Friday, 15 June 2018


Paul is saying basically piss people off by pretending we don't help anyone.

Then help everyone who needs it secretly.  Paul calls this "FAITH" not "WORKS"

Continue to decieve the youth and help them in secret.  The government should let people know it might help them if they are sane, but the keep the secret if they don't want to go to the mental hospital.

I don't know why this is, but it seems it could be because they need to protect victims from the 10% of people who are really predators right away and stuff.

Archangels told me to call people to the faith, that this is the best approach he seems to think.

Faith and medical treatment and social behavioral intellectual reform are needed for the confused an misguided people.

It might be possible that you can get your sins destroyed, if you turn away from sin and become a proper convict/loyalist, faithful person, beleiver.

We are above sinners, claims Yah.

I am trying to expand my consciousnes, I am still confused young man, Love feels better than sex i think, but the wicked have no love experience perhaps?

Is there a time to pretend to be the wicked.

They report you to the cops as a serial killing pedophile.  That entices you.  You should beat them up, if they keep hitting you , don't let them kidnap you please...

Get mental health and education help, try to have the spirit of the Lord Jesus as your teacher or another divine Lord if God appoints that for you.

Not everyone starts out serving God directly, but you earn the right to be in the company of the Divine Spirits and to get an education from God.

It seems unreal perhaps to many young children, but keep the faith, and as yuo get older and obey God more it will seem more likely that God exists.  Then you will hopefully be a comfortable old wie person one day. thne you will know perhaps you and your sesame street are going to heaven beacuse you are a martyr.

God is kind, so pray he forgives, pardons, or absolves you and that you get free from the EVIL ONES.

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