Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Psychiatrist, Guru, and Priest, and the God(s)

Now look I did get help.
I have seen the shrinks and the priest and the guru. 
The guru said I was talking to God but he said we create God in our mind, and he implied that it might just be a higher consciousness which could be wrong sometimes.
The priest said I was talking to God.  And that it is God, he reiterates this point.
The psychiatrist after hearing this told me I was over my schizophrenia, and that now I have 'amotivational disorder' I am too preoccupied with things to be able to work, and have to collected disability and be given thousands of dollars worht of amazing drugs each month.
I thought it was a pretty rough time, but personally, I think they are helping me out now.
The nutritionist told me to eat garlic and take cayenne and turmeric to cleanse me blood, as well as eating some naturally fermented saurkraut.
So yes, I got help eh.
So is this really Jesus talking to me?
I have to find out more about this. 
I might go and see another priest from my own church and tell him what has happened and what I have gone through. 
If he tells me I am talking to God and it is God I will swear that I am not schizophrenic and I am really talking to either a higher consciousness humans can create or a God who is real, who is a Mighty God who calls himself 'The God' . 
I suppose I am talking to Zeus and Appollo and Thor and Odin and Frey sometimes, as I have heard them in my visions.
A female voice, image, which is now saying it is Freya, told me I am talking to heavenly visions.
The Archangel Gabriel said 'the power of God extends further than you can possibly imagine.'
So I should stop worrying so much.
I am frightened by the eventuality of a hostile God appearing and what that means. 
I believe the God is training us, for just such a circumstance, and that is why we must all go through troubles.  Amen.  This could be good.
Now I hope our trouble with the wicked will cease, perhaps we will realize that they are child molesters trying to kill us and stop pretending they are okay.  They are the evil side of life, a note that the eventuality of a new God could be hostile.
So us and all the God and the Gods and the Angels and other species are all in training.
We are training for war with a Wicked Demon who could arrive at anytime.  Seriously, Yahweh says to me now, 'it could happen'. 

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