Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Sorry human

Human you reject the Angels.
You don't care to contact them and create a honest repository of what they do and cooperate with them.
Gabriel told me that you reject the Angels.
You prefer your states, your gangsters, your cult members.
You are forced and also voluntarily choose deviance.
It's a tragedy.
Whole nations forget the Lord.
There's no praise for what God does, in the news or anywhere on cable tv except perhaps the occassional evangelical tv show which is furthermore a fraud.
In the ritual some thanksgiving exists, but do the faithful on this planet really seek God out and record and make known what has happened?
I am doing this and so far only 1 or 2 other persons I met does the same thing.
I've met hundreds of people and talked to them about God, perhaps then .05% is regularly glorifying the Supreme Lord on High, the Mighty Powerful One.
Missionaries talk about men in the desert, from thousands of years ago, do you hear them talk about anything in their life or people they know's life's?
What the heck man.
It's depressing sometimes being the pastor because even if you know God exits or seems to, then you can find almost no one who will say what you have seen and relate the truth to other people.
So I ponder the future, seeing the crimes going on around town, and wonder if the people will just continue their concealing conspiracy forever, or if things will get worse!
Will raping babies and trying to mass murder witnesses become the norm?
You wonder why the God desires to destroy the world perhaps.

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