rape and torture us because we fight them.

Truly I tell you these racist Muslim or Munafiqun Devil Worshippers do not respect the Quran or Allah or Jesus, and they advertise things like 'no one talks to Angels" And "no one talks to Allah" and are attempting to murder people for doing so and imprison them.

The Quran says there were prophets send to everynation and that mean there are possibly beleivers everywhere, but these demented rebels, they deny that and claim the whole world is infidels except them and their dictator, and attack everyone.  Now some of these rebels are believers and have helped the UN allies to fight their criminal rebel thug terrorist element, but we still have this element popping up and saying it's peice "in a lot" of "Muslim countries' claims the Jesus.

This "dajjal like' enemy, has been opposed now by Jesus who has arrived and speaks to us through the spirit of God, who is waging a holy struggle to stop these wicked, pedophile ranks, rapist toughs, who terrorize people and wage a war against Allah and Jesus and the Holy Ghost, who wage war against Muslim beleivers and other believers who listen to the voice of God and hear and obey what God has said to do.

I believe that Jesus feels, or strongly considers, that for the sake of justice, these legions of sorcerers and fighters for the sorcerers must be taught a severe lesson the likes of which can mean that it will never arise, again and again as it had.

Apparently this infidels or whatever we should term them nowadays, for legal reasons, get so bad that they bite the hand that feeds them and steal from their benefactors, and then they want to murder their family or them and they try to so.  People apparently are so misguided by some kind of pop culture that they are not aware that these "infidels" have to go to hell, go to jail, die, et cetera.

There are so many factual non believers that commit eggregious crimes in some parts of the world, that people consider that they better shut up about it and stop discriminating against the unbelievers.

People are afraid of white rich people, who appear to be assholes, who want to kill their own peoples, and force them to go against God, and when I turned to rich white people for aid, offering to help them, they tried to rip me off or did strait up rip off my ideas and then block me and not talk to me.

These rich white people's response to demands for more charity and the threat of socialism or communism was to rape and murder 100s of millions of people around the world especially in Europe and the Middle Eastern type of region.

The heartland of the believers was "attacked by the devil' claims the Lord Jesus.

"The european are corrupt' he says, "they want to murder their own neighbors and rob them." claims the Lord Jesus Christ in my vision.

It is the rich assholes who are getting rich off of gangsterism, who try to turn us away from God with their news networks and false propaganda films.

"They are" using a "mind manipulation sytem scientifically developped to combat religion and socialism" claims the Lord Jesus.

Apparently Jesus doesn't want people to claim this unless they and their friends are ready for battles.  This is a serious sociopath who loves sociopaths with a sociopathic gangsters on every corner.

"He owns a bank" says Jesus.  "He get away with this." claims the Lord Jesu.

I went for a walk and a bench sat down on me, and I talked to Jesus again and he said this wrting was "groovy ' now he says it is "groovy good."

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