Sunday, 15 July 2018

Was Gabriel Wise an Angel, or a Fraud?

What was with that Gabriel Wise?
Was he really an Angel?
Was he some kind of alien Mafia boss who was impersonating Angels?
He remained cryptic, unknowable. 
It seemed his whole life was a big secret, and it was impossible to get him to come forward and talk about his experiences and what it was like being an "Angel".
In the end, he blocked me because I publically questioned him and his religion.
It is perhaps a tragedy of some sorts, a missed opportunity to know an alien, but Gabriel wanted me to be a prophet before he'd tell me anything, and wanted me to walk on a 'road of no return" with him.
 Not knowing what this road was, and since my own spiritual sense warned me that Gabriel might be no Angel, I felt I had to publically question him.
Then, he was off, blocking me and hiding from me, not answering my questions.
I wonder if Chrisitanity of these Alien Mafiosis is a forgivness cult for all sinners, a pedophile mafia.
Are they space pirates sent here from far away, representing a tyrannical government, claiming to be our ANGELS?
These are the kind of questions I had.
I note that the UFOs I saw pertaining to Gabriel Wise were not the same kind of UFO I was seeing in relationship to asking God about Angels and Holy Ghosts protecting me.
The UFO's associated to Gabriel Wise were white, and moved and froze in the sky, while the UFOs I had been seeing when asking God about Angels here for me were golden, or Yellow.
Gabriel told me I was not talking to God, but the devil.  This was strange news.
Why would God respond to so many of my prayers and then send the devil to talk to me?
It didn't seem right, just didn't seem right.
So I publically questioned Gabriel and he was off, gone, not a word was said to me, no goodbyes, just "see you later" in actions.
Was Gabriel working for the devil?  Well for one thing, if what was talking to me was the devil, Gabriel could have warned me long before of it, but he waited until I had done serious things for this so callled DEVIL.
Does Gabriel fear the devil or does he just not do his job?
IS the order of the universe and the Angels unjust?
There was no reply to these questions from Gabriel, just an invite to pass a test, and go on "the road of no return." .  I rejected it.
I remember that when I first met Gabriel, my spiritual visions, which I doubted, called on me to reject Gabriel.  I was lonely though and needed and Angel, so I let Gabriel enter my life, learn about some of my plans, hear some of my story .  Gabriel was very shy to reveal any of his story, or his plans.
I thought ?  "Gabriel doesn't really like me" he "doesn't share his vision with me freely."  His responses to my email messeges were very controlled, well plotted out and calculated.
I feel I caught him at the point where he was turning to me because I wanted to rape kids, and that he was supporting me because I was willing to let people rape kids and maybe do it myself.
I have long suspected religion in this world has a lot to do with child abuse, and misbehavior with the government.... 
Gabriel had said nothing about the devil when I told him my voice had said to harm government leaders.  He said nothing about the devil when I told him my voice was telling me to harm my brother.  In fact Gabriel at that time said 'God is with you."
Was Gabriel plotting with a voice in my head, white energy beings calling themselves Jehova and Jesus,  Was he plotting to catch me in an entrapment, to make me his servant?  Was he plotting with these white ghosts to make me plot against my family members and the government and my neighbors (who are serious assholes by the way, or were).  Well, it seems possible.  It seems now looking back even quite literally to be what he was doing, he was working with the devil the whole time, and the devil was in my head so to speak.  Some kind of hostile alien planet basically.
A planet of pedophile, murderer loving space pirates.  Yeah, that is what it could be.
Of course it is so complicated to find out what it really is, but there are indications.  Gabriel was against any oppression of rapists and pedophiles and murderers, said I should just talk to them.  So Gabriel was a coward and traitor in that fight, an friend of pedophiles and murderers.  Gabriel spoke of forgiveness, and the evil of killing pedophiles and murderers, warning me that I would die if I killed any more of these pedophiles and murdererer people.  Warning me I would die, if I fought for our liberation and freedom from this scum, if I offered any real deterrence to their crimes.  Hmm.
So You can see why looking back on it, I look at these white ghosts who announced Gabriel to me, and Gabriel, AS DEVILS, who came here from another world, wiht a fleet of UFOs, threatening to blow up the world, told us to surrender to not fight rapists and murderers and theives and drug dealers nd pimps and so on..
Yes, Gabriel came from the enemy world, the enemy planet, and perhaps or indeed so does the white energy being in my head.
After I talked to Gabriel, abut how, raping kids and killing cops, could be a good thing, Gabriel promptly declared I was a genius and could be a prophet, and that he would show me "the raod of no return."  So I got cold feet, you know, I realized this was serious  .  While I had been talkign about what my Jesus told me about raping kids to save them and killing corrupt cops, it seemed odd to be part of this network.  So Gabriel offered me a road of no return, to learn his real name, and told me I wuld be tested and not to tell anyone.  Hmm that seemed odd.  So I found that Gabriel and his views were bizarre, and that it was particularly odd that after saying God was with me, now he was saying I had the devil.  Didn't seem like somethin an Angel would say, unless he meant God was the devil.  And I note I met thrugh a "FORMER" Illuminati, or current Illuminati Holiyo Dodoh of Nigerian originas, whose father he claimed was a pastor who had recently been killed for whatever reason.
Possibly a Nigerian scam, gone interstellar with alien collaborators?  LOL HHAHA MAY BE PEOPLE.
I tell you, the first UFO I saw as a kid was not good, it was threatening, a red one, and it came down and zig zagged it's way by bedroom window, and I was terrified.  Perhaps these alien space invaders have been attacking me since birth!  WOE TO THOSE WHO DENY THEIR EXISTENCE!  We have Canada's own former defense minister speaking of the existence of friends and perhaps enemies in space.
What did these Gods and Angels make me do?  They caused me to incite terrorism, catching Stevo as someone who wanted to commit terrorism and blame it on the Muslims, they made me plot to kill the government leaders a little bit, and made me plan to kill my brother and father a bit. Hmmmmm.
They abused me verbally, phsyically, tormenting me and threatening to rape my child and throw me in hell, which I reasoned they can, because they are alien technologies in my head.
They got me to do what they wanted!  I reported it to the government, what was going on, and talked to my family about it.  The government's response was to give me more medication.
Who knows what else the government did. 
I am telling you this is an interstellar or in system space incident, that these nano technology possessing aliens are putting some kind of computer in my brain which talks to me and can cause me pain, and threatens to throw me in hell forever and do other terrible thigns.  It is then trying to get me to do things, like tell the government I am going to  bomb the high school for Al Qaeda or wahtever.
We are at war with these aliens, they are not nice, they are devils.
We seem to have allies, what seems to be a God is sending me ships to defend me, golden light ships, and I have had friendly ghosts before talking to me, golden light fairies in fact.
Is it all an illusion of a tyrannical government of ancient technologies and the Earth?  Perhaps the Egyptians figured it all out thousands of years ago.  Perhaps it really comes from outer space.
They are covering it up because they fear the consequences of reaveling it, or my case is rather exceptional it seems.
The Bible warns us we have enemies in the sky, in high places, perhaps enemy alien races bothering us.
This Gabriel Wise and these White Ghosts seem to be part of some alien MAFIA, causing a stir on the Earth, perhaps, and we wonder what is really really going on!
An investigation then, not one which tries to put me away for a long time, one which investigates Gabriel Wise and the White Ghosts and the UFO fleet that appeared.
Spies listen up, I have been the target of an exoplantary attack of some sort, some alien gang has tried to recruit me to be a prophet, and is using Holiyo Dodoh as well.
They told me not to tell you this, but i must, for they are evil, they are like terrorist pimps and slave traffickers.
What do you say readers?  Will you open your mind to the possibility that I am not insane and that I am telling the truth?
I'm telling you this Angels nad Gods things is quite sketchy, we come across beings who don't say what they are, who refuse to communicate properly, who tell us to terrible things! Who torment us and threaten us with atrocities?
This Gabriel Wise, facebook Authority, could be a really bad alien visitor.  He hides his true purpose, doesn't speak freely, gaurds his words very carefully revealing almost nothing about him, and he is promoting Holiyo Dodoh as a messenger of some kind!  I tell you they are collaborators with terrorists, and could be the SATAN ITSELF.
A crucial part of Satan , could be these people like Gabriel Wise, their fleet of UFOs, and Holiyo Dodoh like people.  Did not the bible warn that Satan would raise a fleet to invade heaven? Perhaps Satan has already invented the nanotechnologies to clone our minds nad give us a false eternal life, as I theorized was possible, perhaps Satan already has a spacefleet here to destroy us.  Perhaps God lets him threaten us and harm us slightly , or strongly, because he wants to make us know the evil of the Satan.
The Satan, the Bible alleges, is going to invade heaven and take over many worlds, before being driven back to Earth and crashing into the Sea and being thrown in hell.
Woe, for it could be that I have met the Angels of the Satan, Gabriel Wise, and their False Prophet, Holiyo Dodoh.  I have in my possession a book by Holiyo Dodoh about what the spirits tied to Gabriel Wise are telling Holiyo about heaven.  I will look into it and see if it is yet another pro pirate pro pedophila pro murderer haunting tale to make your kill youself and be evil.
AHHH, I would like to try, but I dont know what I can do.
Why has god chosen me for this?  Are Gabriel Wise and my spirits nano technology and spaceflight possessing beigns based on secret libraries of wicked worldly greedy nasty powers?
Are they tied to evil aliens and people in high places on Earth who are corrupt like the Rothschilds?
Will we ever find out ?  Will Gabriel Wise simply dissappear and his false prophet Holiyo (who seems an unwitting victim, though he has been seriously criminal before) well, will they just die?
Who knows and who wants to know, who cares and who wishes they cared?  I see the government is not really talking to me and is never getting back to us about anything almost bout crime!  We are cut off from assistance by the army of Satan!  WOE! 

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